

  • My junk food cravings went away after a month of dieting. My key is just not eating any of it, because once I start I can't stop. I'm like you, one cookie is not enough, I need 8 of them. So I just don't have one. I know my limits, lol. But keep at it and if you have a bad day don't repeat it or feel sorry for yourself.…
  • I think it may be more than just your weight. Probably not good news for you, but just my opinion. I do not think you should focus on losing weight for him. Do it for yourself if anything.
  • Great point. I think women can make it worse by being insecure. Hollywood doesn't make it easier. Most men don't care about some extra pounds. Now 200lbs pounds overweight is a different story. But 30lbs is nothing. Just keep acting like you are sexy and he will think you're sexy.
  • Exactly. Just because someone doesn't find someone physically attractive doesn't mean they cannot love that person.
  • I get the big bag from Costco. I think it's Cyto something. I mix it with Kashi cereal, a banana and one cup of nonfat milk. 380 calories, 55g carbs, 4g Fat and 37g of protein. I eat it at 6:30am and am not hungry again until around 9am. And I'm 220lbs.
  • Well maily because I enjoy mircobeers that are at least 200 calories per 12 ounces. I'll need at least six of them. But realistically it will be about 10 once I start. 2,000 calories in alcohol is no good for me. I'll be eating hot wings too. :-) but also :-(
  • Any suggestions?
  • Thank you for the reply. Well, she has been logging in her calories and eating back the calories to get to her suggested level of 1200. She is 29 years old, 5'10" and 164lbs with a goal weight of 140lbs. Do you think she should just set her active level to sedentary and log her workouts? Or set her activity level according…
  • Pretty hard. It tells me I burn 550 calories ever 30 minutes. I'm wondering for my wife too. She does all that I do, plus two days of Zumba where she burns over 800 calories. She easily burns over 5,000 calories a week. What do you think?
  • How about some advice on the activity level. I walk 5 days/week for 45 minutes at a 4mph pace and hop on the eliptical for 30 minutes a day 6 days/week. Would you consider this to be Very Active?
  • So it's looking like I'll need to know my body fat %. I just ordered some calipers and measuring tape from Amazon today. Any advice on what I should do before then?
  • Can you tell me how you figured out your TDEE? And does it take into consideration your goal weight or how much you want to lose per week?
  • This is crazy. My wife and I have been eating way too less. Thanks!
  • Yeah I guess that what is confusing me. I chose the lightest option because I have a desk job. So it put me at 1560 calories. My BMR is 2184 though. I always eat more than 1560 because I exercise everyday but sometimes I do not eat my 2184 (BMR). But according to a lot of people on this website I'm supposed to be eating at…
  • From what I've been reading, if I choose moderately active I should not track my exercise calories and just make sure I exercise 3-5x/week. So I never worry about putting calories back in and just eat 20% higher than my BMR? Is this correct?
  • My wife and I are strapped for time in the morning as well so here's what we do. 1 Banana 1 scoop of protein powder 1 cup of fat free milk 1/2 cup of Kashi cereal All in a blender. And we drink the shakes on the way to work. It comes out to 380 calories but 37g of protein and 55g of good carbs. Only 4g of fat. Fills us up…
  • So I'm going to try to calcualate my body fat% today. But let me see if I have this straight. My BMR = 2,184 TDEE = 3,194 when exercising 3-5 times a week. So according what I've read thus far I should ALWAYS eat at least 2,184 but below 3,194 to lose weight? I read that I should do 20% below my TDEE, so that would put me…
  • What do you mean by overtraining? I'm burning too many calories by all the exercising?
  • Thank you for all of this great input. I think my issue is that I exercise too much then. Because I eat over 2,000 calories a day, but burn it off. Sometimes I'll play basketball and not get home until 10pm and my daily calories are at 1200 because of the calories burned playing basketball, and I've heard that you…
  • Wow this website is awesome. My goal weight is 200. Then I will bulk up with muscle. I realize 220 is not much, but it's not my goal. I want to be 200 by July 1st. So 20 pounds in 2 1/2 months. I exercise every day for at least 30 minutes. On average, I burn 500 calories a day. So I eat at least 2,000 calories. And I…
  • My BMR is 2184. I just looked up my TDEE and it's 3767. I've never looked up TDEE before. Can you tell me the difference between my BMR and TDEE? I wonder why MFP recommended 1560/day. And why has it been working so far?
  • Well the exact number is 3860 for today, but I've knocked it down with some exercise. And I eat way more than 1560 each day, but I exercise everyday so I usually end up around 1300. It's been working thus far.