alastria Member


  • Holy, some people have WAY too much time.
  • Okay, well, that is true - it would be stupid to assume it's a thyroid issue before combating all other hidden culprits (logging, underestimating food, overestimating exercise, denial, quality of food etc. True, good point.
  • I'm not saying that she does have a medical issue, but I got my blood tested and the doctor told me that my thyroid is in the below average range of secreting the appropriate amount of hormones to signal the metabolism to run/function. I didn't just take his word for it, I took up several blood tests, but they were the…
  • No, that's not true, it's never that simple, "end of story". You're just one of the lucky ones whose body works in an ideal way. Guess you can't see beyond your shoes.
  • No, that's not true, it's never that simple, "end of story". You're just one of the lucky ones whose body works in an ideal way. Guess you can't see beyond your shoes.
  • "I speak too loudly, and am proud" Boy, never stop speaking firmly and authoritatively. Never. Speak up. Always.
  • No, she means grams. Not pounds. Honestly, people who use grams to weigh body weight are just ridiculous. Using grams, pound and kilograms is completely fine - but I think people should use the units appropriately depending on what the item to be weighed is.
  • Wow, what the fudgsticles, seriously, that's beyond amazing. What happened to your breasts and stomach sag? Did you get that artificially fixed or were you extremely lucky and had your skin naturally just tighten back?
  • Skim milk is not bad for you (some argue that even fatty milk is healthy for you, but that's another argument). I can bet you milk is definitely healthier than nuking it though. xD
  • Why do so many people eat oatmeal with water....? Like what...? This really boggles my mind.
  • Lol, then I don't think you you really have a sugar monster. You just like sweets like most people. The "monster" is extremely ravenous and will stop at nothing. It shuts the brain off of a functioning person and devours everything in sight, even when you're so uncomfortably full and you can't even taste what you're…
  • Hey, at least they are telling you that you'd be pretty or that you are pretty now. I wasn't pretty before I lost weight and now that I've lost weight, that hasn't changed. Why are people dying to be pretty all the time? If you had it once or you can have it...I would think one should be grateful because some people can't…
  • I don't think the person was saying that as if none of us realized that...I think she/he just said what was on their mind. That's what came to their mind - they were just commenting. It wasn't to enlighten us with his/her brains.
  • You think that is odd? I think that someone thinking that eating eggs (or an omelet) in the evening is odd. I'm pretty sure that's what my parents eat every single night for dinner. Eggs, with tortilla, feta cheese and beans with rice. Or sometimes they scramble their eggs with chorizos for dinner with bread. That's the…
  • You are lucky. Where I live, everyone is thin. My city has the lowest obesity rate of North America. Our stats for the overweight are mostly derived from the older (40 and up) women. So where I live...the point of being thin is to be accepted in society. The bigger people are usually rejected or shunned out of social…
  • In my experience and in my city, men like women petite/small and thin. Very small framed. Kinda sucks for me.
  • Would love to hear people touch on this issue because I'm (and I'm sure someone always is) going through that same thing. My pool is closing for the next 3 days and that is the only place I exercise (I know, I should explore more), but thought I'd venture into the gym, but I'm kinda nervous/intimidated about doing so.…
  • Operating word "IF". That's the issue. "IF" someone loves you. You gotta get them to love you first before they accept your flaws.
  • Seriously, you have done such a great job. I can't wait to get to my weight goal and start a NEW challenge - maintaining it. I wonder though, may I ask - I noticed your arms still carry the skin, how do you reduce that?
  • And no, it sounds like she desperately wants to believe she isn't fat, but she just can't honestly can't tell if she is or not.
    in am i fat? Comment by alastria April 2013
  • I know it's really hard to make the goal to be FIT as opposed to be THIN. But it really IS the way to go. It will make it all the much easier for you. It's hard to prioritize "healthy" over "skinny". I know, but it's the only way that this fight won't overwhelm you.
    in am i fat? Comment by alastria April 2013
  • You are heavy. Fat can be from "not thin" to "obese". Fat is just a general term of not being thin. If you want a more descriptive idea of where you stand (in MY eyes), you are a heavy/big girl, but you are not grotesquely fat. One can have an hour glass shape and still look bulky - which you do. You'd be the kind of body…
    in am i fat? Comment by alastria April 2013
  • You sound like a teenager? If you're a teenager, don't be so hung up on this guy. I mean, he doesn't sound all that compatible with you anyway. He says grace, okay - yes that's nice, but don't be emphasize a tiny factor of his and ignore all the others. Besides, you are very young; please take it easy and enjoy highschool,…
  • Well, about the dried fruit, I meant a good alternative to candy/chocolate. Not to fresh fruit because that's a very refreshing healthy treat, but sometimes, when you feel the urge for something super sweet (say, like a cupcake), is it better to go for the dried fruit or just take the god dang muffin?
  • Me too!! I HATE my chest!! I wish they would shrink more, but they've hardly down sized!!
  • You guys have all been so incredibly nice and supportive - I'm honestly at a loss for words. It kind of feels pretty incredibly of all of the support here!! I feel like replying to each and one of you, but I'm very uncertain at how this posting thing works - if it notifies the individual or if the individual just needs to…
  • I'm currently 140 at 5''6, yet looking nothing like some of you do at 150 pounds. I still look...BIG. Ya'all must either have a lot of muscle or I must have NO muscles and a lot of body fat....
  • You're NOT the only one. I NEVER get hit on. Ever. All my friends have stories about being hit on or creepy people, but....I can't even think of one time. Whether it be with strangers, friends, or creepy people.
  • Looool...I wouldn't even be able to understand this fear of getting attention from men. Maybe it's where I live, or maybe it's just that I'm just THAT unattractive, but I've never gotten attention from men. Like ever. I've never really had problems with walking down the streets or at work, or with friends. I think that you…
  • I don't get why people get BORED of "lean protein".