

  • It is sad and frustrating that you've been shamed into thinking that 1200 calories is too much, when in fact it is very likely starving you slowly, and killing your metabolism. If you want to lose weight and preserve your health, eat more. Eat quality foods that support your life and activity level. If you want to kill…
  • Age certainly does matter but not at 23, and if you're at the last few pounds, they're the hardest. It's tricky but I submit that it is more about quality than quantity. And I'm also an advocate of EATING if you are truly hungry. Listen to your body. If you give it what it needs, it will respond. Sorry if that isn't…
  • Welcome! Feel free to add me!
  • Welcome! Feel free!
  • I tend to agree with RyRy. Don't think so hard at this stage of the game. Focus on putting on lean muscle, and the fat loss will come.
  • Honestly, it doesn't sound to me like you're overweight? I would try P90x or some program to put on some muscle and firm up. Outside of that, I think MFP tends to suggest too low of a calorie goal. If you're spending that much time at the gym perhaps you need to consider eating MORE?
  • Well, my first piece of advise is to put you first. Nothing against your boyfriend but you need to surround yourself with positive people who support your dreams and desires. Try compromising with him. Or try staying home so you can work out before going to his place. If he doesn't like that, perhaps he'll be more willing…
  • My suggestion: write down everything that motivates you to want to change. EVERYTHING. Cut out pictures of cute out fits. Anything that inspires you to get started, and make a list of all the reasons you should do it. You have to know that you DO want it, you have to know that you DO deserve it, and you have to know that…
  • The first answer that comes to mind is to take whatever you did to become overweight overnight, and do the opposite. The fact of the answer is that real, sustainable weight loss isn't achieved quickly or by following some quick tip. I could tell you 20 ways to lose weight quickly but you're also looking for sustainable.…
  • Welcome! Let's do this!!!! I'm in FL too- what part? I'm starting a transformation challenge soon if you're interested? Message me! Feel free to add me, too
  • Part of the way into my journey I decided that I wanted to blow about the process, and eventually transition into doing work and having a website to support and motivate others. Since I am always amazed at what an efficient machine the body is, I named my website My facebook page, user name,…
  • The myth that you have to starve to lose weight, and the age old "muscle weighs more than fat". A pound weighs a pound. Period. If you want to talk about density, ok, but a pound of fat weighs the same as a pound of weights A POUND! Oh yes, that and the "I don't want to strength train because I don't want to…
  • A year ago I would have agreed. But knowing what I know now, I have to say that I feel LOST. I realize now that I've been under-eating significantly for quite some time based on my activity levels. I thought I had done the math and was doing everything right. I now find myself "skinny fat" and lost in terms of how to shed…
  • Agreed. At your height / weight, the number should be irrelevant. Strength train, fuel your body, and throw in some HIIT cardio. Maybe add a program like P90x or something to put lean muscle on. But don't define your success by something a box that you stand on tells you.
  • I started being a coach in November. I bought Turbo Fire and I have lost 50 lbs... Believe in Beachbody its amazing. :) [/quote] That's so great!!!!!! Excellent results! The calorie guidelines I saw for P90x were incredibly high. I would follow it, but lower it a bit personally. I'm not afraid to eat, but I think it was…
  • I agree- Lina011.....I think Les Mills is a great suggestion! I love the rep effect- it really gets me burning :)
  • Thanks everyone! I have Les Mills Pump, Turbo Fire, and just ordered Les Mills combat. I really enjoy strength training- particularly lifting heavy. I just have not gotten the results I want so far- a combo perhaps of not eating enough, and not eating right consistently. I'm not afraid of the effort required. My fitness…
  • I don't think you can go wrong with it? Lemon is sort of a natural diuretic and has a lot of vitamin C (?). I do know that you should not refrigerate it, as it makes the diuretic properties go sort of dormant. I like my water with lemon and cucumber once in a while for a refreshing change. Look at it this way, it can't…
  • If you're going to get a heart rate monitor, invest in one that you can calibrate based on your height, weight, age and it should be relatively accurate. It's really hard to estimate otherwise because its really individual to you, your health, your body, and your effort level so I can't be of much more help than that :(
  • Also, if you need help with motivation, start a fitness journal. Write down or paste pictures of things that motivate you- the bikini you want for summer, the ***** from high school you want to show up at your reunion- whatever it may be. And set reward goals so you have something to work towards. Remembering why I started…
  • I hear this so often, so I have to start by saying first of all, GREAT JOB! 3lb is 3lb! Imagine if you didn't workout and do what you're doing- you could be UP! Second, do not let the scale define you. SO SO SO many things are happening with your body that may not be reflected by a number on an object you stand on. Do not…
  • There is a difference between pain and discomfort. The person above who told you to always push through pain is not helpful. Be careful of bored and vicious people on here! In my experience, discomfort (and even pain) have been the result of too much running too soon. I mastered the treadmill, but once I started on…
  • I would also suggest eating more often to keep your blood sugar levels consistent, and be sure you're getting in enough good fat and complex carbs, especially if you're working out in the morning. Dehydration is also reflected by feeling sleepy and run down, so be sure you're getting enough water!
  • I know its all very confusing. I ate far too little for too long and ended up being "skinny fat", so maybe consult with a trainer / nutritionist. I will say, however, that a lot of it depends on WHAT you are eating. For example, 2200 calories of real, whole, clean foods would be far more effective than say 1500 calories of…
  • I recommend "Thinner Leaner Stronger" for Men by Michael Matthews for starters.
  • You guys are all picking apart a comment to make it about what upsets YOU and missing the point entirely. I guess I know now not to bother with the forums on here. Eat what you want, by all means. Shame on me for caring.
  • Funny how you all think I'm such a loser for caring about the people in my network and that they learn something about health. My profession is to care and teach health. Guilty conscience? Or sad yourself since you so much time to breed such negativity about people who care about those around them?
  • WOW!!!! Congrats! Great great job!