

  • Exercise, tone, eat recommended calories. Ask some people who can see you in person about the "too thin" part. You don't want to be developing an eating disorder! Ask several, so you know it is not just someone who thinks they are being nice.
  • 1 c. milk (low fat) 1 ripe banana Blend, then add 3 large frozed strawberries and blend until very thick. Sometimes I add a packet of Sun Crystals.
  • I love that you are looking to the scriptures for help...prayer helps, also. Try a little bit of exercise each day-that releases the "feel good" hormones, and is much better than meds. Although, meds do have a place for some people. Reach out when needed-we all need to sometimes, and knowing someone cares is a big help! I…
  • It depends on your bone structure--170 may be just perfect for you! Just remember, 50% of all doctors graduated in the bottom half of their class!!
  • That's amazing-good job!! I need lessons!!
  • USDA states that a family of 4 would cost per month: Thrifty Plan: $567 Low Cost: $733 Moderate: $911 Liberal $1107 This is why families on food stamps can afford steak, and I cannot. (At least in this state). This is food only, not laundry detergent, TP, napkins, etc. Personally, I think anyone with half a brain can feed…
  • Wow!! How cool is that!! Love to see the good news posts, helps us all!
    in NSV! Comment by pippiagain April 2012
  • Well, the first thing I notice is an almost total lack of vegetables...lots of ice cream, cheese puffs, and snacks (even weight watcher snacks are heavy calorie-just portion controled) Saw a liite bit of salad, and other than that, only saw veggies on one day! Replace some of thos empty calories with veggies-eat 3 veggies…
  • I really don't like any breakfast foods, except toast loaded with butter and bacon-but then, I can eat those anytime! So, breakfast was a hard one for me, too. I really just wasn't hungry. But I started eating the same old routine breakfast every day--I know-boring for most, but so easy to grab and no choices to struggle…
  • I don't think so, they just finally agreed to stop using pink slime. They may have some low calorie choices, but they are filled with chemicals, and everything is processed. Even the apple slices have chemicals on them! Eat real food to be healthy!
  • John, looked at the diary for several days and did not see a single vegetable, and very little fruit! Need to aim for 3 veggie servings and 3 fruit servings a day. That will help a lot. Also, the snacks are crackers and cookies. Can you try something else? Fruit, yoghurt, nuts? Get used to veggies if you are getting…
  • I have the same problem, do all kinds of housework, but also sit in front of the computer an awful lot. I'd say stick with sedentary, but be sure to log all that exercise you are doing. And count some extra exercise for the days you do a lot of housework!
  • Me, too. Just started 4 days ago, and had no idea how much I was overeating! I love the accountability!! Good luck to you!
  • That sounds absolutely yummy, but where does one find that type of cake mix? I've never seen it. Do you have to buy it from Weight Watchers? I'll check the diet section at the grocery store. Thanks for this recipe!
  • If I even go in there, I am lost. Who is going to eat yogurt at McDonalds??? Just looked up the calories for Jack in the Box, and what a shocker!! Got to stay away from those places. Always carry something healthy in the glove box, and grab a piece of fruit or some string cheese each day. Snarf it on the way, and if the…
  • You are an inspiration. It is really hard to lose weight in college!! Good for you!!
  • Every day, but I do have a balance beam scale-very accurate. Love to see that weight go down every day, nad if there is a gain, I redouble my effors the next day. Nothing wrong with weighing every day if it is at the same time, in the same clothes (or lack thereof). My official weigh in at TOPS is on Monday, however. That…
  • Feed yourself!! If you eat too little, you metabolism will slow. Make a big pot of soup with chicken broth (low sodium) and lots and lots of veggies. Add some Italian sesoning. Nearly no calories, but really filling when you feel the need to eat the world!!
  • Thank you so much, looks like a great recipe!!