Lenindaire Member


  • starting: 255; goal for this challenge: 245
  • i have found asics to be good also. i am 90lbs overweight , i walk and also do some circuit training in them.
  • if you look at her week of exercises they are all the same, with a slightly different number of reps each day. I found that disappointing. hopefully we get a new moderator. I was really looking forward to this group.
  • I'm sore from yesterdays pushups. I am still going to do something aerobic/cardio, I just don't know what yet. but its Passover......I need to work off scrambled matzo.
  • My name is Alicia. I'm 36and live in Omaha, NE. I have been on MFP for over a year and have not been consistent. Hopefully this group will help me stay on track. I have my husband, one daughter, two dogs, a and a cat.
  • i have the family that basically sais you aren't eating don't you love me; so i completely understand what you are dealing with. my way around it was to have a little of everything with a lot more of the vegetables. one thing i look at when i fill my plate is are my foods touching. i don't have a "thing" about my foods…
  • you are not alone. i work at at gym and am usually not motivated to stay that extra 30 min or to work out over lunch.
  • sports or deep tissue Massage or Rolfing can work wonders for PF there are also chiropractos out there who practice a technique called active release thereapies. to go along with your PT. streching whenever you get the chance helps. lots of good pilates exercises out there.
  • fitnessmagazine.com they have videos and descriptions.
  • one way to find out how many calories in your meal is to enter the recipe into the calculator. you will find it under the food tab where you go to log your food. make sure you are eating small meals throughout the day to get your calories. when i was on phentermine that is what the doctor told me to do. he suggested an…
  • i agree ice is a wonderfull thing. if you can take it through all the stages called CBAN ..cold, burn, achy, numb. for most areas is only takes 15-20 min to go through all the stages. numb is when you no onger feel the cold. taking it all the way to numb is going to help break the pain cycle that you are experiencing. the…
  • i did WW about 5 years ago. it worked really well for me at that time, but then i moved and had a baby so i gained most of my weight back. the only reason i didn't go back was the cost. this place so far seems pretty similar just calories instead of points.