visiting family, need support

My 19 month old son and I are leaving Saturday morning on an 8 hour roadtrip up north to visit my family for a week. Everytime Ive gone to visit them before I have completely fallen off the wagon and it takes me MONTHS to get myself back on track, by which time I have gained every lb back. My mom usually has nobody to cook for so she has told me I am not allowed to diet while I'm there and is already planning the menu for the week... I can assure you that it is not going to be very healthy :(. I don't blame her, she loves to cook and doesn't ever have anyone to cook for so I am happy to let her do it for me. And I am going to try my best to portion and exercise every day but I am terrified that the change in routine for a whole week is going to be the end of me. Ive worked my butt off the last couple of months and lost 30 lbs already and I don't want ruin that. Any support/advice would be much appreciated because I am also not going to have access to MFP. Thanks :)

PS: no digs at my mom please :):):) that's not what this is about.


  • elliott82
    elliott82 Posts: 156 Member
    that's tough. and i know you want to make her happy. for sure cut down on portions. i know when i get something good to eat (usually back home!) i just don't want to stop. my advice would be to drink a lot of water so you don't feel like you should snack or give in to huge meals. allow yourself some food to enjoy without going overboard. focus on spending time together rather than spending time eating.

    and for sure get out there and exercise, even if it's suggesting a walk around the neighborhood after a meal or chasing your son around the yard.

    good luck!
  • monicaofidaho
    OK.... first I suggest keeping a hand written log for daily food and exercise. Even though you wont have access to MFP doesn't mean you shouldn't keep track. By logging your eating and activity the old-fashioned way, you will stay more mindful of what and how much. As far as eating your mom's delicious food, how about a compromise? You will will let her fix you one fantastic meal a day and enjoy her loving meal if you get to fix the rest of your meals. Then be mindful of what her meal will offer as you plan the other meals. If that doesn't work. Take a child size plate with you and let her know that while you SO enjoy her cooking, you really don't want to undo all your hard work, so you'll eat what she fixes but only fill the plate once and enjoy. Also, when filling the plate, be sure to fill half of it up with veggies.

    Either way that you choose to go, let her know that its because you want to enjoy her cooking that you've come up with this plan. Then be sure to get in an extra 15 min cardio morning and night. 15 mins jogging in place in your room can be done without her even knowing. Unless she is on board with getting some exercise .... then take an extra 30 minute daily walk with mom. It will give you an opportunity to spend time with her and stay off the extra calories.

    Good Luck!
  • racbergs
    racbergs Posts: 72
    Thanks ladies!
  • monicaofidaho
    Please let us know how it goes.
  • Lenindaire
    Lenindaire Posts: 12 Member
    i have the family that basically sais you aren't eating don't you love me; so i completely understand what you are dealing with. my way around it was to have a little of everything with a lot more of the vegetables. one thing i look at when i fill my plate is are my foods touching. i don't have a "thing" about my foods touching but that way it means i am not over filling my plate; and it looks fuller so my family is happy. i learned this one at ww a long time ago. it also works for picnics.
    hope this helps and have a great trip.
  • racbergs
    racbergs Posts: 72
    Please let us know how it goes.

    I will :)
  • racbergs
    racbergs Posts: 72
    i have the family that basically sais you aren't eating don't you love me; so i completely understand what you are dealing with. my way around it was to have a little of everything with a lot more of the vegetables. one thing i look at when i fill my plate is are my foods touching. i don't have a "thing" about my foods touching but that way it means i am not over filling my plate; and it looks fuller so my family is happy. i learned this one at ww a long time ago. it also works for picnics.
    hope this helps and have a great trip.

    That's a really good idea :) thanks
  • brooke_young08
    Vacations are always tough, especially when you are visiting others who are not eating the same way as you are. I would say, control as much of your food intake as you can, eat small portions of the heavier food with lots of veggies on the side (offer to steam veggies or make a salad to go with meals), and get as much exercise as you can. Beyond that, just do what you can do! Be honest when you log your food on mfp, then get back on track as soon as you get home. Join a challenge group or enlist your actual or mpf friends for help and support. Good luck!
  • richx83
    richx83 Posts: 334 Member
    How about you cook some of the nights then you are in control and can show your Mum what you eat or even better cook with her etc.

    Try to push for meals where it is easy to portion control i.e. a pasta dish with salad, spread the pasta around on your plate so you appear to have alot but have most of the plate as salad

    I know it is difficult though, when i visit my Grandma she is programmed to feed everyone and will not take no for an answer
  • christie5683
    Oh, bless your mom! Maybe you should teach her some good recipes that fit your diet plan. That way she can always please you :)
  • christie5683
    That's a great idea!
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    i think you have the right ideas. Eat small portions, and excersise. And also like you said, you lost 30 pounds and its a great accomplishment. Don't stress/beat yourself up too much, youll be just fine!
  • QueChulaYo
    QueChulaYo Posts: 71
    "And I am going to try my best to portion and exercise every day!!"

    you got it!!

    i guess you have to create a new routine while your there, home cook mama food is the best!!

    drink lots of water, workout everday, log your food, and really enjoy your time with the family, especially mama! LIVE IN THE MOMENT!
  • yngone
    yngone Posts: 52 Member
    You can do it and make it FUN......

    I know where your coming from........ Except my Mom comes for a visit and insists on doing all the cooking at my house, all my old family favorites from growing up. NOW that is a challenge! My Moms homemade apple pie is the best in the world! LOL

    ****** Tell her you not dieting, *******

    ...... Be gently firm and make it clear that you are changing your lifestyle to a healthy one, not only or yourself but for your child as well . I would play the good parent role. ( That should hit home for Grandma ) :bigsmile:

    Some suggestions that may work for you:

    Find some recipes that are healthier versions of the family favorites or some new ones you have incorporated that you love. Go grocery shopping and include her, What two girls don't love shopping?
    You could introduce her to a Farmers Market or Whole foods store.... Cook together & show her some new techniques, Make it a fun outing!

    Try Include her in your exercise ,... could go for a hike in the woods, nature walk, bike riding, swimming, canoe or kayaking, Take the baby to the beach or lake, try walking the mall - then shop, make it a fun family vacation outing.

    Maybe.... when she sees your progress and determination she may want to join the bandwagon, make it a team effort..
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Honestly, you need to reign her in. Limit her excessive comfort foods to one meal a day, not every meal, and have her watch your son for an hour every day while you get in a run. Talk to her about lifestyle, not diet. That doesn't fit into my lifestyle, I don't eat like that any more, while that's good I prefer it prepared like this.
  • silico
    silico Posts: 88 Member
    I have this problem when I visit family. I'm not saying I know the answer but what works for me may for you.

    In general, I never exercise on holidays/visits. Its just not the right atmosphere. Don't beat yourself up about it, or you will feel bad.

    When it comes to food, my family are pigs and eat whatever they want. Meals are huge and not very low-cal. To compensate what I do is skip/reduce meals I control. Such as going out for lunch, order a small salad and a diet drink. Then when you come home you have enough left for the main meal.

    Not perfect but for a few days or a week at a time its better than nothing.
  • turkeyhunter60
    turkeyhunter60 Posts: 319 Member
    totally agree
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    Log everything. Write it all down, the good the bad and the ugly. Even if you go over your calories, you will still be more accountable this way and can get right back on track when you come home.

    Control your portion sizes - take a little bit of everything instead of large portions.

    Suggest lots of activities to your family members - walks after dinner, going to the park, etc. Get moving as much as you possibly can - have your mom watch your son while you work in some real exercise for yourself too.

    Eat a sensible breakfast and lunch on days when dinner is going to be more of an event.

    Good luck!
  • SmallMimi
    SmallMimi Posts: 541 Member
    Offer to prepare the side dishes. This way she can prepare the main course and you can be sure the side dishes fit within your program and compliment her choice of main course. Portion control on the main course is a must - especially if it is high in fat and calories. Also your mother might enjoy learning how to cook healthier meals, make the offer - you never know until you step up and say something.
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    You could always have small portions of whatever it is that she cooks for you...but ask for things m to make a salad along with it or some fresh veggies and fruit. By bulking up on those things you wont eat as much of the other things but she will still be able to cook for you. If possible, keep logging...even if you go over calories. Going over for a few days wont wreck everything..but staying accountable will help a lot keeping your mindset where it needs to be. Good luck!