gacornell Member


  • This week has not gone how I wanted it to. We had to put my grandma (mom's mom) on hospice on Monday. She has stage 4 lung cancer and we're not sure she's going to make it to Thanksgiving. Then yesterday my grandpa (dad's dad) got a call from the doctor. He has a mass in his kidney and he has to go in tomorrow to talk…
  • You look great and have done an awesome job!! I can totally relate to your story. I went from 165-211 in 2007 after 2 miscarriages. Keep up the good work!!
  • That is AMAZING!!! Awesome job. And you look so much younger.
  • Excellent job!!! I was at 3.4 this week, but I'm with you in that I have a little over 60 to go, so mine's going to come off faster than a lot of people with much less. I'm still a little shocked, especially with my traveling this week and not getting as much cardio as I should have. Here's to home cooked meals and more…
  • Great job!! There is definitely a huge difference. And and even bigger applause on doing it with a new born and what sounds like a lot on your own with your husband gone.
  • Don't be too hard on yourself. It could be anything, water retention, more muscle built than fat lost. I would definitely focus on the water intake and lower the sodium intake. I haven't had a chance to go look at your diary, but have you had a lot of carb intake? Maybe add more protein and less carbs??? Stick with it!!…
  • Hello girls!! I've been traveling for work and just got back. I have to say that I'm pretty proud of my food while traveling. I've been getting my crunches and fire hydrants in, but have had a hard time getting to all the cardio. I make up for my dinner at Lydia's on Monday night by hitting the eliptical when I got back to…
  • Good morning. My stomach muscles are hurting this morning. I got some of my cardio in this weekend. That's going to be my hardest thing to work in. I just have to force myself to make time for me. I get too wrapped up in doing things for my whole family and not saving enough time for myself. And of course I'm traveling for…
  • It's amazing to see how much of a difference 20 lbs makes. You're doing a great job!!
  • Amazing job!! You are going to look FABULOUS in your wedding dress. Thanks for sharing your story. It's just the kind of encouragement I need.
  • Wow, you're bringing the big guns out right from the start. I can feel the pounds coming off just thinking about all the hard work. As for a fire hydrant, you get on hands and knees and raise your leg up to the side, like a dog peeing on a fire hydrant. lol It works your legs and mainly the saddle bags.
  • I would love to join this challenge. I've slacked in the past and at the first of this month I decided enough is enough. I've just recently started reading some of the posts and topics and I think something like this is just the motivation I need.