

  • Drinking ViSalus shakes and loving them!!
  • I would have grabbed his junk and told him at least I can lose the weight - nothing you can do about being a little guy!
  • I have been sick all week and have had a hard time putting my rings on. I'm not getting on the scale as I feel like I've gained this week. I have had chicken noodle soup and I'm guessing the sodium in it may have something to do with it. The body is a funny thing when we are sick.
  • I LOVE it!!! I eat it on graham crackers and on bananas.
    in Nutella? Comment by jkd1214 August 2011
  • Have you looked at the shoes you are wearing? I have had 2 knee surgeries and it wasn't until I put inserts in my shoes that I saw a HUGE difference with my knees. Find a running store that will put you in different types of sneakers and have you run in front of them so they can look at your stride and determine the best…
  • I also keep a water bottle with me. I live in JAX and the water is AWFUL!!!! I buy the True Lemon packets and add those and it helps me drink my water while at work. The calories are low and they taste great. At home I'm trying to get my fella to stop drinking soda so we buy the carbonated flavored water. They are cheap…
  • I hear ya!! I have to say we LOVE sweets in our house too. We make healthy shakes so it's like having a frozen treat each day. Good luck!!!
  • LOVING it here and thinking I won't miss the snow.
    in maine Comment by jkd1214 June 2011
  • I'm from "The County" and lived in Bangor for about 12 years. I'm now in Jacksonville
    in maine Comment by jkd1214 June 2011
  • I lived in ME for 35 years and just moved to FL.
    in maine Comment by jkd1214 June 2011
  • Today is my day 2 of not drinking diet soda. I don't ever drink the "hard stuff" - only diet. It's hard though when it's ALWAYS in my house. My bf grew drinking it with every meal and he drinks it more than water. I'm working on him drinking more water but he REFUSES to give up soda. He quit smoking for me so I guess I…
  • If you have a Wii.....the Biggest Loser is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You personalize to you and the workouts don't need a ton of room to do!!! GOOD LUCK!
  • It's just the regular yogurt and you stick it in the freezer when you get home!!! Perfect size and it's really yummy!!!
    in My new treat Comment by jkd1214 May 2011
  • I hope it's ok because I also eat it almost daily!!! It fills me up and has become my crutch. I would be very sad if I had to give this up!!!
  • Set your treadmill to do intervals that way it is constantly moving and you aren't just running at one speed.
  • Here is what Jillian wrote on her facebook wall this morning. "Smart Tip: Often we struggle w/losing the last 5-15lbs because our calorie deficit is too HIGH. We misconstrue this as a "plateau", but in actuality our body is at a healthy weight, it's the aesthetic that we're unhappy with not our health. So if your cal…
  • If you have a Wii, we are doing the Biggest Loser with Bob and Jillian. GREAT workouts!!!
  • Here are some thoughts I have - Are you eating six times a day? Spacing out your meals even at night might help. Are you removing your trigger founds from the house so you can't eat them when you get home? Are you drinking enough water when you get home at night to fill you up? Have you thought about just keeping healthy…
  • If your food isn't working for you it doesn't hurt to change it up - shock your system. Have you added exercise to your daily program?
    in Help?!!! Comment by jkd1214 April 2011
  • I have this and I wear Super Feet. I wear the green ones and they make all the difference. They take a little time to get used to. If you go to a running store that carries them they will be able to tell you which ones you could benefit from. Good luck!
  • If you but All Spice muffins and only add 1 can of pumpkin they are DELISH!!!! No eggs, no oil, just the can of pumpkin!
  • Pika....when are you coming down?????? Atlanta for St. Patty's Day I'm thinking sounds AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JAX was soooo much fun....but I hear Hot-lanta is better!!!!
    in New start Comment by jkd1214 April 2011
  • Thank you!!!!! Plugging away at it right now. I will know better soon if it's working!!
    in New start Comment by jkd1214 April 2011