Here we go again...

Shells06 Posts: 109 Member
Hello all. I'm new to the site but not to trying to lose weight. If only it were as easy to take off as it is to put on!! I've tried a few different weight loss techniques, weight watchers, personal trainers, etc. Probably only half heartedly though to be honest. See the problem is I LOVE food. Especially junk food. Sweets are my biggest downfall. So when I tell myself, you can't have that, of course I want it even more. I like to exercise but finding the time to do it is the problem. I have 2 kids and a full time job with a commute. So enough of my sob story ;)...I am here to try to change the way I look at food. I want to control it instead of letting it control me! Instead of drowning my sorrows in some ice cream feeling sorry for myself because I'm not one of those people who just get to be skinny I'm going to do something about it. Only I can change my relationship with food. Food, I'm officially breaking up with you. You are no longer allowed to run my life. Ok I can't completely break up with you for health reasons obviously but we definitely need some time apart...:)


  • Mickers36
    Mickers36 Posts: 84 Member
    LOL good one - best break up ever!
  • jkd1214
    jkd1214 Posts: 27
    I hear ya!! I have to say we LOVE sweets in our house too. We make healthy shakes so it's like having a frozen treat each day. Good luck!!!
  • vaja4
    vaja4 Posts: 8 Member
    Join the club, we're all in this together. Your story sound like're not alone
  • Shells06
    Shells06 Posts: 109 Member
    Haha thanks I felt pretty good about it :)
  • Shells06
    Shells06 Posts: 109 Member
    Thanks all. It's really nice to have the support of people who know exactly how I feel.