Unexplained bloatedness & suspected gain ??

OK.. it's taking ALL my willpower NOT to step on the scales, one day before weigh in (usually Saturday mornings).

I've felt under-the-weather yesterday and today. Not sure if it's the start of a cold or flu - anyhoo, I've avoided the gym as I've ached all over, I blamed the aches on the gym at first, but I've only been Monday and Wednesday this week, and neither were particularly BIG sessions. But now as I get other symptoms suspect it might be something flu-like.

Anyway I'm not eating OVER my cals by very much, but just eating what I want, when I fancy it. Very little appetite. Feel bloated and dreading weigh in tomorrow.. :-( I do not feel myself, and while I AM concentrating on feeling better. I will be gutted if I've gained tomorrow morning. I know before you say, it's just 1 week in the grand scheme of things etc etc. But I wonder what may've caused the bloatedness and I DO feel like I may have gained this week.

I've seen other comments on "unexpected bloatedness and weight gain" - what foods do you tend to avoid before a weigh-in ? I'm not well enough to make it to the gym sadly, so I'm keen to do all I can do realistically to make sure I don't gain tomorrow.

Any ideas ? I had gammon, potato wedges (baked oven chips) and a fried egg - was close to my cals. But wondering if it might've been salty gammon ???

PLUS I don't think I'm drinking enough water yesterday and today, so I'm sipping right now - making sure I drink my full 2 litres today. Anything else ? Don't want water retention or bloatedness from any foods I've eaten.

Any advice greatly received.... :-(


  • mynika
    mynika Posts: 312 Member
    I seem to be having the same problem and I gained 2 pounds this week, for the past 2 weeks prior, I didn't lose anything, but I can tell that I am retaining alot of water. Don't understand it because I am drinking too. :drinker:
  • aochoa123
    aochoa123 Posts: 299 Member
    If you are suspecting water weight gain I would avoid too much sodium and increase water intake. The water will flush out the sodium. Fight water with water. LOL
  • NashvilleShelley
    I have had the flu all week...fever, aches, chills...etc. Haven't exercised once. Not much of an appetite except for those dreaded comfort foods, under calories most of the week and drinking way more than 8 glasses of water a day. Stepped on the scale this morning out of curiosity (tomorrow is weigh in)...and I gained over 2 pounds! My stomach is back to hanging over my pants! ugh! I am just writing this week off and hoping that Monday I will feel well enough to start exercising again. I have never lost weight just dieting, however I have lost weigh just exercising. So, if you aren't feeling good, my suggestion, get yourself well and then start again. Hope you feel better and that you do not have the same flu I have had! : )
  • jkd1214
    jkd1214 Posts: 27
    I have been sick all week and have had a hard time putting my rings on. I'm not getting on the scale as I feel like I've gained this week. I have had chicken noodle soup and I'm guessing the sodium in it may have something to do with it. The body is a funny thing when we are sick.
  • YoungerNextYear59937
    I know this won't make you feel any better about it if you gain tomorrow. Your body needs water right now, especially if you're not feeling well. You need it to flush that bad stuff away! You also need to eat healthy to give your body strength to fight off your illness. You may be ill this week, but if you don't take care of yourself you could continue to be ill next week. I know it's frustrating and disappointing, but if you see a gain on the scale and it's just water, it's no big deal. What if in fact you had lost 5 pounds of fat, but gained 1 pound of muscle and 4 pounds of water? It would show nothing on the scale, but just think what an accomplishment that would be! Also, if it is water, it will disappear as quickly as it appeared, resulting in a big loss in a couple of weeks or so. Just concentrate on getting well right now and taking care of your body. Give it what it needs and the rest will fall into place.