K8tzmom Member


  • I recently did a 3-day juice detox using Fresh Evolution juices. This is a company that Starbucks bought, and it has limited availability. It is in some grocery stores, but to get the "juice kits", you need to go to a Fresh Evo store. Right now the only ones are in Seattle and Bellevue, WA, but I'm sure they will be…
  • I was in a strict weight loss program where I ate 90 g of protein a day, 4 servings of veggies, and 3 of fruit, 2 of bread - calories were 1140. I lost an avg of 1# a week without exercise. When I started to exercise, it didn't change, but I did firm up. So, yes you can do it - just be sure the calories expended are more…
  • It's OK - just "jump back on the wagon" and you'll be fine. It's normal to revert back to our old eating habits - the important thing is to not continue, and learn from your mistakes. Good luck - I'm sure you'll do well!!!
  • I joined a gym in March and LOVE it - I have the choice to do group classes, individual work outs, racketball, CRX, swimming, etc. BUT I also do bodyrock.tv at home. So there's never an excuse to not do something!
  • Sounds great - and doable, even in rainy Washington!! I have a questions, though. Some people commit to walking 10K steps a day, no matter what. How do you do that, if you work fulltime and have other evening commitments? Help!!
  • Wow! I relate. I always hovered in the mid-120's until instant menopause (histerectomy) at 50. Now (at 67) my body wants to be in the 170's, but I don't. I also tried every weight program known to man - Atkins, Weight Watchers, Medifast, Nutrisystem, Jenny - and was lucky to lose a few pounds a month. Worked out with a…
    in health scare Comment by K8tzmom May 2012
  • Age: 67 Height: 5'3" SW: 175 CW: 168 GW: 140 It took me a few months just to lose 7 # - grrrr!
  • I believe the rule of thumb is 100 calories burned per mile - walking or running. It's just that you burn it a lot faster if you run.,
  • add to scrambled eggs. I use 2 eggs (or egg whites), 1/2 cottage cheese. YUMMY
  • I don't like kale usually, but I LOVE kale chips. Simple - cut kale from it's "stem", dry, spray with PAM Olive Oil, sprinkle with sea salt, bake at 30 deg for 8-10 minutes. Yum!
  • I'd love to be able to do this, however, I have a desk job and a 1.5 hr commute every day. Suggestions? P.S. I get up at 5:30 and go to the gym 3x wkly to work with a trainer.
  • Congrats on getting back in action. You're never too old!! I'm 67 and recently started working with a trainer. Ever watch Biggest Loser? That's the stuff she has me doing, at a modified level, and if I can do it, anyone can!!:laugh:
    in Exercise Comment by K8tzmom May 2012
  • Happy to be in this group of 60 somethings. I turned 67 this month, and am finally doing something about the weight that's crept on since menopause. Welcome to all new members (as am I) - we're doing something about our health and have this wonderful tool to help us. Yay, us!!!
    in Newbie Comment by K8tzmom April 2012
  • Yes, I'm thinking that getting on this website when I'm thinking "gimme candy" could work. I feel better and more in charge just reading others posts, and posting my own. Thanks to all for the many suggestions!
  • Thank you for the feedback . ;My biggest problem is I can't stop at 1. Just like when I quit drinking, I do better with total abstinence - it's getting there that's tough.
  • My 2 yr old grandson LOVES smoothies, so I make them with non-fat Greek yogurt, a little non-fat milk, vegan protein powder, frozen fruit and LOTS of green veggies - esp. kale and spinach. He doesn't know the difference. ;)
  • There are several protein powders made with SOY. Just Google "soy protein".