Gym vs. Working out at home



  • Jessamine
    Jessamine Posts: 226 Member
    I am lucky to live and work right near my gym. I get bored easily, so I'm always going back and forth between the gym, exercise classes, and a variety of different exercises at home. Even with all those options I still don't exercise nearly as much as I should!
  • mandy_lee86
    mandy_lee86 Posts: 103 Member
    I considered getting some equipment for home. But, for the price of an elliptical it would take me 5 years to pay it off for what i'm paying monthly at the gym ($10/month). Plus, staying in that routine of going in the gym helps me keep going.
  • gwild0r
    gwild0r Posts: 135 Member
    I love the social aspect of the gym.. I've found i've learned more from others by going to the gym and talking to them about their routines.. but your probably beyond that noob aspect of going to the gym..
  • Jess81620
    Jess81620 Posts: 72 Member
    I use two gyms and one is where I work it's small and never busy. The other is about 5 mins from where I live. I normally use this gym for workout classes but it never seems to be crazy busy. Never seen a line to use equipment. I would have a hard time being motived to use the gym as well if I had to deal with what you do.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    I've decided I'm going to be cancelling my gym membership as soon as my contract ends because having to go to a gym to get my workout on is just too much trouble. The fact that I can only make it in during peak hours when you're waiting to use most of the equipment doesn't help. Commuting to the gym makes the act of working out a lot more time consuming, and plus having to actually make the trip a lot of the time just doesn't seem worth the trouble when I have some home equipment, some videos, and can get my workout done in just the commute time to and from the gym alone.

    Am I the only one who feels this way?

    Everyone is at a different point in their training. I don't have room for the equipment and wouldn't want to be buying >400lbs in weights. That said Im not sure I'd want to lift it by myself in my house either.
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    It really depends what you are doing. For me, I have to go to the gym because I need to swim regularly and it's better if someone watches my kids for me so that I can workout free of distractions. It's all about personal circumstances and choices. I also use the city's facilities (which do not require a membership) and never bother with a gym membership even though I workout regularly. I use a punch pass--that way, I always get my money's worth and I don't feel guilty if I go for an outdoor bike or run and skip the gym. It's a nice option to have though when you need a break from in home or outdoor workouts.
  • faefaith
    faefaith Posts: 433 Member
    I love variety! I have a toning glass that I go to regularly but eventually I'm gonna want something different to keep my mind engaged and to give my body a different challenge. I like to have my gym membership as part of what I do but I do not limit my options to 'gym only'. I also like belly dancing and hiking. I think the key is fun. If you find that the gym is de-motivating you it may not be what your style is. Have fun discovering what works! There are so many options and I wish you luck!
  • Jess81620
    Jess81620 Posts: 72 Member
    For me, it's gotta be working out at home.

    Even though my wobbly bits don't wobble so much now:laugh: , I workout much better when I'm not worrying about who can see them.

    That's funny I am the opposite I am competive in nature so I work out a lot harder when I am at the gym. Especially if there are other girls around who around my fitness level but just a little more fit.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 434 Member
    I've tried working out at home, but the gym work better for me. I hit the gym in the morning before work, so that there are no excuses that will keep me from going. At home there is always something that needs done, or some one interrupting the workout. To each his own.
  • robinregina
    robinregina Posts: 131 Member
    I work out at home and love it. I do my step class from a dvd and I walk aound my neighborhood. I think it's working for me since I only have 2 more pounds to lose to reach my goal.

    I agree with you, the gym is just a waste of money and time, but if it works for anybody who's doing it right now, please--more power to you!! Just not my thing. That's what makes MFP so interesting, everybody can do their own thing and it still works.

  • K8tzmom
    K8tzmom Posts: 20 Member
    I joined a gym in March and LOVE it - I have the choice to do group classes, individual work outs, racketball, CRX, swimming, etc. BUT I also do at home. So there's never an excuse to not do something!
  • future_runner
    future_runner Posts: 136 Member
    I like both. I got my gym membership years ago and it's gone up almost $15 a month since I got it so I am holding on. But sometimes I like videos (30ds, chalean extreme, or just running which I prefer to do outside) soo when I am going to be home for a while I freeze my membership for that month so it's cheaper. Right now- and the rest of the summer- I will be going to my gym every single day bc I'm studying to take the tx bar and I do my afternoon studying at home. I like to physically go to a different place to work out it because it helps me mentally go to a different place.

    Checkout body rock tv, idk the exact web address but you can google it or it's all over pinterest. It has a ton of really intense at home workouts.

    You can spend nothing on gym equipment also if working with your body weight.
  • Brizoeller
    Brizoeller Posts: 182 Member
    I started a gym membership when i was 17. Whenever i moved, i always got one. After i got pregnant i cancelled my membership, I felt that money could go to stuff for the baby. I never rejoined. And i am smaller and in better shape than I ever was. My main reasoning was i got stuck in the "cardio only" mindset. I wanted to use their machines and then it would be so busy i would say I'd lift weights when i got home. lol that NEVER happened. Now i mix it up with videos, running outdoors, and weights, Everyone is different though, thats just what works for me :) Although sometimes i do miss the classes at the gym, they were always a fun break in routine.
  • lauraloo1978
    lauraloo1978 Posts: 3 Member
    thank you for mentioning fitness blender, what a great website!
  • katscoots
    katscoots Posts: 255 Member
    I've done both - before I had children - going to the gym was ok - but I've always wanted that home gym where I don't have to wait for a machine or whatever. Plus workout videos are really great now adays - no more Jane Fonda. After having babies and working long hours - I work out when time permits and having it available in my home and not having to deal with other people has been great for me. When I work out - I'm there to work out - I don't want to socialize or show off or the home gym is my preferred choice.

    Plus, I know the shower is clean and who has been in there. :)
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    If I had around 6000 and change laying around I'd work out at home.

    We got our elliptical trainer used on Craigslist, $200. Same with the all-in-one gym we got (don't know what it's called, similar to a bowflex but uses weights) for $150. I think my hand weights from Target costed about $15.00.
  • ONE03
    ONE03 Posts: 125 Member
    Definitely do what works for you. For gym, working out at home works just fine for me in terms of cost and convenience. I think the only reason I'd want to go to the gym is for the classes. It's kind of like school. While there are some online classes I could take, I know I'd procrastinate or skim through the material just to get it over with. Going to classes work a lot better for me in that regard. So whatever method is going to get you to workout the most, go for it!!!
  • sazzyp1973
    sazzyp1973 Posts: 517 Member
    At the moment I work out at home as I can do some as and when I have the time and when I feel like it. I do something everyday this way and I am sure if I went to the gym right now I wouldn't.

    I plan to start going to the local sports centre for swimming and fitness classes in the future though but won't get a subscription and will pay for the classes I go to.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    I literally live next door to a big gym - but it doesn't work for me. It's just too popular-there's never parking, the machines are always taken, the classes and kid's club are always full- it's less hassle to work out at home with my machines and JM DVD's. :)
  • katscoots
    katscoots Posts: 255 Member
    If I had around 6000 and change laying around I'd work out at home.

    We got our elliptical trainer used on Craigslist, $200. Same with the all-in-one gym we got (don't know what it's called, similar to a bowflex but uses weights) for $150. I think my hand weights from Target costed about $15.00.

    I bought a treadmill at around $450 11 years ago and it still works great; have a spinner bike ($199) and a floor model elliptical that was around $1000. Plus videos and some hand weights. I love it.