BunnyDVP Member


  • My A1C went from 14.2 to 6.9 after losing 100 lbs. I have been off of insulin since November 2010. Keep up the good work. It pays off in the end. :flowerforyou:
  • I have had gastric bypass (bariatric) surgery. The proten that my doctor and nutrionist most recommends is UNJURY. I ordered it on line but some drugstores do carry the product. It has very little sugar and 21 grams of protein per 8 oz. serving. It comes in chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, chicken soup and unflavored. I…
  • According to my doctors and my nutrionists it is VERY important to eat at least 1200 calories a day. They all stress that the body will go into "starvation mode" and hold onto fat and use lean body mass instead. My Personal Trainer also backs this up. I have to be very careful since I have had gastric bypass surgery to…
  • If I were you I would try for a weight that you are comfortable with and can maintain. According to the charts ( I am 5' 4" ) I should weight around 130lbs for a healthy weight. I had gastric bypass surgery in January of 2010 and am down to 146 lbs. I have people tell me all of the time that I am beginning to look anorexic…
  • Thanks for sharing this recipe. I have had gastric bypass surgery and the only pastas I can consume are the larger noodles like lasgna. I love eggplant and never really knew how to cook them. Your recipe gave me a great idea on how to make eggplant parmesean as well. I will also try your lasgna.:happy:
  • I put in a tablespoon of Spenda Brown Sugar Mix and 1/4 cup slivered almonds. I also add about 1/4 fresh diced apple. Somtimes I add crushed walnuts. Anything with protein for me. I always mix mine with 1 % milk for protein as well. I have found Wal Mart's brand of no sugar brown sugar and maple oatmeal to be good.
  • :flowerforyou: Thanks for sharing. Keep up the GOOD work. You are an inspiration to us all here. You could be used as a "poster child" for us to use.
  • My Personal Trainer recommends at least one day with NO exercise to give you body a chance to rest. Other than you are working out every day your plan seems OK. Don't forget to do CORE exercies every day. These are very important. If you belong to a gym ask a Personal Trainer to show them to you. If not, let me know and I…
  • Each time you have a craving for sweets try eating a small dill pickle. It tends to suppress that urge created by your "sweet tooth".
  • Try a muzzle. Dogs can't bark when they have one on. Put it on when she barks and remove it after a few minutes. Each time she barks for no apparent reason put muzzle on. She will eventually get the idea that when she barks for no reason that the muzzle will go on and dogs do not like muzzles. I have also sprayed mine with…
  • Only a person who has had large breasts all of their adult life would understand this question. I don't have the answer but in reading the replies here I have a gotten a good estimate. I can feel your love/pain with this issue since I have carried around at least a D cup most of my life. Being "top heavy" is not pleasant.,…
  • I had gastric bypass and need 50 to 60 grams of protein a day. I use the shakes on occasion to supplement my protein intake. If I have a vigorous workout I drink one during it. If I have a moderate workout I drink on afterwards. Carbs before workout and protein after is what my nutrionist and trainer recommend. I use…
  • Going with my daughter to church to set up the alter for Communion at church tomorrow. After that I will be picking up a prescription at K-Mart. Off to Applebee's for a small lunch. (Soup and boneless wings) Then to the gym. After they gym we will come home to do a little house cleaning and laundry. Hope everyone has a…
  • These sound good. You might want to substituee Splenda Brown Sugar Blend for the brown sugar for even less sugar. And cherries are LOADED with sugar but I don't think the recipe would be as good without them.
  • Here in VA we had "frizzle" last night and more rain/sleet/snow/frizzle expected for next 2 to 3 days. I am so glad I have retired from the Power Company. If was still working it would mean 12 hour shifts if power went out. I was on call 24/7/365 and once even had my vacation cancelled. Plans are to go to lunch with my BFF…
  • According to my Personal Trainer at the gym you should only do 50 mintues of cardio 5 times a week. You should also do 30 mintues to 1 hour of other exercising 5 to 6 days a week. Core exercises 5 days a week are a MUST. Over exercising will make you lose muscle and your body will not respond. Hope this info is helpful to…
  • Nothing too exciting today. Dog got me up early this a.m. barking and once I got up she decided to go back to bed. I am thinking about standing by the recliner she is laying in and barking. LOL I don't get to sleep in very often and today was one of those days I could have and was not allowed to. Heading out to Podiatrist…
  • I was diagnosed with diabetes when I was pregnant at age 24. I took pills until I was 36. After that had to go on insulin. I started out with one shot a day and after trying my 5th insulin which was very powerful (HUMIN R U-500- A 5 times concentrated insulin) my endicronologist suggested gastric bypass surgery. At that…
  • I actually woke up hungry this morning which is rare for me since I had a gastric bypass last year. What that means is that I did not take in enough food yesterday. Since I was not feeling well that does not surprise me. The good thing is though once I eat breakfast ans satisfy this hunger pain I won't be hungry again for…
  • I accept your challenge. Off to get a new cell phone this a.m. (lost mine sometime after Wed last week and did not discover it until yesterday). Then off to doctor's office to get a prescription straight. After that on to pharmacy to get it filled. I won't make it to gym this morning. I am feeling a little light headed. I…
  • Good morning. I believe it is around a whopping 15 degrees here in Virginia this beautiful Sunday morning. I plan to attend church services with my daughter. After church we plan to meet my brother for lunch. On the grocery store to buy food for my church to feed the homeless on Tuesday. Once all of my shopping is done I…
  • I must be in the middle of a "heat wave". 19 degrees here in VA. LOL I plan to go to gym with my daughter then pick up some prescriptions from my pharmacy. After that I am picking up tickets for a "Ghost Watch" on Monday night at a local "mansion" here in the town I grew up in. It is a first time event for me but I have…
  • Congraqtulations on your first successful journey in life of being clean and sober. I am sure now that your second new journey to shape up your body and improve your health even more will be just as successful. One day and the time is a good philosophy and you seem to embrace it well. Friend me if your like. We all support…
  • You might want to try UNJURY products. ( I found on internet but some drugstores carry the product). It is a protein supplement that was recommended to me when I had my gastric bypass. It has several flavors. Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, chicken soup and unflavored. You can make shakes or cook with it. I added it to my…
  • It's OK to go over your protein. But you can go to Tools and then Settings and change your settings. I have had gastric bypass surgery and require 50 to 60 grams of protein a day. Good luck and "friend" me if you like.:smile:
  • Polar seems to be the most recommended heart rate monitor. Mine is an old one and does not read the number of calories but the newer ones do. Check with a Sporting Goods Store or go on-line to compare.
  • I have a personal trainer at my gym. She says everyone needs to work on their "core" exercises at least 5 days a week. A) abdominal crunch lay on back and cross arms across chest with legs bent at knees, lift upper body and try to touch knees repeat for two sets of twenty each B) Bridges lay on back with back flat against…
  • Hi and welcome aboard. Feel free to add me as a friend. We all support and help motivate each other on this site. I have foun that by logging on each day a acurtely recording my food intake and exercise that I am so much more aware of what I put into my body. Good luck on your new journey in life in your effort to eat…
  • I had gastric bypass surgery in January of 2010. I am down from 243 to 157 lbs. I stiill crave chocolate but not as much. When you have gastric bypass surgery your body does NOT tolerate sugar well at all. If you eat too much you get the "dumping syndrome" and it is definitely NOT PLEASEANT. If you eat too much of anything…
  • Maybe you have not been getting enough protein in your diet. Make sure you load up on protein to keep from getting hungry. You are doing well so if you go over you calorie count a few times don't beat yourself up. :flowerforyou: