I'm so hungry!

jenhudgins Posts: 44
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
I've been doing really well and I haven't been feeling hungry at all except for mealtimes, but yesterday and today I feel hungry all the time! I've lost 25 pounds and I feel good other then that. Anyone know why I'm feeling so hungry all of a sudden?


  • jrhodges20
    jrhodges20 Posts: 103 Member
    Are you drinking enough water? And are you eating at least the 1200 calories a day?
  • taletreader
    taletreader Posts: 377 Member
    Looks like you're doing awesome, actually!

    Presuming you are getting enough overall food and are eating a reasonable amount of calories:

    - your period may be approaching -- try supplementing with some minerals, like magnesium and iron
    - eat more bulky food such as steamed/boiled/roasted vegetables
    - protein with every meal keeps you feel fuller for longer (you don't need to low-carb it, just reduce the carbs a LITTLE and add some lean protein, eat pulses/beans, quinoa ...)
    - more fiber
    - more exercise -- I rarely feel hungry after exercise, but careful, for example swimming is known for increasing appetite and the result can be highly individual
    - some people get increased appetite from artificially sweetened drinks (or food) -- something to check

  • PMS. I always know it's my TOM when I get super hungry.
  • aimibean
    aimibean Posts: 243
    PMS. I always know it's my TOM when I get super hungry.

    could not agree more!
  • BunnyDVP
    BunnyDVP Posts: 71 Member
    Maybe you have not been getting enough protein in your diet. Make sure you load up on protein to keep from getting hungry. You are doing well so if you go over you calorie count a few times don't beat yourself up. :flowerforyou:
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    Maybe you need a nice cheat meal? A big one that you feel real guilty about it. 25 lbs is a big accomplishment. If anyone complains blame it on me. Sometimes more then anything we have to listen to our bodies.

    Do it. Now don't go all 4 big macs on me and $#%$# and spiral down hill
    maybe a big pasta dinner with some meatballs and italian bread. my favorite
  • countdowntotarget
    countdowntotarget Posts: 108 Member
    PMS. I always know it's my TOM when I get super hungry.

    Im with whoever has requoted this one !! lol - no matter how much I eat I am so hungry, but at least now I am aware of it I can make healthier choices (I TRY - There is an unwritten law that chocolate IS one of the main food groups during this time !!) but by being aware of it I dont put the weight on any more - I used to put on 5-7lb the week before TOM - now I dont lose any weight but Im happy with that

    Keep going you're doing so well x
  • I'll try some more protein. I don't think I'm ready to start my period, but maybe i'm wrong LOL. I'll try drinking more water too. I don't really like to cheat on one big meal, usually if I do "cheat" I'll just pick one thing I really want to eat and eat it, then be good the rest of the day. I dunno, I'll have to see if some diet changes will work. Thanks guys!
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