

  • I'm also over on my protein. I'm not sure how this will effect your body, but personally my body responds better to more protein. I tend to lose more when I have more. At one point, I was having things like almonds, cottage cheese, peanut butter, etc. to get a good amount of protein in at each meal and if I remember…
  • I've had a cheat day every week and I have still managed to lose 21 lbs. Just do everything in moderation. For example, I have been wanting cheesecake all week so today, I made a low-calorie version of cheesecake and it satisfied the craving. Going over your limit by 1000 calories may be a bit much though. I put this way,…
  • Bananas are easy to carry around and usually fill me up. Blueberries and grapes are also super easy to carry around, like in a ziplock baggy and they fill me up pretty good... at least to carry me over to the next meal.
  • For starters, I definitely would try too keep all sweets out of the house. If I absolutely MUST have something, I grab a 100 calorie pack of something. The biggest part is having the will power to not pick up 3 more 100 calorie packs, ya know? It sounds cheesy, but definitely think about your goal before you pick up…
  • I hear ya! I'm a born and raised South Texan, but so far I've managed to lose 20 lbs. I'm not a super strict diet, so I allow myself to have some of that DELICIOUS Tex-Mex once in a while. A little bit never hurts!
  • I don't know how low cal it is, but here's a recipe... It has toffee, honey roasted peanuts and chocolate. YUM.
  • I eat Lean Cuisines maybe twice a week for lunch and so far I've lost almost 20 lbs. That's in 4 month time period. Doesn't sound too bad to me.
  • Haha, I agree! Got married... gained 20 lbs. But I'm well on my way to losing everything I gained.
    in marriage Comment by CubLub63 June 2009
  • I have one, and I don't see a huge difference in my waist from it (I do from my ab work outs) but it does help to lose some water weight. I'm sure it's different for everyone. Of course, diet and exercise are really the only things that work. Good luck!
  • Hello! Here's my story... I was doing well on my diet and I kept a log of everything I ate. I started out eating about 1300 calories and then for some reason my calorie intake dropped to 900. As I checked the scale, I noticed I wasn't losing anymore. So, went back... looked at my food log and realized that the point at…
  • I don't have any kids of my own so I'm not sure how well this would work but... Maybe you could try something with ground turkey? I've discovered that ground turkey burgers are really tasty. Much more flavorful than ground beef in my opinion. And it's good for you too! Hope that helped. :)
  • You CAN lose while on birth control. I had been on TriNessa for a year before I started to lose. While on it and starting my weightloss program, I lost 12 lbs. It's funny but, now that I've stopped... I've had a harder time losing weight. It's probably because I've reached a plateau and not the birth control.
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