Quick question--
How in the world do I keep from eating like Agustus Gloop in Willy Wonka (Gene Autry, not Jonny Depp) when my horrid Auntie Flo comes to visit? I was super close to blowing my calories for today and really don't feel like going for a repeat. HELP!


disclaimer: Any dudes that decided to click on this link, I warned you. It's your own fault you're grossed out right now.


  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    If you're gonna binge try to binge on things like celery....carrots....apples. ;) Or get those smart one sundaes if you need a fix. They're not too crazy on the calories. Skinny cows are good too!

    Drink lots of water so that fills you up!
  • iheartlife
  • Changeisgonnacome
    I simply make up my mind not to cave. THEN I glue my butt to whatever surface I happen to be sitting on and I pretend I'm stuck to it and can't get up, until I know I can walk by the kitchen without entering. Stay clear of fridges, cupboards, restaurants, stores... you get the picture. And flip that switch in your brain. The one that takes control... it can be that easy. Our minds are a beautiful, yes sometimes evil, but mostly beautiful tool. Just don't cave!!!

    You did it today, you can do it again. Stay strong! :flowerforyou:
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Throw out anything that could tempt you. They make these mini brownie bowls that you cook in the microwave. They only have 150 cals for one, so even if you caved and had two, you'd only have slight damage control to do.
  • shaleah77
    shaleah77 Posts: 89
    I too have a question regarding TOM / water retention. It's probably going to be hard to answer. I had a hysterectomy this April. I was able to keep both with no weightloss this week....I'm wondering, being I still have hormones and being minus a uterus, if my hormones were to be at the time of their cycle....would I still retain water? I'm too pudgy yet to tell. And like I said with not having an actual TOM, would the hormones still tell my body to retain water? I'm frustrated this week with no loss :frown:
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    I hate that horrid aunt flo, when she comes around I make sure I have lindt dark chocolate in the freezer. I break up the squares and keep them in the cool box in freezer and I allow myself max. 4 pieces but only one at a time, they take ages to melt once they have been in freezer but usually I just have the one which is only 25 cals. :happy:

    My favorite lindt at the moment is the chilli flavour, I have it in the freezer ready for when the nightmare arrives :laugh:
  • azwildcatfan94
    azwildcatfan94 Posts: 314 Member
    70% dark chocolate. But, just one or two squares! A little bitter, but takes care of the chocolate cravings.
  • CubLub63
    CubLub63 Posts: 12
    For starters, I definitely would try too keep all sweets out of the house. If I absolutely MUST have something, I grab a 100 calorie pack of something. The biggest part is having the will power to not pick up 3 more 100 calorie packs, ya know? It sounds cheesy, but definitely think about your goal before you pick up whatever it is that you want to eat. I usually feel pretty guilty even when I START to think about eating something bad, but that's just what works for me. Also, I've managed to allow myself to have a "cheat day" on the weekends, and still lost 20 lbs. SO... everything in moderation. A little sweets never hurt anyone, but a lot of them definitely can.
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    70% dark chocolate. But, just one or two squares! A little bitter, but takes care of the chocolate cravings.

    Lindt dark chocolate is my favorite, it is 85% cocoa yummmmm :happy: I fancy a bit now LOL
  • jackik
    jackik Posts: 4
    Go exercise first... Tell yourself you can eat whatever you want when you get back, but exercise first. By the time you are finished, you won't want to eat and if you do, you will have "earned" extra calories to help compensate for any binging. Keep naughty foods out of the house. If you have to have chocolate, try the Kellogs Fiber Plus bars. They are only 110 calories each... very chocolaty and full of fiber. If you overindulge.. you will have some nasty results, but you won't gain any weight!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    70% dark chocolate. But, just one or two squares! A little bitter, but takes care of the chocolate cravings.

    Lindt dark chocolate is my favorite, it is 85% cocoa yummmmm :happy: I fancy a bit now LOL

    Lindt 85% is my favorite too. If it is after dinner and I have enough calories left I break it up into little pieces and eat it with natural peanut butter on half of a lengthwise sliced banana!:love:
  • charliesgold
    charliesgold Posts: 235 Member
    Actually I recently started to nibble dark chocolate because it helps relieve migraine pain in small amounts. I HATE dark chocolate but it gives me a chocolate fix without going overboard!

    I also eat Jello and Jello chocolate puddings. I do eat more filling meals because I get absolutely ravenous during TOM but I have a sweet tooth that needs treating during that time lest someone want to be killed LOL so I try to give myself dessert after dinner and have a tootsie pop or pudding during the day.

    OH and never forget the power of fudgsicles! 60 cals each and pure chocolatey goodness :D
  • mouser79
    mouser79 Posts: 68
    I eat cocoa puffs they are not as bad as alot of other sweets and I get my choclate fix
  • FireWeaver
    One thing I've found out is the longer I can hold off on the cravings, the less I crave them over try and tough it out (throw in a detox) and you may be junk food free in a week.

    Or bite into an apple or some berries. I find it's sweet enough to generally send enough signals to my brain to take a chill pill.

    Of course...if you REALLY can't hold out before/after. Obvious...but of course it's hard to always follow that. I always work out before I head to a party or BBQ or know I'm about to drink a lot.

    Cravings are just one of those things we'll deal with forever probably... and in the very end, it's all about willpower. You can do it!
  • ThatDollSally
    ThatDollSally Posts: 473 Member
    You mean Gene Wilder. Gene Autry was The Singing Cowboy.
  • maurierose
    maurierose Posts: 574 Member
    For some reason, I tend to crave extra protein in wierd (for me) forms... i almost always treat myself to a fried egg, and some sort of red meat (neither of those are things i eat a lot of or prefer over chicken, etc...) I find that if I get lots of protein and complex carbs, drink more water than usual, and push myself to exercise (who WANTS to exercise then?? lol), I am more able to avoid pigging out on crappy food choices. In a way, it makes sense that your body might just need a little extra during TOM. Make it healthy, stay strong and committed, do not give yourself excuses, and listen to all the other great suggestions already posted.... especially the ones about "earning" extra cals for junk by working out, and frozen squares of dark chocolate....mmmmm.... heeheehee
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I just keep all the junk out of the house. That way if I absolutely feel like I am going to curl up and die without it then I have to take a walk to the store to get it.
  • yentasdoitbetter
    yentasdoitbetter Posts: 82 Member
    Go exercise first... Tell yourself you can eat whatever you want when you get back, but exercise first. By the time you are finished, you won't want to eat and if you do, you will have "earned" extra calories to help compensate for any binging. Keep naughty foods out of the house. If you have to have chocolate, try the Kellogs Fiber Plus bars. They are only 110 calories each... very chocolaty and full of fiber. If you overindulge.. you will have some nasty results, but you won't gain any weight!

    that's too funny! i noticed i do that too! whenever i crave something, i tell myself to go work out and earn the extra calories so i can have it. by the time i get done, i feel so good i dont even want it anymore, and if i do, i earned it!
  • skips09
    skips09 Posts: 7
    TOM is a great time to work out, even if you don't feel like it! Do something gentle to keep your body moving, then the reward of something small and tasty (always chocolate for me) will be just enough to keep you on track :) Good luck!
  • Doing_it_for_me
    Go exercise first... Tell yourself you can eat whatever you want when you get back, but exercise first. By the time you are finished, you won't want to eat and if you do, you will have "earned" extra calories to help compensate for any binging. Keep naughty foods out of the house. If you have to have chocolate, try the Kellogs Fiber Plus bars. They are only 110 calories each... very chocolaty and full of fiber. If you overindulge.. you will have some nasty results, but you won't gain any weight!

    They do say exercise is in its best form for us girls when it is our TOM. And I have to say I do agree, Even if I have a bad belly ache, going for a good long walk or swimming eases it so much for me