lollaler Member


  • Hi guys how can I join!! I've just joined this app again after having a baby 18 months ago & today was day 3 for me in 30 day shred so would love support !! Thanks
  • so ripped in 30 is the next dvd i guess. 2 of you are doing it. i did not loose anything or measurements but arms are more toned.... :( i have to really focus on eating the right way first otherwise i am really wasting my time. much prefer to go for a jog for 20 + mins then do the DVDs unless im eating correctly please…
  • loving the hard work on level 3... must admit this level i do need to take 3-5 second breaks... and i swear alot haha. love it though. only 8 more days left of the shred. anyone finished with result pictures - i have noticed a difference my arms but not size or weight. cant wait to see properly in 8 days.
  • I woudlnt say it got easier for me but easier to soldier on.:drinker: Level 3 is a killer but somehow my favourite - very challenging.... get ready for sweating it out
    in level 2 Comment by lollaler June 2012
  • hi, yes im still going.... on level 3 day 3 tonight :) cant wait till its over hehehehe. hope you are doing well and noticing a difference.
  • freeeking awesome. great work !!! im on L2day 9... 11 more days.. have not noticed much of a difference so i am counting on L3
  • L2D10 tomorrow morning.. cant wait until L2 is over.... i have stuck to it everyday put on 2kg and my pants are tighter... not very motivational i know but hey i have another 11 days right !!! i have noticed nicer arms though so whoo hoo :) the last weight section of L2 kills me haha. keep up all the good work guys.
  • level 2 kills me too. 1st part cardio and 1st & last parts weights... hard hard work. i do not want to imagine L3... 1kg too light 2kg too heavy :( hope everyone is doing well !
    in level 2 Comment by lollaler June 2012
  • definetly see the progress and transformation. keep up all your good work. its well worth it from the pictures !!!!!!!!
  • Absolutely FABULOUS !!!! Keep it up.
  • awesome, great work... im starting level 2 tomorrow but have not noticed a difference although i just cant seem to stick to 1200cal a day :( keep up the good work !! imagine after the 30 days.
    in level 2 Comment by lollaler May 2012
  • I do boot camp 3 days per week. (60 minutes).... this is the last of m 6 week session of boot camp and i have heard about this couch to 5k program i want to somehow get.. need to do investigations on how to get it. i have done 10 days of 30ds, missed 2 days so really should be up to my 12 th day but as i am sick im…
  • do they really ?? i find it so hard to cut out and keep craving so im guessing if i go cold turky i will benefit. ??
  • muscle ??? what about measurements
  • awesome work... i want results :) ... now haha
  • oh no hahahaha cardio hopefully i can handle... the weights... a different story... yayaya at least you made me excited :)
  • i am exactly the same. how do people forget to eat.. its on my mind 24/7 and is really affecting my life. i excersice put in everything i eat.... i know i should not go over 1200cals but always end up over. i go for that 4 or 5 or 6 serving of the bad food...... i feel you completely. i was reading the newspaper and i…
  • so how was it :) - tell me good news only please... i have 5 more days to get there and dont want to dread it hehehehe.
  • ok great thanks i was just wondering what others use. ... today was day 5 lol.... im glad you are finding it easier.... i have a feeling L2 will be a little harder but will check up on your posts haha... i guess what doesnt kill us, makes us stronger :)
  • awesome thanks for letting me know.. day 5 for me this morning and i feel it getting harder hehe. counting down :)
  • Day 2 was exhausing ... i absolutely hate the section where you put your ups out to eye height with the weights and go from side to side... (cant remember what she calls it but i call it hell) it kills me haha.... only 28 more days - love it. im sure before i know it the 28 days will be over and i'll want to do it every…
  • wow.. i wonder if she did more then just the dvd each day. so jelous hahaha.... need to focus on my eating habbits hard.... i get so dissapointed in myself need to try hipnotism i think.
    in Motivation? Comment by lollaler May 2012
  • thanks. i bought the one with the black bra.. day 1 this morning was great !! keep up the good work ladies
  • great work. keep it up
  • HEY DID YOU NOTICE ALREADY ON DAY 5 ????? THATS AWESOME!!! are you doing any other excersice.
  • ok finally started - day 1 for me this morning... now i normally do bootcamp which is way way faster then this.. similar work and for 1 hour. 30ds is much slower movements... so i found it tiring on the arms. have 2 questions. 1) does anyone know how many calories we burn ? someone said ciruit but that came up to the high…
  • great work !! - i cant wait !!
  • so quick that is absolutely awesome.. imagine when you finish.... keep it up... im starting Monday and i hope hope hope i notice too.