Fit_Fox88 Member


  • I'm in the weaning process now (YAY!!!) Well, kinda yay. Happy to have my body back and get back to a serious weight loss/lifting/workout routine. Anyway, typically for breastfeeding you're going to want to eat about 500 calories above your normal. So, as TavistockToad said, figure out what your cals are for losing the…
  • I'll use the syrup when I find myself making batches of pancakes and I'm out of my normal fruit spreads- it's tolerable, better warmed. I don't mind the chocolate syrup in milk for a lower cal chocolate milk. I tried the French Vanilla creamer and it was awful- very chemical tasting, like straight sweet n low. It's a nice…
  • I've put a mashed banana in mine, a little pumpkin puree and pumpkin spice, blueberries, strawberries, diced/minced apples and cinnamon, chocolate chips. Possibilities are endless (just like regular pancakes)! I love them. I usually make a huge batch and refrigerate or freeze them for breakfast/pre-workout snacks…
  • This is a good idea. I usually plan all my meals a week ahead of time so I usually start with dinner when I log then I adjust my breakfast/snacks/lunch around that.
  • Leftover crockpot banana steel cut oats, a scrambled egg and a Starbucks vanilla iced coffee.
  • Start saving now. There will come a day when you go to get dressed only to realize NOTHING fits. It gets a little expensive after a while ;)
  • I will prep all sorts of meats- chicken, chicken sausage, ground beef, beef tips, whatever and have it ready for re-heating for lunches/dinners. I usually try to make a multi-day meal, either a casserole or a pot of soup, chili or stew. I always try to make meals that get at least 4 servings so my husband and I can each…
  • Use the flaxseed substitute that @androidcd posted, or Google different egg substitutes. There are many egg-free meals. As far as prepping, just make things that you like to eat ahead of time. That's all prepping is- make ahead meals. They don't have to contain certain ingredients.
  • I always cook it with Better Than Bouillon Chicken or Beef Base. 1 tsp per cup of water. Definitely takes away the bland taste.
  • Check the USDA website. Or search the MFP database for the type of lettuce but add "raw usda" to it. Most of it will probably be in grams so be sure you weigh your serving. You can do the same for all the extras- the nuts, fruit, seeds, etc.
  • Yep! You can use steel cut oats which make a more crunchy/chewy texture depending on how long they're in there (think Chobani Oats- which are delish, BTW!). However, I usually have to double my overnight oats to get any sort of volume so it comes out pretty high calorie.
  • It depends on what it is. Pumpkin spice lattes for example are just the spice flavor with no real pumpkin in them. This morning for breakfast I had pumpkin spice steel cut oats, but I also put in real pumpkin so I could get the orange color and because I like the taste. If I add pumpkin to things, I add the pumpkin pie…
  • You can use them as a meal replacement or snack, whichever. Like gothchiq said, though, be sure you add enough protein if you're making a meal replacement. I usually add 1 scoop of protein powder to mine, in addition to yogurt and [sometimes] peanut butter (depending on my flavor choice of the day). Frozen bags of berries…
  • I wear the C9 compression stuff from target and the material is on the thinner side. I just don't wear anything under them. I wore a thong one time and it was the most miserable squat session ever. I've heard some of the Under Armour styles are comfortable and there are other brands that make athletic underwear, but I've…
  • YES! This exactly. I feel as though I don't sweat as much and I'm more tolerant of the heat. Oh and I also love not having the fat roll sweat marks on the fronts of my shirts! lol :D
  • I'm 5'3" and I have lost 58 pounds since March 2014. The first little bit came off within a couple months just from weighing my food, logging accurately and overall eating less. The next few months were followed by a lot of weight loss b/c I took up running pretty seriously. I started mixing in some weight training and now…
  • My cousin was on it for a while, lost a considerable amount of weight. But it was never for long term. She's now off of it and using a dietitian and following a meal plan and calorie counting. So yes, it worked for her in the short term but now she's on to other methods to sustain the weight loss and keep it off.
  • 5 minutes or less each way. It's great. :)
  • I'm currently in week 8 of her program, and I've never followed the meal plan. I just used an online calculator to figure up my daily calories (TDEE method) and macro amounts and stuck to those instead. I can't eat the same thing everyday, all day. I've had great results, IMO.
  • I've sprained my left ankle twice in the past year, most recently in mid-March. I couldn't do any aerobic exercise for 6 weeks (per my doc). I was on prescription anti-inflammatories for that whole time and was in either a boot or compression sleeve 24 hours a day (I still wear the sleeve on occasion). I'm back to running…
  • You only fail 100% of the time if you never try
  • Exactly this.
  • What kind of bacon are you eating? All the packages I've seen are 80 calories for 2 slices. I would be so depressed to eat 2 slices of bacon for 230 calories. That said, the weight on the package is raw unless it states otherwise. If you really want you can weigh out two slices and see if it really weighs 54g. If so,…
  • I weigh frozen stuff frozen. Like veggies or french fries or fish. I never knew if it was correct or not, that's just what I did. Glad to know I was right! :)
  • Eat a little less for dinner and leave room for a snack later. If I don't have room for dessert I'll usually take a glass of water with me to the living room and sip on that. My husband is notorious for late-night snacking, especially on the weekends. I just have to ignore him and not give in no matter how bad I might want…