Short Ladies - How long did it take you to lose weight?

So, I am about 5'0" tall, and have about 30-35 pounds of fat to lose (My end lbs lost might vary, because I am also trying to gain some muscle mass in this process). I know it doesn't look like a lot, but for me it feels like a lot to lose. And I feel like I could use a realistic perspective on how long it took other shorter girls to lose weight without starving themselves or working out so much that it's inconvenient for a normal lifestyle. What did you do for fitness? How much/what did you eat? And any other tips you might have that helped you lose the weight!

Here's some specs for me from MFP.
My Maintenance Calories: 1550 calories/day
My Calorie Goal (That I set): 1400 calories/day
My Workout Plans: 5 days/Week
Workout Specifics: I decided since I am just getting back to working out, for the first month I am just going to do the types of workouts I actually like. So, maybe this time I will be able to stick with it. That means for me: a lot of weight lifting and some cardio kickboxing. Eventually (not sure how long this will take), I would love to feel strong enough to make it through some intense HIIT and start adding that a couple days a week or something.

Other Thoughts: I don't ever want to be below 1200 calories after exercise. So, for example: I eat 1400 calories for the day. Then, I workout for 300 calories burned. I plan to eat back at least 100 calories. I've just read too much about how not eating enough depletes your energy, inhibits muscle growth, and is just unhealthy overall. Besides, I like to eat!

Thanks in advance :smile:


  • Toadstool_
    Toadstool_ Posts: 120 Member
    I'm 5'4". So far I have lost 18 pounds averaging 1lb a week and have about 10lbs to go. I try to keep to 1200 calories most of the week as 1200 definitely works best for me, but do allow myself up to 1350 if I'm really hungry (mind you, like most, I do slip every now and again!) I do very little exercise though really (terrible, I know!)

    It will be a slow process - unfortunately being short, there's not much of a calorie deficit. 1lb is the equivalent of 3500 calories, so with a 150 daily calorie deficit and 200 uneaten burned calories 5 days a week you'd be looking at about a 2,050 weekly deficit - around 3 5ths of a pound loss a week. Just be mindful mfp can tend to over estimate calorie burn. Most people tend to only eat back half of the exercise calories if they choose to do so for this reason.
  • BumbleBreeBuzz
    BumbleBreeBuzz Posts: 83 Member
    I'm 5' 0" and i am working on losing 20 lbs. I habe about 13 to go and i have been at it for a month now. I just started to notice physical changes in my body yesterday. Even though I've lost 7 lbs, I've only lost 1 inch around my belly. It is a long process, especially for us shorties. Just keep at it. I pretty much eat what i want but stay at 1200 calories a day. Big salads are my best friend :)
  • BumbleBreeBuzz
    BumbleBreeBuzz Posts: 83 Member
    Oh and for fitness I've been going to the group classes at my gym. I think they are more fun and the instructors know what to work (its like getting a personal trainer for free lol)
  • KiwiKamikaze
    KiwiKamikaze Posts: 31 Member
    @Toadstool_ That's encouraging! Awesome job on your 18lbs! I guess that's why I wondered how long it might take: since I can't do a full 3500 deficit. As far as calorie burns, I hate MFP's calculations! But I don't really have to worry about it, because I use videos from Fitness Blender and a calorie monitor :smile:

    @BumbleBreeBuzz Way to go on the 7 lbs in such a short time! Other times when I've started up (I've started/stopped this process many times over the past few years) and gone for a little while I never felt like I saw changes either. I'm hoping I don't get demotivated by that! I carry most of my weight in my belly, so I'm assuming it will take a bit to see anything there :frowning:
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    5'1. Took me about 7 months to lose fifty five pounds. :)
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    I can't lose more than a pound a week unless I eat less than 1000 calories/day. At 1400/day I very nearly maintain.

    But I'm pretty sedentary (office job, walk about an hour a day to/from work, a couple 5K runs per week) so that doesn't help. Still, at my size my TDEE isn't very high so I have to cut my calories pretty low to see much loss.
  • jaga13
    jaga13 Posts: 1,149 Member
    NickieLR wrote: »
    So, I am about 5'0" tall, and have about 30-35 pounds of fat to lose (My end lbs lost might vary, because I am also trying to gain some muscle mass in this process). I know it doesn't look like a lot, but for me it feels like a lot to lose. And I feel like I could use a realistic perspective on how long it took other shorter girls to lose weight without starving themselves or working out so much that it's inconvenient for a normal lifestyle. What did you do for fitness? How much/what did you eat? And any other tips you might have that helped you lose the weight!

    Here's some specs for me from MFP.
    My Maintenance Calories: 1550 calories/day
    My Calorie Goal (That I set): 1400 calories/day
    My Workout Plans: 5 days/Week
    Workout Specifics: I decided since I am just getting back to working out, for the first month I am just going to do the types of workouts I actually like. So, maybe this time I will be able to stick with it. That means for me: a lot of weight lifting and some cardio kickboxing. Eventually (not sure how long this will take), I would love to feel strong enough to make it through some intense HIIT and start adding that a couple days a week or something.

    Other Thoughts: I don't ever want to be below 1200 calories after exercise. So, for example: I eat 1400 calories for the day. Then, I workout for 300 calories burned. I plan to eat back at least 100 calories. I've just read too much about how not eating enough depletes your energy, inhibits muscle growth, and is just unhealthy overall. Besides, I like to eat!

    Thanks in advance :smile:

    I am 4'11 and I've lost 27 lbs. 15ish came off when I simply started eating less, and a few months ago I really got serious on MFP with logging and have been losing roughly .5 lb a week.

    My maintenance calories: 1460
    Calorie goal for a .5lb weekly loss: 1210 (250 deficit)
    How much I really eat: anywhere from 1300-1500 give or take. I exercise at least a little bit every day to ensure I get to eat enough. I never eat just 1210!
    My workout plans: every day
    Workout specifics:
    Monday-Friday: I only have about 25 minutes between when hubby takes the kids to school and I have to get ready for work, so I try to use that time efficiently. M, W, F I lift weights. T and Th I run. Then I incorporate a lot of walking throughout the day with small breaks. Usually adds up to about an hour's worth of walking (not including my morning workout). I can typically log 200-350 exercise calories each day. I definitely eat back some, sometimes all, sometimes a smaller amount. Just depends how hungry I am.
    Saturday-Sunday: I pick one day for a longer workout (run) for a larger calorie burn (300-400). The other day I "rest" but I still stay active and take a lot of extra steps both days (again, to ensure I'm not stuck eating a sad amount of 1210!).
    What I eat: my diary is open. I tend to eat the same break, lunch, and snack on weekdays, and I create recipes on MFP for dinner. I try to maximize volume so that I'm full and happy, though if I really want a treat, I work it in. Weekends I splurge more, but if I know I'm going to splurge Saturday night at a restaurant, I eat my typical amount for breakfast/lunch/snack. I don't make the whole weekend a free for all.
  • Fit_Fox88
    Fit_Fox88 Posts: 410 Member
    I'm 5'3" and I have lost 58 pounds since March 2014. The first little bit came off within a couple months just from weighing my food, logging accurately and overall eating less. The next few months were followed by a lot of weight loss b/c I took up running pretty seriously. I started mixing in some weight training and now I'm finally into maintenance and recomp. I still run but only a few times a week instead of 5-6. It takes a while, but the results are well worth it.
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    5' 2.5" and 43. It's taken me almost a year to lose 93lbs. Still have about 50lbs to go. I have mostly done walking, but also a little aerobics and swimming. I have bad knees, so I have to be careful. I really need to start lifting.

    I've been set for a 2lbs/wk loss, but I will need to adjust that as I get closer to goal. I expect it to take a couple of years to get there, as I like to eat and can't cut cals for very long. Lately I eat anywhere from 1300-1700. I try to eat about half of my exercise cals, which puts me above my 1200 cal setting.
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    I am 4'11" and have lost 70lbs since Jan 4th.
  • trina1049
    trina1049 Posts: 593 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hi, 5'2.5" and 65 years old. It's taken me over a year and a half to lose 47+ pounds and I'll be on maintenance soon (another 5-6lbs). I set MFP for a 1lb. loss to begin and did mostly cardio classes at the gym 6 days a week. After a couple of months changed exercise to 4Xs per week weight lifting and minimal cardio at the gym because the 6 days a week was way too much.

    As the weight came off and I got closer to maintenance, I changed my MFP settings to .5lb per week maintaining my exercise schedule plus added walking (darn you, Fitbit and your 10,000 steps). I'm still averaging a .5lb per week loss or around 2lbs per month.

    I have MFP set to 1200 cals per day but I rarely eat less than 1350 to 1850 per day because I eat back most of my exercise calories determined by my heart rate monitor (for gym exercise) and my Fitbit for any other daily activity.

    I've gone from a size 14/16 US to a petite 4/6 and lost over 5" from chest, waist, hips thanks to the weight lifting.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    edited June 2015
    im 5'2 (if i stand super straight). i started at 250 (technically more but 250 was when i first weighed officially a few weeks after starting) and in ~6 months have lost about 50 pounds. I have many more to go LOLOL

    i dont SEE it, but i FEEL it and my clothing size keeps dropping :P I am happy to no longer be shopping in the 'plus size' section!

    I eat what i want (just a whole lot less) and work out pretty much everyday. the past couple of weeks weve been moving so not as much, but trying to get back into a routine. I can eat anywhere from 1100- 1800 calories a day, depending on whether or not i worked out and how much beer i want to drink ;) )
  • KiwiKamikaze
    KiwiKamikaze Posts: 31 Member
    You ladies are so empowering!! It makes me feel so much more hopeful to know so many have already had great success. :smile: It is also great to hear that I don't HAVE to work out every day of the week (which might be hard to maintain). Thanks for all your responses!
  • kailyw05
    kailyw05 Posts: 80 Member
    I am 5'3.5", 26 years old and it's taken me 5 months to lose 23 lbs (153 to 130). 2 lbs from my goal (though secretly 5 lbs from my ultimate goal of 125) and I really hope to reach it by the 6 month mark :)

    I sometimes net under 1200, but I rarely eat less than 1400. I do over-do it most Saturday nights (alcohol and chips get the best of me) so I try to keep a good deficit through the week in preparation.

    I started with Focus T25 videos and completed that program over the last 15 weeks. 25 minutes a day, 5 or 6 days a week and I walk my dog most days as well. Now I am doing the 21 Day Fix (also 30 minute videos). I really don't think you need to workout for very long each day to see results. And really, there is no excuse as to why you can't fit in 30 minutes of exercise in your living room, so this is working out great for me!

    Good luck!
  • pollypocket1021
    pollypocket1021 Posts: 533 Member
    4"11. I started at 137 and am now 111. I was losing about 1lb per week at 1600 kcal per day. I've upped intake for the time being and will go back to 0.5lb per week soon. I don't do any formal exercise, but I retract a lot for my job, which is several hours of resistance per day.

    I suspect I'm the exception to the rule with regard to intake, but not all short people need 1200 kcals per day to lose.
  • stormyview
    stormyview Posts: 81 Member
    5' 4" here.
    SW 160, CW 115

    It took me 13 months, but I did lose to a pretty lean level. The last 7 pounds took 5 months, but I was also a lot more relaxed with my food and tracking once I got to 120, which was my original goal.
  • KBmoments
    KBmoments Posts: 193 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    I can't lose more than a pound a week unless I eat less than 1000 calories/day. At 1400/day I very nearly maintain.

    But I'm pretty sedentary (office job, walk about an hour a day to/from work, a couple 5K runs per week) so that doesn't help. Still, at my size my TDEE isn't very high so I have to cut my calories pretty low to see much loss.

    I'm 5'3", but same scenario. I was eating back all my exercise calories and pretty much maintaining or losing at a snails rate. I stopped eating back my calories and have finally seem some shift. I think a lot of it was overestimating my calories and underestimating my food intake. Just hardly any wiggle room!

  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    I am 5'0" and have lost 20 lbs in 5 months.
    I eat about 1700 calories a day and have 5-7 hours of roller derby a week and 3 lifting sessions of approx. 45-60 minutes. My TDEE is about 2100 cals.

    I have 10 lbs left. I am going to try and keep my weight loss going as long as possible by continuing what I am doing, but if I notice my energy or strength dropping, I will switch to close to maintenance and try a recomp. I feel good where I am though, so I am going to keep going to try and lose the last of my belly.
  • jumblejups
    jumblejups Posts: 150 Member
    edited June 2015
    SW: 188
    CW: 158
    GW: 140 (maybe 130, will reevaluate later!).

    Started late Dec 2013 so 30lb loss in 6mo. My maintenance atm must be about 1800 (deficit cals at sedentary are about 1300-1400). Can't be doing with that :D I had been replacing more journeys with walking anyway so decided to get a FitBit in Jan and walk almost all of my journeys. I average a daily allowance of 1800-2200 in deficit (so add 500 for maintenance), based on sync from FitBit, my lowest daily cals in deficit are when I don't do much so I'll be on around 1400-1500, highest allowance so far has been around 2600.

    Edit: I mean Dec 2014 :wink:
  • hollyblucher
    hollyblucher Posts: 8 Member
    I totally feel you. I'm 4'10" and it depends. I lost 22lbs back in 2013 (started at 140, ended at 118lbs), but because of a medical issue and laziness on my part I gained it ALL plus some back in 2014. During 2013 I was eating under 1300 calories per day and working out for 1 hour 4 times per week. I started in January of 2013 and lost 20lbs within 4-5 months.

    I'm currently trying to lose weight again for my wedding and for health reasons. I started in March 2015 at 148 and without putting much effort into it ended up at 140lbs by May (like I said I wasn't really trying too hard or anything). However, I kicked it into high gear this week with a low carb/low sugar diet and I've lost 5lbs in 6 days. I'm currently sticking to under 60grams of carbs per day and under 30grams of sugar. I'm not going to lie I've been pretty moody/nauseous/headaches the past few days, but I've read that this is totally normally when you're used to eating a lot of carbs/sugars. I've heard it goes away within 1-2 weeks. I'm trying to stay strong and stick it out!!

    Good luck with you goals! I know it's hard when we're short because EVERY pound shows.