adipex - diet pill

jdingus728 Posts: 7 Member
edited June 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
I started adipex yesterday to help with weight loss, my goal weight is 150 and im currently 242. Was wondering if anyone on here has had any success with it?


  • Peachiko87
    Peachiko87 Posts: 45 Member
    It's basically the same thing as Phentermine. I'm on day 3 of using mine;; All I can really say is remember to eat 3 balanced meals a day. I have ZERO appetite using it. Food smells good, sounds good, but I have no want or will to eat it. I stay right at 1,500-1,600 calories, by planning my meals for the day out in the morning, it only takes maybe 30mins to do, and overall it's working. Good luck!
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    Adipex is phentermine. It's a prescription appetite suppressant that acts like amphetamine. If your doctor has prescribed it and advised you of the risks of using it, use it exactly as advised.

    If you could set your calorie goals and learn to eat within that goal without the appetite suppressant, it would be better because you wouldn't be facing the potential risks of the drug, so try to see it as a very temporary tool to get you started.

  • vegaspack
    vegaspack Posts: 30 Member
    I have been on Phentermine off and on for about 3 months and down about 32 pounds. I have also been doing low carb although I did take a few weeks off Low carb and Phentermine as I had 2 vacations. Phentermine does reduce my appetite but you do have to watch out for mood swings and high blood pressure. Make sure you monitor your BP closely. Also, the nurse at the clinic said to watch your alcohol consumption while on Phentermine.
  • jdingus728
    jdingus728 Posts: 7 Member
    Ok thanks for the info! I don't drink so that's not an issue for me.
  • darkquark
    darkquark Posts: 1 Member
    Just my 2 cents but I think using things like this can lead to ultimate failure. Why? Because while the pill works it does not correct the bad eating habits that got you where you want to lose weight. It's a short term fix no different than say crash dieting. When you finish taking the medication you will be in a position where you were before. In reality there is no such thing as a "diet" that works long term. To get to your goal and maintain it you have to change your eating habits for life.

    Again, just my take on it if it works for you than more power to you.
  • krysym1
    krysym1 Posts: 10 Member
    I've been on it for month and half and i think it makes me very , but i haven't experienced the decrease in appetite! :( my goal is 150-190 right now. I dint get why it's not helping! Yes its prescription.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    edited June 2015
    I started this process around the same weight as you. Im 135now. I think that its important to learn the lessons and tools needed for long term success, things like portion control and moderation will be very important in the process. Its a learning experience . But if the pills are suppressing your appetite, you might not be learning the lessons necessary for long term success. Im not knocking you for taking them, its your body so its your choice. But im just concerned that if you rely on the pills then when you stop taking them, you could go back to where you started. Then the risk would've been for nothing. So i would definitely try to come up with a plan for success so once you stop the pills, you'll have a clear plan to follow. Ive seen so many people on here gain every pound back once they stop the pills because they havent put in the hard work needed for long term success. I never ever took diet pills, i had to learn the hard way but have been able to maintain my weight loss for years now. I just hope that your able to successfully maintain. Again im not knocking you at all just warning you so you dont make the same mistake as others on here. Best of luck to you
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,881 Member
    You still need to address you own eating habits regardless if you're on it or not. What I find is when people start using weight loss drugs to achieve weight loss, they can't seem to get off them because they still have no idea how to eat correctly. The drug just helps them to reduce eating.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • vegaspack
    vegaspack Posts: 30 Member
    I agree w/ all the posters who say Phentermine comes with its risks, but sometimes using a drug to get your weight loss started can be motivating. Carrying an extra 100 pounds around carries quite a bit of risk too. It is not unlike people who have gastric bypass. It is all about risks vs benefits. In addition, if losing the weight by using Phentermine / Adipex then possibly people can stop taking other drugs in the future that impact heart health.
  • jdingus728
    jdingus728 Posts: 7 Member
    vegaspack wrote: »
    I agree w/ all the posters who say Phentermine comes with its risks, but sometimes using a drug to get your weight loss started can be motivating. Carrying an extra 100 pounds around carries quite a bit of risk too. It is not unlike people who have gastric bypass. It is all about risks vs benefits. In addition, if losing the weight by using Phentermine / Adipex then possibly people can stop taking other drugs in the future that impact heart health.

    I agree
  • tflyswagg
    tflyswagg Posts: 52 Member
    jdingus728 wrote: »
    I started adipex yesterday to help with weight loss, my goal weight is 150 and im currently 242. Was wondering if anyone on here has had any success with it?

    Hello Jdingus, I want to share with you a little about myself and my weight loss journey. In September 2013 I gave birth to my third child. I had bronchitis badly at the beginning and lost weight, by the end I had gained it back in full and some, had gestational diabetes and he was a 9lbs 15 oz baby. A month later I got the implanon put in, nothing but bad side effects. I have been a comfortable size 11 since 2004, nothing skinny but healthy. This time around the baby weight never came off. I decided I wouldn't let the birth control take over my body and I cut out Sodas, ate healthier for months, but nothing. I admit I hated water, so I was still consuming high calorie juices and sweet teas. This past December I became obsessed with bottled water, exercised aggressively, followed MFP, YouTube health gurus. I couldn't lose more than 10lbs. Beginning of May I went to the Dr. For something unrelated. Stepping on the scale I expected to see a number around 197. After all, since January i have been strictly drinking water and cut out red meat, most breads, pasta aside from a couple potlucks at my new job I hadnt even been eating past 6pm. Reality set in as the number stare me in the face 216lbs and the nurse ready for me to follow her. I told my MD, I truly have been changing my eating habits I never ever been over 200lbs unless I was giving birth and soon after I would go down to the 190's andthen the 170's i would range. I know what made me overweight since I was younger but doing the right things and gaining more was hard for me to accept. I got lab work done and a prescription for phentermine, which I picked up May 19th. The birth control I decided needed to be removed, I been single for almost a year now since my abusive ex honestly admits he left me because I was fat. I started the phentermine May 19th, I don't normally take pills even for headache, I was up all night. The next day I got my birth control removed that whole week I would get up throughout the night but then I noticed my sleep came back and my appetite is now controlled. My mind will tell me I'm hungry but when I eat I feel satisfied faster and I am not trying to set myself up for failure, I do realize that this isn't permanent but between removing my birth control and taking phentermine I feel like my body is starting to be regular again. I have lost 10lbs so far in 3 weeks and once I get back down to 195 I will take myself off and continue my healthy lifestyle I been improving since January. There is no Magic Pill but water, portion control, diet (food scale) some type of weight training, and walking are the real habits that will get us back into our favorite jeans;) I would love to know more about your journey and really anyone taking phentermine, their experiences and results and it you have added B12 meta or anything else? Also, i did a photo shoot for a friend who got the stomach surgery and she lost 75 lbs so far, she was around 265. I don't want it to get to that point. I weighed my options and everyone has their own take on it how it could be bad for me. Its a catch 22 I guess. Use it, lose it and have a better chance of continuing to be fit and risk the side effects. Or.. Don't use it, struggle and set myself up to be discouraged and possibly give up, gain more or even develop diabetes. At this point it works for me, the first week was horrible but now I'm focused on eating to live, not living to eat. Either way we are living to die so the option is each to their own to make.
  • prettyleelee
    prettyleelee Posts: 236 Member
    I am also on Adipex-P37 when I started I was 253lbs the heaviest I have ever been in my life. Thankfully I am healthy I didn't have high number on anything blood pressure, sugar, cholesterol all of my numbers are good. My problem I just couldn't get my extra weight to come off. I see my doctor on the regular due to other health issues and we had noticed without me changing anything or becoming less active I had gained 25lbs in 2 months for no reason. She then brought up sleep apnea and it hit me. I had just had a best friend of 20 years pass away because of this issue. I looked her in the face and said I was done no more being unhealthy no more not watching what I put into my body. No more paying for a gym but not using it. Thankfully she understand and wanted to help me so here I am on my second month of Adipex-P37. It did make me not hungry however I know it is better to eat than not eat so I planned out 1240 calories a day. I measure my foods out and weigh them I know exactly how many calories I am putting into my body a day. I am up to running 2 miles in 30 mins (when I started I couldn't do a quarter without practically dying). I am down 20lbs in a month is it from the meds yeah maybe a little. However it has been teaching me how to live healthy and has given me the strength to create new habits so that when its not there I will still have them.

    My advice even though you can lose weight by just taking it make it work for you.
    DO NOT go without eating it is horrible for your body and its functions at least 1200 calories a day.
    DO NOT just sit around find something you like to do walk, run, zumba, weight lift, WERQ anything to get you into a habit of working out and keeping you there. Once you form that habit on the meds it will be easier to do when they go away.
    DO NOT waste this chance your doctor has given you to change use it to its full advantage for you.

    I hope this helped some and add me on a s a friend if you want to keep track of another users progress.
  • healthnut050
    healthnut050 Posts: 26 Member
    Not familiar with it but sounds interesting. I started using Liporidex Max and it works great for me, down 10 pounds and counting. I like that it's all natural, is adipex all natural? Also, do you have to get it through a prescription?
  • Fit_Fox88
    Fit_Fox88 Posts: 410 Member
    My cousin was on it for a while, lost a considerable amount of weight. But it was never for long term. She's now off of it and using a dietitian and following a meal plan and calorie counting. So yes, it worked for her in the short term but now she's on to other methods to sustain the weight loss and keep it off.
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    is adipex all natural?

    It's an amphetamine.
  • tflyswagg
    tflyswagg Posts: 52 Member
    Healthnut050, it is not natural it is very strong and it is a prescription. Like prettyleelee said one would need to have good blood pressure and I do eat right and drink plenty of water. I haven't been very active but I'm ready to start back up on my exercise, which has never been am issue for me. @prettyleelee where did you get that number from far as calories? My personal trainer who made my meal plan started me at a higher number, basically you keep it consistent for a period of time and then down a little and keep it consistent for a while and so forth. He said thats why people hit a platue BC they don't give them self to to decrease. Any lower than 1200 your body will go into survival mode and store fat. That's why fad diets don't work or people will try one diet and then switch to another, you have to stay consistent that's why if you ever see people who are successful a lot of times the meals they eat are repetative. It made so much sense after I realized a few months ago I was doing a 1200 calorie diet and people on MFP kept saying It wasn't enough, I thought if I was more active than the calories I was consuming I would lose but in the end it made me gain 15 lbs:/
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    tflyswagg wrote: »
    Any lower than 1200 your body will go into survival mode and store fat.

    This is not true.
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    edited June 2015
    I took this for about 8 months, my blood pressure went though the roof and i lost a bunch of weight but after I stopped taking it I gained it back just as fast as I lost it, I was able to lose over 100lbs in those months, but again I gained it back. Plus I still battle blood pressure to this day even after 4 years later of myself not taking it anymore. I don't recommend it!
  • prettyleelee
    prettyleelee Posts: 236 Member
    TNoire wrote: »
    I took this for about 8 months, my blood pressure went though the roof and i lost a bunch of weight but after I stopped taking it I gained it back just as fast as I lost it, I was able to lose over 100lbs in those months, but again I gained it back. Plus I still battle blood pressure to this day even after 4 years later of myself not taking it anymore. I don't recommend it!

    I get my blood pressure checked regularly and do not have a problem with it being high. When you lost the 100 did you change your habits? Keep those habits after you got off?
  • prettyleelee
    prettyleelee Posts: 236 Member
    tflyswagg wrote: »
    Any lower than 1200 your body will go into survival mode and store fat.

    This is not true.

    Correct it is not true I go by what MFP tells me to go by that's 1240. I also work off about 600 calories a day and eat about 200 of those back so I end up with about 1500 a day. If started with more than that u wouldn't be able or so it. With these meds I barely get down the 1500 but I force myself because I know that's what's right.