

  • This is always perplexing to me... I am 5'8"'and 190lbs. I wear a size 12 in pants, and a medium in tops. I know people the same height as me who wear a larger size and weight less. What is that about?
  • I know what you mean. I am currently at 190lbs. I've gained about 15lbs over the past year due to stress and some family issues, but I'm trying to get the weight off. Even before last year, when I was lighter, I was still trying to get down in size. I am 5'8", and I've never been a "small" girl. I just have a large frame…
  • I always just log them as circuit training.
  • I completely understand what you're saying. I too feel good about being healthy, but the results are slow. It is easy to become obbsessed about weight loss and then when it doesn't happen at the rate you want or expect, it can be a total let down. Try to remember that being healthy is the most important thing, and the…
  • I did the shred a months ago, and I did each level for ten days. I did not take any rest days. I just did 30 consecutive days. As for the weights, I used 10 pound weights.
  • I'd do the filet or shrimp with just veggies. Skip the rice. There will be plenty of carbs in the lasagna. Enjoy your time with your friends and try not to beat yourself up if you go over.
  • I finished the Shred a month ago and have been doing Jillian's Banish Fat Boost Metabolism 3 or 4 times a week along with running 3 miles 3 days a week. It's a good video after the Shred because it is like double the cardio you would do on a Shred day, so you definitely sweat more :)
  • I don't know about the gelatin...If you find another remedy, let me know. After having 2 children and experiencing my own weight loss success, I have loose skin on my lower abdomen. I hate it... I love the weight loss, but hate the loose skin. I know that no matter how much I loose, I will never look like I did before I…
  • I just listed it as circuit training for 20 minutes and 5 minutes of mild stretching. Stick with it! You'll love the results :)
  • I don't know if you are retaining water or whatever, but I finished the thread 2 weeks ago and lost 12 pounds total. The first 2 weeks I did not loose, but it started to show as I got into the third week. Also, more important that my weight loss was my "waist" loss. I can actually see definition in my abs now :) Hang in…
  • We all sure do have our off days! Today was horrible for me too...I went way overboard. The weekends are always bad for me as well. I love pizza, and I can never have just one slice. Also, I love baked goods like donuts, muffins, cookies, cakes, etc. I just can't resist them. You are not alone in your struggle for…
  • I've Truvia, but to me it has a bad aftertaste. I prefer Splenda, but I'll use either one.
  • We just bought a Wii about 3 weeks ago. We didn't buy the balance board or anything, but we did but the sports resort game and the Dance Dance Revolution game that comes with the mat. We love it! I am addicted to the DDR. My children are younger so they don't really get to play on it yet. My oldest is 4. She can play some…
  • I love the Wii too! We just bought the DDR for Wii. I'm so addicted! I play it almost every night after getting my girls to bed.
  • I agree with the thirsty thing. When I'm hungry and it's not mealtime or snack time, I just drink a glass or two of water.
  • I don't believe in completely depriving yourself of the things you love. I don't take a whole days to completely indulge in all of my favorite foods, but I do indulge once a week and still loose weight. I may have 2 glasses of wine and 2 Milano cookies on Friday night while watching a movie, or I might have a Dairy Queen…
  • Congrats! My little one will be a year next month and I am 5 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight. I do believe you can return to your same size, but I also agree that your body will never be the same after having children. With my first daughter I was able to get back to my original size jeans, but they did not fit…
  • I did P90X for a month and lost 7 pounds and some inches. I felt great. I want to start again but I am not feeling motivated. When doing P90X I feel starved all the time even when taking in around 1800 calories daily. I am currently breastfeeding my daughter, so I don't know if I need to take in extra calories because of…