thinking about getting a wii...?

ScarletTarah Posts: 117 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Does the fitness workout work, I go to the gym in the morning and find myself sometimes in the evening bored wishing I could get to the gym, since I can't, I thought this would be fun for me and the kids to do together. Since they already have a game station I don't want to buy one unless it has an added benefit, like getting us in shape. I would really appreciate the feedback, Thank you.


  • Schula03
    Schula03 Posts: 171 Member
    I don't think its worth it!!!!! I have one and it really is not fast enough for me to get a good workout!!!! I don't love it. It is fun to have a bunch of people over and play with it though!!!! :)
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,447 Member
    We actually just bought one, we're getting the wii fit plus game to go with it. I've heard really great things! It can keep track of your weight and I know when I played some of the games at my in laws it was a lot of fun! It's also quiet, that's my biggest thing, I'd be doing it while the baby sleeps, and while my husband sleeps (he's a 3rd shifter and it's in our bedroom)

    I wish you luck!
  • We just bought a Wii about 3 weeks ago. We didn't buy the balance board or anything, but we did but the sports resort game and the Dance Dance Revolution game that comes with the mat. We love it! I am addicted to the DDR. My children are younger so they don't really get to play on it yet. My oldest is 4. She can play some of the games on the sports resort game, but she doesn't have the coordination for the DDR. I play the DDR after the girls have gone to bed. You can really work up a sweat doing it, and it's fun. I'd definitely recommend it. If your children are older, they would enjoy it too and it would give them a chance to be active instead of sitting on the couch playing a game. The Wii is definitely a great way for the family to get up and move together and have fun. Hope this helps!
  • My husband and I bought ourselves the Wii for Christmas and then I got the Wii Fit Plus for my birthday (2 days later). I LOVE IT. It's not going to make you drop weight like crazy, but it's burning more calories than just sittng on the couch! Plus, I have found that the yoga and strength training i'm doing is making me lose inches. I say go for it, the family games such as bowling and snowboarding are really fun and you have to be active with them.

    The Hula-Hooping is HYSTERICAL!!! It gives your hips a fantastic workout and makes you laugh at the same time!!!
  • I love it! My elliptical machine broke in October and I have been using the Wii since. I do not care for Wii Fit Plus - it doesn't burn very many calories very fast. I use the EA Active and EA Active More Workouts - I can burn up to 300 calories in about 45 minutes on the More Workouts game. I am drenched with sweat no matter which I use. I have also tried the Biggest Loser - it was good as well, but I prefer the Active workouts. As long as you are willing to commit - I use mine 4+ times a week - it is worth it. I like being able to workout at home.
  • ScarletTarah
    ScarletTarah Posts: 117 Member
    off subject but these babies are gorgeous, and thanks for the advices.
  • beqy12
    beqy12 Posts: 569
    I have been debating getting one too but this post has made it very eye opening.... maybe I will go with the EA active games.
  • i have the dancing with the stars 'game" and it's so much definately work up a has you moving in a bunch of different directions, and has you doing a lot of different definately work up your arms and your waist.....i find the next day, i can really feel it
  • BlueLikeJazz
    BlueLikeJazz Posts: 219 Member
    I too use the EA Active and really like it. I like the customization and I usually burn about 350 calories in 45 min. doing moderate activities (moderate to me means sweating a lot but not quite dying for it to be over already lol.)
  • ScarletTarah
    ScarletTarah Posts: 117 Member
    I live upstairs is there alot of jumping or noise.
  • ScarletTarah
    ScarletTarah Posts: 117 Member
    I live upstairs is there alot of jumping or noise.
  • I just bought myself a Wii and the EA Sports Active Personal Trainer. I LOVE the game. It's a good, solid, make you sweat and sore workout in my opinion. You can do a preset workout if you don't have time to sit and create one or you can play around and make up your own with your favorite moves. I made myself a little 10 minute sports/cardio workout for when I just have a few minutes of down time to do on top of my regular workout. I was very concerned about the Wii Fit getting bad reviews about not being enough of a workout so I opted not to get it. The Active game is balance board compatible but not required for most exercises. I have a treadmill but I find myself using the Active more. You get trophies for small accomplishments and you can customize your goals. I think once I master this with doing the 30 day challenge, I'm going to get the more workouts and the Biggest Loser game. Don't trust the calorie counter. I used my heart rate monitor and burned TWICE as many calories as it did not count the time inbetween exercises while I was watching the instructional videos (I keep moving with a little dance or something). It is slow starting, in my opinion, as you learn to use everything. I think it's good to take a day of just watching videos, setting up and practicing moves so that you are not taking twice as long on your first workout. You can always view the videos again if you need to. I would like to note that the one big issue I have had is with the running!!! For some reason, I can be running my little heart out and it'll tell me I'm going to slow... I can slow down and it'll register the same pace. Until I can figure it out, I've been leaving the running out of my workouts and just subbing in with some treadmill time. So, my personal opinion and review is to get the Wii and the EA Sports game. I cannot actually say the Wii Fit is bad or not as good of a workout as I have not tried it, though.
  • BlueLikeJazz
    BlueLikeJazz Posts: 219 Member
    I just bought myself a Wii and the EA Sports Active Personal Trainer. I LOVE the game. It's a good, solid, make you sweat and sore workout in my opinion. You can do a preset workout if you don't have time to sit and create one or you can play around and make up your own with your favorite moves. I made myself a little 10 minute sports/cardio workout for when I just have a few minutes of down time to do on top of my regular workout. I was very concerned about the Wii Fit getting bad reviews about not being enough of a workout so I opted not to get it. The Active game is balance board compatible but not required for most exercises. I have a treadmill but I find myself using the Active more. You get trophies for small accomplishments and you can customize your goals. I think once I master this with doing the 30 day challenge, I'm going to get the more workouts and the Biggest Loser game. Don't trust the calorie counter. I used my heart rate monitor and burned TWICE as many calories as it did not count the time inbetween exercises while I was watching the instructional videos (I keep moving with a little dance or something). It is slow starting, in my opinion, as you learn to use everything. I think it's good to take a day of just watching videos, setting up and practicing moves so that you are not taking twice as long on your first workout. You can always view the videos again if you need to. I would like to note that the one big issue I have had is with the running!!! For some reason, I can be running my little heart out and it'll tell me I'm going to slow... I can slow down and it'll register the same pace. Until I can figure it out, I've been leaving the running out of my workouts and just subbing in with some treadmill time. So, my personal opinion and review is to get the Wii and the EA Sports game. I cannot actually say the Wii Fit is bad or not as good of a workout as I have not tried it, though.

    I had issues with the running portions at first too (as if being an extremely overweight new exerciser wasn't discouraging enough) but I found that if I position the leg strap lower on my thigh, it registers much more easily.
  • BlueLikeJazz
    BlueLikeJazz Posts: 219 Member
    I live upstairs is there alot of jumping or noise.

    I live upstairs too so I make sure to do this during daytime hours when nobody downstairs would be sleeping because there are a couple "noisy" activites (like running and side jumps) but if you do them properly, you should be landing kind of lightly anyways. The majority of the activities are quiet though.
  • beqy12
    beqy12 Posts: 569
    I live upstairs is there alot of jumping or noise.

    I live upstairs too so I make sure to do this during daytime hours when nobody downstairs would be sleeping because there are a couple "noisy" activites (like running and side jumps) but if you do them properly, you should be landing kind of lightly anyways. The majority of the activities are quiet though.

    Haha! I live upstairs as well and usually stomp around with "Walk for Weightloss" by Leslie Sansone (which I love, btw) or use my NOISY craigslist-bought elliptical trainer... I feel so bad for my neighbors, I wonder if I should go apologize sometimes. I work 8-5, and sometimes 8-10 (gotta pay off those student loans with those babysitting hours!) so working out at good time for them isn't an option. I'm usually a considerate person, I swear.... it's just their peaceful night, or my weightloss goals.

    I guess I had to get that off my chest. Haha. March on!
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