Kelin Member


  • I still have 40 or 50 lbs more to lose, but I can see a big difference in my face already!
  • I'm down about 50lbs. People started noticing around the 35-40lb loss range. I know its noticeable but lots of people who I haven't seen in awhile do not comment on my weight loss. I think they are afraid to say something or draw attention to how heavy I was before. BUT... I'm not doing this to be noticed or for people to…
  • 256 on left, 219 on right. 60 more pounds to go!
  • I am down just over 30 pounds (60 more to go) and I think my face has changed quite a bit. The one on the left was taken in September 2014 and the right was last week.
  • Great advice, thank you!
  • I'm a science gal, so I do trust it! I know that a stall for even 6 weeks can be normal as your body adjusts. I'm just looking to tweak things a little now that I am 30 pounds down. Keep my body guessing so I can I lose the other 70.
  • There are a lot of things I wish they would fix. Particularly the link with FitBit. It's a total PIA to re-link things every other day. :)
  • I just double checked with a co-worker who I am not MFP friends with and he can see everything so my diary is open.
  • My privacy settings are set to "Everyone", so not sure why its not open. I was seeing consistent weight loss each week for months and now I'm seeing nothing for 2 weeks so for me, this is a stall/slowing. Yes, I weigh everything but steamed veggies. I measure sauces, milk, nuts, meat... you name it. That's great you have a…
  • I am in the exact same boat. Mother of 2 girls, 34 years old, and recently had a hysterectomy. I weigh 229 right now and my first goal is to be under 200 (onderland). I am down 27 pounds over the last year or so, but making a BIG push right now to be under 200.
  • I'll do it! Add me!
  • When I hit a 5 week plateau last month I had 3 high calorie days over thanksgiving and then dropped it back down low for a week and finally had a good loss.
  • Started exactly 75 days ago and down 30 pounds as of this week. I lost a ton of weight in October, then only a few pounds in November, and now its starting to drop again. I didn't do anything different during November, guess my body just didn't want to let it go. I'm averaging a little over 2 pounds per week. I usually…
  • I'm at 1380. I was hungry the first week or so, but after that I wasn't. Been at it over 50 days now and haven't felt really hungry for several weeks. I do healthy snacks throughout the day and eat back some of my workout calories.
  • We weigh the same now and I love lost about 23 pounds myself (haven't updated my weight yet). My wedding ring is getting really loose too! It's amazing that we loose weight from our fingers. I think in another week or 2 my ring will be falling off. Good and bad! Great job on your loss so far!
  • Smoking is worse. You can exercise a binge off. You can't un-do the damage that cigarettes do to your body. Plus, its just nasty. I'm a ex-smoker too and it took 4 years for the cravings to go away. Hang in there, and put down the cig.
  • I don't avoid them because I can't. Family and social gatherings always involve food (at least mine do). So I either pick the best options available and keep track of calories mentally (or pull out my phone and get on MFP and tally them up really quick) or I always have a protein bar stashed in my purse that I can eat in…
  • I am going to buy an amazing sexy dress, heels and some lingerie. Then I am going to get boudoir photos done for my husband (AND MYSELF). I also plan on whitening my teeth professionally, get a small tattoo in a hidden place (my first) to remind myself of how hard I worked and buying a new wardrobe with clothes that I love…
  • Sugar is addictive! For me, the only thing that works is having no sweets at all. The first time my mouth touches a piece of candy or something it opens the flood gates and I loose self control. So in my case I do a lot better if I just stay away from it completely.
  • Perfect! Thank you!
  • Congrats! You both look amazing! And we have the same last name! :)
  • I had a great week and weekend! Down 3.8 pounds from last Monday! We did some "fall cleaning" and spent 5 hours working in the yard and cleaning the house. Burned lots of calories! Feeling great!
  • I allowed myself to have 1 SMALL piece of candy yesterday. I stayed within my calorie goals. We gave all of our candy to the last kid that came to our door last night and there is not 1 piece of candy left in our house. I accept the challenege! Having zero tempation makes things wayyyyyy easier!
  • What heart rate monitor do you use? I want to get one so I have a more accurate method of figuring out how many calories I burn.
  • Hi everyone! I am a 31 year old working mother of almost 8 month old twin baby girls. I am married and my husband and I are having a little weight loss competition. I am going to beat him... oh yes, yes I am. :) I have been logging on MFP for a little over a week and so far lost a few pounds. My goal is to loose at least…