Diet Feedback Needed :)

Hello! My food log is open and I would much appreciate your advice. My weight loss seems to have slowed/stalled the past week or 2. I know that can happened and I am not worried, but I'd like to tweak things. I suspect I might need to up my calories, but I have no idea.
- I weigh and measure everything, except steamed vegetables (which I eyeball).
- I don't log water, but I do drink at least 60oz. per day.
- I am completely sedentary during the day (desk job) but I chase kids in the evenings and try
to go for a walk 3-5 days a week and usually get close to 8k steps per day on my fitbit.
- I really try to limit my carbs but as you can see I'm not great at it yet.
- I do give myself a little treat as long as I stay within my calorie total, for example my
daughters birthday was Saturday and I had a small piece of cake (which I weighed).
- I usually log between 1200 and 1400 calories per day and I have 70 pounds to lose with a weight loss goal of 2 lbs per week.

What do you see? What can I improve/change?

Thank you for your time!


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Your diary isn't open actually...

    2 weeks is not a stall.

    do you weigh solids? Yes I know you say you do but do you use cups for solids?

    I have a desk job and manage 10k steps in a day without exercise

    why limit carbs?

    do you exercise? do you record those calories? do you eat some of them back?

  • Kelin
    Kelin Posts: 49 Member
    My privacy settings are set to "Everyone", so not sure why its not open.

    I was seeing consistent weight loss each week for months and now I'm seeing nothing for 2 weeks so for me, this is a stall/slowing.

    Yes, I weigh everything but steamed veggies. I measure sauces, milk, nuts, meat... you name it.

    That's great you have a desk job that you can walk around so much! Unfortunately, I do not.

    I try to walk 3-5 days a week. My fitbit charge HR records those calories via my activity and heart rate. I do not eat my exercise calories back.
  • joepratt503
    joepratt503 Posts: 191 Member
    you have to share your diary in a separate place. Settings > Diary Settings. Its crazy how many people have the same issue but MFP still has not fixed it.
  • Kelin
    Kelin Posts: 49 Member
    I just double checked with a co-worker who I am not MFP friends with and he can see everything so my diary is open.
  • Kelin
    Kelin Posts: 49 Member
    you have to share your diary in a separate place. Settings > Diary Settings. Its crazy how many people have the same issue but MFP still has not fixed it.
    There are a lot of things I wish they would fix. Particularly the link with FitBit. It's a total PIA to re-link things every other day. :)

  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    1-2 weeks can easily be water weight. Water weight can increase if you increase intensity of activity, have higher than usual sodium, are lacking sleep, dealing with stress, or around TOM/hormones.

    Trust the science. Do you regularly show a deficit according to Fitbit? If so, just keep going.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Kelin wrote: »
    My privacy settings are set to "Everyone", so not sure why its not open.

    I was seeing consistent weight loss each week for months and now I'm seeing nothing for 2 weeks so for me, this is a stall/slowing.

    Yes, I weigh everything but steamed veggies. I measure sauces, milk, nuts, meat... you name it.

    That's great you have a desk job that you can walk around so much! Unfortunately, I do not.

    I try to walk 3-5 days a week. My fitbit charge HR records those calories via my activity and heart rate. I do not eat my exercise calories back.

    2 weeks is not really a stall...I've gone 4 weeks without a loss...things happen and you getting stressed can make it last longer...cortisol (stress hormone) makes us retain water...

    weigh solids, measure liquids...and log accurately...without seeing your diary your entries could be off...I've seen 4oz of beef in here at 100 calories and 48grams of protein that is not correct...I always check the nutritional value and edit based on USDA website if it's not correct.

    As for the exercise with such low calories you should be eating some of those back to fuel your next day...if you are eating 1200 burning 200 you are @ 1k calories and you will find yourself sluggish the next day...maybe change your weigh loss goal to 1.5 lbs a week as well....with 70lbs to lose 2lbs a week is a bit more aggressive than it needs to be.
  • Leana088
    Leana088 Posts: 581 Member
    2 weeks isn't that bad. 2 months would be a real stall. Remember weight loss is all over the place sometimes. Give it some more time. One morning when you get on the scale you might see you've dropped more than usual. This is known around here as the "whoosh-effect".
  • Kelin
    Kelin Posts: 49 Member
    1-2 weeks can easily be water weight. Water weight can increase if you increase intensity of activity, have higher than usual sodium, are lacking sleep, dealing with stress, or around TOM/hormones.

    Trust the science. Do you regularly show a deficit according to Fitbit? If so, just keep going.

    I'm a science gal, so I do trust it! I know that a stall for even 6 weeks can be normal as your body adjusts. I'm just looking to tweak things a little now that I am 30 pounds down. Keep my body guessing so I can I lose the other 70.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Kelin wrote: »
    1-2 weeks can easily be water weight. Water weight can increase if you increase intensity of activity, have higher than usual sodium, are lacking sleep, dealing with stress, or around TOM/hormones.

    Trust the science. Do you regularly show a deficit according to Fitbit? If so, just keep going.

    I'm a science gal, so I do trust it! I know that a stall for even 6 weeks can be normal as your body adjusts. I'm just looking to tweak things a little now that I am 30 pounds down. Keep my body guessing so I can I lose the other 70.
    tweaking isn't necessary...and "keeping the body guessing" isn't reality either.

    Just keep doing what you are doing if it the saying says...if it isn't broke don't fix it.
  • loz2304
    loz2304 Posts: 13 Member
    Maybe two weeks isn't a big stall in the grand scheme of things but when you focus so much on losing weight it's dis heartening. Maybe you should try changing things up a bit, eat foods that you don't normally eat, try doing different kinds of exercise, or if that's not your bag or time doesn't permit krank up the walking, time yourself and play beat the clock. A lot of articles I've read have said that your body becomes accustomed to exercise etc quite quickly and then stops treating as an extra but the norm. I'm not an expert by any means but you never know you might find things that you never knew you liked
  • Kelin
    Kelin Posts: 49 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »

    2 weeks is not really a stall...I've gone 4 weeks without a loss...things happen and you getting stressed can make it last longer...cortisol (stress hormone) makes us retain water...

    weigh solids, measure liquids...and log accurately...without seeing your diary your entries could be off...I've seen 4oz of beef in here at 100 calories and 48grams of protein that is not correct...I always check the nutritional value and edit based on USDA website if it's not correct.

    As for the exercise with such low calories you should be eating some of those back to fuel your next day...if you are eating 1200 burning 200 you are @ 1k calories and you will find yourself sluggish the next day...maybe change your weigh loss goal to 1.5 lbs a week as well....with 70lbs to lose 2lbs a week is a bit more aggressive than it needs to be.

    Great advice, thank you!
  • Leana088
    Leana088 Posts: 581 Member
    Kelin wrote: »
    1-2 weeks can easily be water weight. Water weight can increase if you increase intensity of activity, have higher than usual sodium, are lacking sleep, dealing with stress, or around TOM/hormones.

    Trust the science. Do you regularly show a deficit according to Fitbit? If so, just keep going.

    I'm a science gal, so I do trust it! I know that a stall for even 6 weeks can be normal as your body adjusts. I'm just looking to tweak things a little now that I am 30 pounds down. Keep my body guessing so I can I lose the other 70.

    Your body does not need to guess anything. You're not fooling it whatever you do. (Sadly, not even if you tell yourself that if you don't log that cookie, it won't know, trust me, it knows everything!) Its just an adjusting period. :)
  • copermen1
    copermen1 Posts: 31 Member
    I am by no means an expert but reviewing several days back I noticed your calories jump around per day. I would for sure identify if your settings are correct as mine are pretty stable day to day. Try to meet those caloric intake goals to one keep you energized and two it can help prevent stalling. I used to be in shape and the better shape I got the more (good food) I had to eat. keep up with your daily caloric intake make sure to use high return foods if you are having troubles with getting there.. Meat, Some small amount of cheese maybe, peanut butter and raw nuts.. They all pack some calories but also pack benefits so they aren't empty calories
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    edited March 2015
    Kelin wrote: »
    Hello! My food log is open and I would much appreciate your advice. My weight loss seems to have slowed/stalled the past week or 2. I know that can happened and I am not worried, but I'd like to tweak things. I suspect I might need to up my calories, but I have no idea.
    - I weigh and measure everything, except steamed vegetables (which I eyeball).
    - I don't log water, but I do drink at least 60oz. per day.
    - I am completely sedentary during the day (desk job) but I chase kids in the evenings and try
    to go for a walk 3-5 days a week and usually get close to 8k steps per day on my fitbit.
    - I really try to limit my carbs but as you can see I'm not great at it yet.
    - I do give myself a little treat as long as I stay within my calorie total, for example my
    daughters birthday was Saturday and I had a small piece of cake (which I weighed).
    - I usually log between 1200 and 1400 calories per day and I have 70 pounds to lose with a weight loss goal of 2 lbs per week.

    What do you see? What can I improve/change?

    Thank you for your time!
    Okay now that your diary is open wow...

    If you are weighing your food your diary doesn't show it...1/2c of stovetop, 1 egg, 3 eggs, 1 sandwich, cereal in cups and what you do log as weighed is in oz.

    Do you have a food scale that has grams?

    If you are weighing start logging that way and again check your entries...sometimes it's a benefit to you...

    You logged 8oz of chicken breast skinless @240 calories and 52 grams of protein on March fact from USDA website 8oz of chicken breast skinless is 342 calories and 69 grams of low on calories and protein in your diary.

    There are other things in there too but I won't belabour the point as you should get it by now.

    when we say weigh solids we mean weigh and log per what you 100grams of chicken not 3.5 oz...don't use cups for cereal or potatoes etc.

    not to toot my own horn but read this

    OP please feel free to check my diary...keeping in mind I am in maintenance and have been for almost a year and doing well...I still weigh my food, log it as such, enter new recipes by weight etc but that's why I am doing well. I might not weigh my veggies and grab a handful of chips once in a while and not log weigh it but not while I was was all on a scale...

  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    edited March 2015
    Wait, why does it matter if you weigh in grams or ounces? Other than grams being slightly more precise.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Wait, why does it matter if you weigh in grams or ounces? Other than grams being slightly more precise.
    you answered your question they are more precise.

    4.5 oz = 127.573 grams...where as 127grams is exactly that...and most entries here from the USDA database can be logged in 100grams increments so it is a lot easier to log 1.27@100g per serving...and it's a personal preference and scales do both so why not be as accurate as possible...when you get to less than 5lbs to lose it can get that precise or if you are bulking etc.

  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    Wait, why does it matter if you weigh in grams or ounces? Other than grams being slightly more precise.
    you answered your question they are more precise.

    4.5 oz = 127.573 grams...where as 127grams is exactly that...and most entries here from the USDA database can be logged in 100grams increments so it is a lot easier to log 1.27@100g per serving...and it's a personal preference and scales do both so why not be as accurate as possible...when you get to less than 5lbs to lose it can get that precise or if you are bulking etc.

    Thanks, that makes sense. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something.