

  • I agree with the others 30 day shred is amazing. As is her I think it is called "No more Trouble Zones". Not really sure. I borrowed both from Netflix and will be buying the No more trouble zone. Both kick the heck out of your gut but if I can only get one it will be the No more trouble zone only because the 30 day shred…
  • Your breakfast sounds pretty good to me. :) Good for you for passing up temptation. 60 cals over on breakfast is not bad at all. Throw in a walk around the block and you would have burned close to or more than 60 cals and that is easy. Keep up the great work!
  • Could it be shin splints? Do you also have a good pair of running shoes? I am not an expert by any means but I would think that if weight were an issue it would be your knees that would hurt. Makes me wonder if it is your shoes. Can you walk but walk a bit faster like really really push it but not with the impact that…
  • Today is W3D3. I had to walk during my first 3min run, not much but a bit. I think I am going to do week 3 again. I want to be able to finish all three days of the 3min runs without slowing to a walk. I am down to 144. I had a baby back in April 09 and for the life of me I could not get over the last 5lbs I gain while…
  • You go girl! Great job getting back out there. You are amazong and an inspiration to me and many others that we can push ourselves past those 90sec runs, 3 min. runs, and beyond. Thanks!
  • Hey everyone. I started C5k three weeks ago. I am now on w3d2. I did day 1 yesterday with the baby in the jogger and I about died. I hope that today is better sans that baby in the jogger. :) I have a few local friends that I just found out are also doing the C5k program and we are all on different weeks. One is on week 4,…
  • Almost everyone has a bad calorie day. We are all still learning and we are all going to have a few days that we just do not do as well. We have to start someplace and we will have to learn from our mistakes. Things I do when I go over. Is maybe throw in a walk, I try to go at least a mile. It usually takes me 15-18 mins.…
  • Go with the HRM, my elliptical also scales on higher than normal calories burned.
  • I like to make grilled veggie tacos or pitas. They are so good. Or you can do a pasta (whole wheat) salad with loads of veggies and cheese (if you want). Natural peanut butter on whole wheat is also good.
  • Thanks for sharing. I like a few fish, salmon, halibut, talapia (had this years ago and loved it but not sure about now), and tuna. I think all the ideas shared here sound ohh so good. Thank you!
  • I have the same wii games! :) My weight in for Biggest Loser is on Tuesdays, just like the show. I really need to work out a routine because I really enjoy each game but there are not enough hours in the day. My goal is to do 45 mins of activity 5 days this week. Last week I did 30 and it was great. Not sure how I will…
  • Can I join? I have a 10mth old. I started out pregnant after many years TTC and over eating and just not giving a crap around 145 lbs give or take a pound here and there. I lost in the first 3mths and went down to 136lbs. Then I started to gain after the first 12 weeks. I gained a total of 25 lbs from 145 area. The day I…
  • HI kateyb, congrats on getting started! I also just started the same program. I just finished the first week. This is how I have been taking note of my calories. I does not sound like much at all but just after one week I notice a change in the way my pants are fitting. :)