Proud and yet digusted :-S

I went to work today (I work stupid hours...6.30am-8.30am and 3.30pm-7.30pm) and all was ok. But on the way home I had a huge urge to do my old "way home" habit of popping to the garage and buying too much crap and eating it on the way home BEFORE breakfast.

I did it! That's the reason I'm proud, but then at home I had the weirdest breakfast (avocado, egg, low fat mousse) and now feel better, but slightly confused. It's like when you resist being 'bad' it has to have some way of coming out lol!

But on a positive note I only went 60 cals over what I allocate myself for breakie, I just wish my self-control was more absolute!!!!

Just like my school reports...MUST TRY HARDER!!!


  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    Congratulations on resisting temptation! And ok.... 60 calories over your normal breakfast... no biggee! It's not a case of resolve or will power - you wanted to have something more - you did and you're fine!

    I eat some pretty strang foods as well - and it's ok. Don't be disgusted, don't be disappointed - be proud... 100% proud. You're making better choices for yourself and you're doing SO WELL!
  • Vallandingham
    Vallandingham Posts: 2,177
    Good for you. By the way, if you are going to go over on any of your meals, Breakfast is the one to do it on.
  • onehealthymomma07
    every small goal u met is accomplishment in my book, one step at a time 60 calories is just a sneeze and breakfast is the most important meal dont beat your self disicpline is good . be proud of you and each step u take, its important, me myself im very disicplined and i do have a handful of doritos and i allot them in between, deprivation i ve learnt hard lesson, will come back to bite.
  • onehealthymomma07
    whats hard for me or was i should say was i am binge eater. i know how bad you can want something, i had to teach and allow myself to have those handfuls of chips. like most things its learning process.
  • gatorkdr1
    gatorkdr1 Posts: 16
    Your breakfast sounds pretty good to me. :) Good for you for passing up temptation. 60 cals over on breakfast is not bad at all. Throw in a walk around the block and you would have burned close to or more than 60 cals and that is easy. Keep up the great work!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    That's the best part of this plan. It's easy to work off those 60 cals or just borrow them from your next meal. I agree that breakfast is the meal to go over on.