Help with calories burned

I hope someone can help me out here. I just did a 20 minute program on my elliptical machine and it says I burned 377 calories. MFP says I would of burned 285 and my HRM watch has me at 117. Any ideas on what I should log.

When I use my treadmill, the calorie counter on it and my watch are within 10 of each other.


  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Provided that you are pretty sure that your HRM is functioning properly (batteries etc) I would go with the HRM.

  • mmrose00
    mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member
    I would also go with the HRM ..
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    Disappointing though it may be, I'm with everyone else, go with the HRM. I do one workout that has me burning 3x the calories I actually burn. It's disappointing...
  • ractayjon
    ractayjon Posts: 365
  • daved71
    daved71 Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks everyone. That is what I was going to do. I guess I was hoping some replies would come back with splitting the difference.
  • gatorkdr1
    gatorkdr1 Posts: 16
    Go with the HRM, my elliptical also scales on higher than normal calories burned.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Unless you are really, really thin or moving really, really slowly, your HRM number is almost certainly wrong--too low.

    Unless you are pretty heavy (like 120+ kilos) and really fit, or really, really heavy, the machine number is probably wrong as well--on the high side.

    Hard to really say about the MFP number w/out more data--and in any case, MFP numbers for ellipticals are pretty random--any degree of accuracy is usually due to sheer chance.