missjenn Member


  • You look fantastic!! So happy for you!
  • Congratulations! That's awesome!!!!
  • It seems to be different for everybody. When I first started I ate about 1/2 of them. Then as I lost and I got to eat fewer calories I ate all of them. I am on maintenance now and usually eat most of them.
  • I counted everything but gum in the beginning. I lost 32 pounds and am working on maintaining. I still count most things but do estimate sometimes like with fruit and even dressings. If I start to gain I will go back to counting everything. So far so good though. I don't count licks/nibbles. I know these can add up but I…
  • I eat all my exercise cals and have from the beginning. I chose to lose slowly and I never wanted to feel hungry or like I was on a diet. It worked for me. I have reached my goal. Lost 32 pounds and am maintaining now. The last five was tough and took a couple of months. I knew I could have done it faster but like I said I…
  • mine was similar. I refused to buy bigger clothes so I had to do something. My initial goal was to just fit into my clothes again but I decided I wanted to do more and ended up buying a whole new wardrobe anyway. But it was soooo much more fun buying smaller clothes. :)
  • that was me yesterday with m&ms. Today I can't even look at chocolate without feeling sick. Try not to worry about what already happened and get back on track.
  • I did this as well when I was 5 pounds within my goal. I know I could have lost the weight more quickly but I never wanted to feel deprived or hungry. I took my time with my weight loss and It's worked for me. I have 1/2 a pound to go. Best of luck to you!
  • I let myself eat whatever for 2 days over Thanksgiving. Working out that next day was a killer. It actually took me three days before I didn't feel icky during my workout-I made myself push through. I didn't gain anything but I could sure tell that I had eaten badly. I think I'll try to keep it more in check over…
  • You look fabulous! Way to go!
  • I didn't track for the past two days and feel totally bloated and ick. I am just going back to tracking today. Working out was awful today put I pushed through it. Best of luck.
  • Yum! I love curry. Thanks for sharing. ~Jen
  • Please don't do the free trial sample ones that you see all over the net. They are a scam. You can Google it and see for yourself. ~Jen
  • I just finished and can really see the results in my arms. It took me a couple of times through weeks five and six to finish all the push-ups. It's a killer when you have to do 100+ then a max of 50. yikes! Best of luck everyone!! ~J
  • It is kind of hard to believe at first. What? I can eat what I've worked off? I think everyone needs to figure out what works for them. I eat all or almost all of my exercise cals. everyday and I've lost 27 pounds since May 21. I'm have 5 more pounds till goal. I know that some people eat half and some none. It seems to be…
  • Best of luck to you! This is a great site.
  • Thanks for the info. Just placed my order. I had wanted to pick this up.
  • Please don't do any of the free trials. They are scams. It's not free. You end up getting signed up for a bunch of stuff that will be charged to your credit card. It's impossible to cancel because the numbers they list are not real. Search the net for scams about the Acadia berry ones and you will see.