what was that moment that made you change?

zeala Posts: 119 Member
Was there a specific moment, or event that made you click that this time it was serious? Many of us have been on and off a diet, or even more, have ignored somewhat the weight gain.
For me it was when I already purchased size 6 jeans ( i'm short) and now they didn't really fit, and then the scale numbers went up towards the next extra 10 pounds. I suddenly freaked out that if I didn't stop eating recklessly ( by volume, not by junk food), it would get completely out of control. And thinking about buying a whole new wardrobe is too depressing.
So here I am, doing well so far and hoping to be a success story myself in a couple of months.


  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    It has been a year since I made the choice to change my life. One day I woke up and said I am tired of feeling sorry for myself that I am overweight. I began keeping track of my calories and realized that I used food to fill an emotional void inside of me. I realized that I needed to eat in moderation and not give things up. I still struggle with emotional eating, but I can recognize it and deal with it. This is the thinnest I have ever been in my adult life and I plan on keeping it that way.
  • pbenison
    pbenison Posts: 102
    Actually three moments. The three times in a month I was asked if I was pregnant!
  • BamaRose0107
    Hi! My journey began my senior year in high school. I was going through severe depression, I was hypoglycemic, had nerve damage in my left knee and my doctor was threatening to put me on high blood pressure medicine. I knew that if I kept going in that direction my adult life was going to be spent in the doctors office. Mentally and physically my health was getting worse and obesity was the main problem. Since I have lost weight all my health problems have gone away and I no longer need any medication. Now I just want to get the last few pounds off and be the healthiest I can be.
  • missjenn
    missjenn Posts: 18 Member
    mine was similar. I refused to buy bigger clothes so I had to do something. My initial goal was to just fit into my clothes again but I decided I wanted to do more and ended up buying a whole new wardrobe anyway. But it was soooo much more fun buying smaller clothes. :)
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Before I got pregnant w/ baby 1, I was a delightful 180.. When I had him, I was 230! I wanted to loose the weight, BUt never did cause I didn't know how, and my BD was gassing up my head how "he likes his girls fat"..So I stopped thinking about loosing.. Then I got pregnant w/ number 2, and after having her I was 280.. So, basically, I didn't want to be fat anymore... I am dying to fit back into my 11's!!
  • zeala
    zeala Posts: 119 Member
    I've had that happen to me once, and by my old therapist that I went to see to say hi to!
    At the time it was a bit embarrassing, and somewhat funny, because I think it's something people say in movies.
  • zeala
    zeala Posts: 119 Member
    Actually three moments. The three times in a month I was asked if I was pregnant!

    I've had that happen to me once, and by my old therapist that I went to see to say hi to!
    At the time it was a bit embarrassing, and somewhat funny, because I think it's something people say in movies.
  • ractayjon
    ractayjon Posts: 365
    I was refusing to do things with my family because of the way I (think) I look. specifically going to the beach last summer. that was it - i needed to make a change.
  • birgithooker
    My husband and I signed up for life insurance when my son was born. We had to undergo physicals. The gentleman told me that if I lost some weight, he could rate my health as excellent but since I was overweight, he could only give me a good. I have been thin my whole life and to hear a stranger essentially tell me I was too big, rocked me to my core. This is my first time dieting. I packed on the weight when I got married, 40lbs. I kept having to buy bigger clothes every 6 months or so. I had tried to exercise at Curves but then I got pregnant and stopped going because I was sick nonstop with my pregnancy. My only saving grace was that I had preeclampsia throughout my pregnancy and so I only gained water weight which I lost after the baby, but I was still stuck with the original 40lbs I had wante to lose! I said enough is enough. Other people lose weight all the time and more than I need to lose. So if they can do it, so can I. I quit smoking, I can lose weight too!
  • bumpthat
    I'm 38 and have alot of family medical issues. I got the high cholesterol from Mom and Dad. Mom had a heartattack at 55. Dad has high blood pressure.

    Well, I've been keeping everything under control for the most part - but just got my last labs back and even on Lipitor, I went from sub-200 to 300+ on my cholesterol in one year! I'm getting older (I've had friends who have had heartattacks in their 30's so it is not unheard of) and I want to be around for my family, especially my daughter.

    That lab report finally scared me straight. Before now (I'm on day #9 now), I could last maybe 1-2 days. I'm going to do it this time!
  • mamacassi
    mamacassi Posts: 131
    I went on a trip with my family. We did a rafting type excursion and I never wear a suit in public, let along anything else skimpy. We had to walk 40 minutes wet and in our bikini's, I felt like the most disgusting thing alive, and I felt tired of always being TIRED. I gained the weight because of the people around me, the stress, but they weren't the ones at fault, neither was I. So I decided there was no more reason to live with something I didn't like. It scared me.
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    Looking at a picture of myself where I looked like Humpty Dumpty and when I showed people the pic, they just couldn't believe it was me. I couldn't believe it was me. I don't ever want to look like that again.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    My journey began May 2009 - when I was graduating from college. My life was chaotic - I had no control over anything. I was graduating from a place I had called home for four years, forced to move in with family because I couldn't land a job, ended up ending a wonderful relationship because the boyfriend didn't want a long distance relationship. My entire life was spinning and my world was upside down. Starting to exercise helped me control one aspect of my life - then I started watching what I ate as well. Eventually other things fell into place (applying to graduate schools, visiting friends, getting used to being out of college.. I am still semi-unemployed. I am a substitute teacher, so I get called in occasionally). So now I have empowered myself having lost 26 pounds and am continuing to do so to get down to a healthy weight for the first time in my post puberty body. :laugh:
  • melanieann48111
    When my pant size went into the double digits. I'm 5'3". I was always a 6 or 7 pant size and right now I'm wearing 12's.
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    My moment was when my size 18 years no longer fit and I was going to go size 20 but instead heard about this site and have since lost 53lbs.
  • calvarado
    Hi! My journey began my senior year in high school. I was going through severe depression, I was hypoglycemic, had nerve damage in my left knee and my doctor was threatening to put me on high blood pressure medicine. I knew that if I kept going in that direction my adult life was going to be spent in the doctors office. Mentally and physically my health was getting worse and obesity was the main problem. Since I have lost weight all my health problems have gone away and I no longer need any medication. Now I just want to get the last few pounds off and be the healthiest I can be.

    You are an inspiration!! Good job girl!:happy:
  • nolan_84
    One morning, a few months ago, I just woke up and thought, "okay, enough of this." Since then I'm down 21 pounds and just joined this site on Monday to help keep the weight loss consistent and to really keep track of calories. I like how easy it is to do on here. I'm 25, soon to be 26 and as a person, I'm more comfortable in my own skin, through maturity, than I've ever been. I know who I am & what matters. When it comes to me as a person, I honestly don't care what others think anymore, because I realized they probably aren't thinking about me anyways. I want to see the person on the outside match the person I am on the inside. I'm not severely overweight/fat... but have some extra pounds that I'm just tired of having. I should be in the best shape of my life right now, so that's what I'm aiming for in 2010. This past month has been one of the best I can remember in a long time & I want the summer to be the best summer I've ever had. I haven't been to the beach in probably 5 years and its because I just don't like taking my shirt off... well that will not be the case this summer! I'm going to be the one suggesting we go to the beach. Also, two of my very good friends are getting married & I'm in the wedding, so I wanna be looking my best for myself & for them. Okay, and maybe the bridesmaids too, haha. Hey, I'm single, so who knows right?
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Mine started January last year. I made a new year's resolution with some girls in my class to lose weight and get fit. We told each other our starting weights (mine was the highest by 20 lbs.) and then I lost 15 lbs using MFP and exercising. Then I fell off the wagon and gained it all back plus some.

    I saw a pic of myself at the end of May where I looked so huge and I decided to come back to MFP (sheepishly). I decided to really do it this time because I was one of the biggest members of my med class, out of 120 or so people, and I wanted to be thin and healthy. I can't really advise people about their health if I myself am obese, right?

    The day I started, I found a group called June Starters--shout out to Kandy for starting that!--and they were really my inspiration and kept me going when I felt like quitting. Having someone to be accountable to has helped tremendously.
  • ischmelle
    ischmelle Posts: 203 Member
    I can still remember the date of my "moment." It was Oct. 15th and a coworker was celebrating a birthday. She was turning 24 and complaining that she was old. (ummm...please. :noway: ) And I said, "24?!? That's nothing. I'm going to be 29 in March and it's the last year I'll be in my 20's!" Right then, it HIT me. Hit me HARD. I was going to be in my 20's for only one more year and I absolutely HATED the way I looked. So, from that day on, my mantra was "I will not be 29 and fat." Every time I was offered a cookie, that's the response they got. It got to the point that my coworkers would groan and roll their eyes when I said it. But, on my 29th birthday, I had lost 20 pounds! I was NOT 29 and fat! Now, I'm only 2 months away from my 30th and still have another 15 to go to reach my final goal, but I'm going to keep working on it. I don't want to crawl into my 30's depressed and dreading it...I wanna burst into them saying "I'm here! Let's have some fun!!" :wink:
  • Jenna1972
    Jenna1972 Posts: 26 Member
    Haha my moment was when I realized I preferred to have people think I was pregnant. I would dress so that they wouldn't know that I was not making a baby (or be too scared to ask me), but that only works with strangers and for a short, unhealthy time.
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