lowered my goal to 1/2 lb a week

I had been getting very frustrated because I was always going over my calories. I just didn't feel like I had enough calories to eat for the day. I was at 1260 and then whatever my exercise calories were. SO I would try to stay with it, then be starving at night and eat way too much.

I am in the healthy range, so I decided to try to loose more slowly. I have so many more calories! It is refreshing and I KNOW that I can stay under it every day and stay full.

I wasn't loosing at all before due to binge eating when I was still hungry, and now I know I can do this. I am excited about my 1/2 lb a week.

I would suggest this to people with the same problem.


  • missjenn
    missjenn Posts: 18 Member
    I did this as well when I was 5 pounds within my goal. I know I could have lost the weight more quickly but I never wanted to feel deprived or hungry. I took my time with my weight loss and It's worked for me. I have 1/2 a pound to go. Best of luck to you!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I just recently did the same thing. I'm still working on tweaking some things, but I'm definitely not hungry and have not been going over my calories at all. I wish you success.
  • shanwow16
    shanwow16 Posts: 203 Member
    I think I'm going to do the same, change it up since my body is so used to only consuming 1,200 lately. I've been finding myself raiding cupboards lately. I hit my plateau back in the summer, and although I haven't gained any weight I am really getting frustrated because I still have 10 lbs to get to my goal! I think my body is happy with where it's at right now, but I'm not!

    They say in the colder months that your body releases a hormone that makes you want to eat more?! Is it maybe just a natural instinct to store more fat to keep the body warmer? Or is it because ppl are completely bored out of their minds being cooped up inside all the time?! Who knows?!