

  • My thoughts? Hmmm.... I'm training for a full marathon now and have similar burns to you with your running/biking. Like you, I'm usually just trying to at least net my BMR. I'm sure that's too low when it ends up happening on a daily basis. It's hard though because I don't really feel like eating that much (don't get me…
  • I started lifting 2 weeks ago (while maintaining steady cardio)-- in the first two days I gained almost 4 pounds (but also had TOM). I've lost 2-3 of the new pounds this week. I keep telling myself that I didn't eat an extra 14,000 calories in that short a time period... It really messes with your head, but I feel like I'm…
  • No answers for you, but I totally share your pain! We have almost the same fact pattern- low calorie for awhile now (I only charted for a month but think it wasn't different than my diet before), TDEE less 15% for 5 weeks... gained about 2 pounds initially after increasing calories, stabilized nicely, then gained another…
  • Wow. I haven't put in as many workout hours as you two, but I have trained for several half marathons and a full marathon while eating probably 1000-1200 calories per day (with some bad binges of course) and staying the same weight. I might fluctuate 3-4 pounds, but that's it. I've worked hard at getting faster, but I…
  • Totally agree!
  • Well, that was perfect timing for me to read! We have basically the same numbers (starting weight, goal weight) and I've been eating close to 2000 calories over the last 3 weeks (a little more than TDEE less 15%). I gained a little at first, but then dropped back down to about my starting weight. I've been thinking I may…
  • Feel free to add me! I just started about 3 weeks ago- so far everything is going pretty well.
  • I have a hard time getting my protein too. I haven't tried the protein shakes that are pre-made, but I do make my own: ice, frozen banana, greek yogurt, almond milk (or whatever milk), a little cocoa powder, peanut butter, and a scoop of chocolate whey protein (I use the Jay Robb one, but I've never tried the others). I…
  • I know how you feel! This is my third week eating more. I'm trying for the TDEE at 15% number- for me it's about 2100. I try to eat at least close to 2000-2100 each day regardless of exercise. My BMR is about 1450- so on the days I get in a long workout, I log it and then try to get my net up to the 1450 (or more). Before…
  • So nice to see! You look great. Thank you for helping me resist the urge to start cutting calories!
  • Thanks- I know you are right! I've been much closer to 2000 calories the last two weeks. I lost 40 pounds running and eating better to get to about 150 pounds back in 2007. I had my third child in 2008 and then stabilized back at 150-155. I was pleased to drop the baby weight but in the 3 years since then I've trained for…
    in EMTWL Runners Comment by hoosmi May 2012
  • I've been on EMTWL for about 2 weeks. I feel like I have more energy but I know it's early in the process. I was one of those runners on 1200 calories with maybe a few bad days thrown in. I totally thought I was eating a lot until I started charting. (I was eating often, but not much...) In one month of charting at about…
    in EMTWL Runners Comment by hoosmi May 2012
  • I bring a hand held carrier for my water bottle- that way I can bring a little bit of cash, my key, and maybe a gel. I carry that in one hand and my phone (for music) in the other. If it's going to be really hot or I'm going for a long time, I'll freeze a water bottle halfway full (leaving the top barely on in the freezer-…
  • I've had mixed success. I ran in the Moving Comfort Fionas for a long time- they were ok for me. Then I switched to the Moving Comfort Junos mostly because I wanted to be able to wear a racer back shirt for the heat. I like those a lot. I went down a cup size in the Junos. Definitely try them on though- I ordered another…
  • Love this show. You can also find it on the Stitcher app.
  • I use a handheld bottle holder every run. It has a little pouch for keys and emergency money too. I don't really like the belts, but plenty of people do. In a pinch you can just carry any water bottle, but eventually your thumb gets sore!
  • I've done the Princess twice- it's really fun. Definitely look into training plans (Hal Higdon is good)- you have plenty of time. Make sure you don't overdo it. It's easy to get excited and try to add too many miles or minutes and get hurt in your training. As far as gels go, ask at the running store if they have them-…