VickiMitkins Member


  • I started to ask why people would so stongly believe one can't gain muscle while in a deficit and what level of deficit is everyone talking about. I can certainly see that an already lean person in a deficit won't build, absolutely makes sense. There is nothing extra left to build with. Said another way, one can't build…
  • I think I might try some polenta too! Not something I ever thought of. The trick will be finding a traditional corn based one without added wheat. Manufactures can't seem to help adding wheat to everything in the US. We found a great brown rice blend at a local asian food store that had wild rice, brown rice, barley and…
  • I limit wheat due to gluten sensitivity. Sweet potato is also my favorite. Also really like grits as a side (not just a southern breakfast food). I like to add milled flax since grits don't have much fiber. A little bit of you favorite cheese will really dress them up. I'm originally from Pittsburgh, PA, but have lived in…
  • How do I join the IF group on MFP? Just started IF this past Friday, and so far I'm finding it fits my lifestyle quite well. I want to learn more. Thanks for the post. I will take a look at those when I have a few more minutes.
  • I guess it depends on how you look at it. If you don't snack after 6:00 pm then, from what I read, you are following at least part of the program. From my reading one of the positives is the flexibility to fit different schedules. When I was a little kid that's what we did, but the way so many people either work shifts,…
  • I could not believe how much better I have been since going gluten free. It's not right for everyone, but for me its been a good thing. You are right about getting caught up in what we are supposed to do. I guess that's why the article struck such a cord with me. Today has been good. Normal breakfast of fruit, nuts and…
  • That's a good point. Not faulting anyone asking for more information on what the diet is. Just the negative attitude of a very small few.
  • Thanks for the reply. My problem is I'm always hungry at lunch whether I eat breakfast or not. I'm rarely hungry in the morning and can easily be good until 11:00 or later before I want food. I actually eat a pretty healthy whole food diet. I have been gluten intollerant ever since I can remember and went GF 4 years ago,…
  • I read the same article last night. I agree, some of the posts were a bit judgmental. I actually searched for 8 hour diet today to see what people were saying. I was interested in peoples thoughful opinions on the topic. It was disappointing to see an honest request for feedback turn into such a useless back and forth. I…
  • Are you including protien with your meals and snacks? You can add things like nuts, seeds, and beans to up the protien. If you are not a big protien person, just try for 10 grams per meal and a couple with snacks.
  • Pay attention to whether you get bloated after eating wheat. Then pay attention after dairy. They are two of the big culprits with bloating throughout the day. I am gluten intollerant and always had that problem after eating pasta or bread; which, pretty much meant all the time since I liked my bread and pasta. It also…
  • Thanks for a great exchange. I've read some of the information y'all posted :smile: and I'm encouraged that this is a good way to meet my health goals.
  • If my understanding of TDEE is accurate, the number provided would be for you to stay exactly where you are. for weight loss you would deduct a percetage of calories from that number. I've read anywhere from 10-30% depending on goals. Or like me instead of plugging in your current weight, plug in your goal weight and see…
  • Actually I was set for one lb per week at 1200 colories. Problem is a sedentary job and only about 30 minutes most days to get in any exersize
  • I read a post a few weeks ago that sugested one should eat like the person they want to be. Made sense to me. It may be slower, but I still weigh a lot less than I did, I'm healthier now, and all my numbers are good; so instead of being worred about missing a goal of 1200 calories so I can lose one lb a week, I'm going to…
  • That's one of the things I want to avoid. I had gotten down to about 158 for a while and felt pretty good. Tried maintenance just to take a break and the and a year later I'm up to 170. At least I did not go all the way back to 195. Small mercies.. I thought about it for a while and it makes sense to eat what I need at my…
  • I think I uderstand what TDEE is, I'm just using it as a tool to determine what my calorie expenditures should be if I were at 135 lbs instead of 170 lbs. I'm then using that as my target for daily calorie intake. It's still putting me in a deficit, just not a 500 calorie a day deficit. If it works the way I expect, I will…
  • My sitting heart rate is about 80bpm. It's always been that high. Just depends on the person. Even just walking to bathroom or kitchen can raise that to 90 or above. I was told by a nurse that for it to be a true sitting rate you need to sit for 5-10 minutes before taking. My understanding is that a resting heart rate is…
  • The following is not to scare, but to let you know that mild symptoms can suddenly become severe and its good that you know you have a potential issue. My niece has had mild to moderate issues for years with her digestive system. As a small child she would refuse to eat (to the point her parents took her to see several…
  • Friend me too if you like. No kids, but sounds like we are about same age and facing some of the same hurdles.
  • Sounds like you have some issues outside the norm. Calorie reduction will slow down the process. Also normal is different for everyone. Every other day is probably ok as long as it is not difficult or hurt when you do go. I do have a couple of suggestions that others might not have mentioned. I have a different perspective…
  • I also have the Rodney Yee AM/PM. I really enjoy it in the morning or aftern time on the elliptical. It did wonders for my TMJ too. I have some of the power yoga DVD's also. They can get your heart rate up and some are really challenging. I think adding yoga to your routine is very beneficial. It's great for strength,…
  • I like food too much to do that. :wink:
  • You are not alone. I agree 1200 is not a lot of food, unless you are eating like Dr. Furman suggests in his book Eat for Health (vegan plant based diet). I have no intention of going vegan, but I do try to incorporate lots more fruits and vegetables just to get some bulk in my diet. I also eat about 1500 calories to…
  • A lot of us are right there with you. I lost 35 lbs and gained about 10 back over the past 12 months. I knew last year I should log as much as possible to keep my-self in check, but you're right, life gets in the way. I just started logging again this week. I figure I will face it one day at a time. The one thing I have…
  • Most people will plateau, sometimes several times. I actually read an article about it today. As you lose weight your body needs fewer calories to maintain your current weight. The article I read suggested using a tool to get an idea what it really takes to lose and maintain weight loss. I just tried it and found it very…
  • Thanks for the feedback. I think I will go with averaging for now. My route is about 1.5 miles. A good walking pace for me is 3-3.5 mph. I'm only 5'1", so anything faster than that is a slow jog or power walk. According to the elliptical, I run about at about 8 mph, but I can't go that fast on pavement - probably only…
  • Thanks. We put Salley on supplements several months ago and plan to continue. We are working on the weight issue together and started about a year ago. She has gone from 80 lbs to 76 lbs now. The vet suggested we get her down to 65lbs, so we are restricting her diet even more. The money is not the issue. We are very…