Weight Loss Yoga??



  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member

    That sounds great!! I'm the same I could run for 3 miles and lose about 200 cal, it can be quite demotivating.

    I'd love to have the time for a class but it's difficult with a 20 month old, I'm sure when he is older and in school I will be able to find the time to attend one then. I would love the support of a group but until then I'll stick to it at home :happy:

    I absolutely love yoga. I do power yoga (vinyasa) 3-4 times a week and I wear a heart rate monitor. I burn anywhere between 500-750 calories during a 1hr 15min class. It's a much better work out than other cardio (ex, I burn 175-250 cal in a 3 mile run with my dog) It takes a while to build to the harder classes, but its so good for you, both physically and mentally. I suggest taking a class. The nice thing is that they are judgement free zones! Find a small one with a good teacher, they always tell you to do YOUR practice. If you can't do one of the moves, they can give you modifications until you are strong enough. :)
  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member
    Will do hun, hope you get on well with yours too :)
    Let me know how you like it. I just picked up the Jillian Michaels meltdown yoga dvd. I might try it tonight or tomorrow. Good luck to you :)
  • VickiMitkins
    VickiMitkins Posts: 249 Member
    Just bought Rodney Yee's AM/PM Yoga and Yoga for Beginners. I didn't buy for losing weight but rather relaxation and stretching... also very important in life. Hope you enjoy your DVDs. I started mine this morning. Ahhhhhhhh... lovely!! :D

    I also have the Rodney Yee AM/PM. I really enjoy it in the morning or aftern time on the elliptical. It did wonders for my TMJ too. I have some of the power yoga DVD's also. They can get your heart rate up and some are really challenging. I think adding yoga to your routine is very beneficial. It's great for strength, flexibility, and balance. However, it's like other cardio, if your heart rate does not go up its not going to burn a lot of calories (but certainly better than sitting in front of the TV). Rather like taking a stroll through the park versus a power walk.
  • dmkoenig
    dmkoenig Posts: 299 Member
    I've been taking yoga classes for about 2 months now. I do a lot of biking, jogging, group fitness classes etc. and for me it fills a gap the other cardio experiences just don't provide. Flexibility, balance, and mental de-stressing are all dimensions the other exercise forms typically do little for that yoga is very strong in. . On the surface, to some it may appear to be boring, but it's like comparing going out clubbing with all the pounding, strobes and excitement to a candlelight dinner. They all have their place, one doesn't necessarily replace another. I know many on this forum are viewing everything strictly in the context of weight loss but in the bigger picture it's really about adopting a healthier lifestyle. I think that yoga can be an important and very benefical part of helping achieve that larger objective.
  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member
    Well I just finished my yoga workout, it was only 30 minutes long but wowee my legs are burning!! According to MFP, I would have only burned about 85 calories in a 30 minute session which is fine by me as it's more than I would lose just sitting on my butt!!

    Now I'm going to go on a house cleaning frenzy :)
  • liannesaut
    liannesaut Posts: 34 Member
    I've been using that Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga DVD for a few weeks now and I really enjoy it. I can barely make it through the first set of yoga but am making it through the second chapter which is more pilates-like. They don't build on each other so you can switch around and do the warm up and cool down too. The ONLY problem with the DVD is that he doesn't really talk about posture, breathing, body alignment, etc., which I think is a really important aspect of yoga. I LOVE this website - some of the beginner videos are great and help you to understand alignment, breathing, holding your stomach and shoulders in the right place, etc. and they are short videos! www.doyogawithme.com
  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member
    I've been using that Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga DVD for a few weeks now and I really enjoy it. I can barely make it through the first set of yoga but am making it through the second chapter which is more pilates-like. They don't build on each other so you can switch around and do the warm up and cool down too. The ONLY problem with the DVD is that he doesn't really talk about posture, breathing, body alignment, etc., which I think is a really important aspect of yoga. I LOVE this website - some of the beginner videos are great and help you to understand alignment, breathing, holding your stomach and shoulders in the right place, etc. and they are short videos! www.doyogawithme.com

    Hi Lianne,

    I woke up this morning and can feel the burn from yesterday's session. I haven't gone on to the pilates part yet, need the equipment for it. You're right about him not talking about posture, I noticed that when I was doing it and tried to take it upon myself to align my body correctly. It's my first time doing anything yoga based so I'm sure I'll reach for something else eventually. I'm starting the 30 day shred this weekend, I hate cardio but needs must lol!

    Thanks for the link, I'll have a look when my little one is asleep :)
  • liannesaut
    liannesaut Posts: 34 Member
    yes, I definitely feel it the next day after his yoga session! Check out these two for sure - I found them SUPER helpful for breathing and posture and they are "easy" and relaxing - not strenous but great for stretching, relaxing, and I'm sure I'm still getting a strengthening workout and my heart rate does rise!

    Yoga for Athletes: The Mogul Muncher and Prana Pumps by Michelle Rubin.