Chelle175 Member


  • Heart Healthy Pancakes 1/2 cup Heart Healthy Bisquick 2 Large Egg whites 1/2 individual container of Mott's Natural Applesauce Mix together and make pancakes. You can even mix it up in the evening and store in the fridge for the morning. I also add a little vanilla extract sometimes for a little flavor. It's entered into…
  • I had the same problem. I went from a size 18-20 to a size 8 and being a working civil servant in a mostly rural area, there was NO WAY I could afford to have a whole new wardrobe every step of the way. So here's what I did, consignment shopping. I have a great local Consignment Shop that sells really good quality clothes,…
  • I love a rowing machine. For me its a full body workout - upper and lower.
  • First, I try to build in enough snacks so that I don't count down the minutes to my next meal. Then, if I think I'm going to snack for purely emotional reasons, I try to get up and do something else....mostly small cleaning projects - loading the dishwasher, wiping down counters, straightening up pillows on the couch.…
  • How I combat the "fast food cravings" may not be something that everyone can do. I cook my own. My husband LOVES Mexican, Chinese and Pizza, and if we could, he'd probably eat out at these restaurants every week. So I satisfy those cravings by cooking those cuisines at home. I scour recipe websites like,…
  • This is one of my cooking involved, healthy and delish........ Crab, Corn, and Tomato Salad with Lemon-Basil Dressing You can get the recipe from Cooking
  • If you can, get yourself a one-piece bathing suit, find an indoor pool open year round and swim your butt off. If you work up a sweat, no one will know. If you're truly uncomfortable with how you look, the water hides a lot. And it's a great whole-body workout. The most important thing to do is not give up.
  • If you start thinking about how you're going to do this "for the rest of your life", it gets a little daunting. So don't. Take this journey the same way we do every step, one day, one change, and one lb at a time. Habits take time to develop, but once you start developing them, it becomes 2nd nature...much…
  • If you use this app the way its intended, it can be very helpful. I joined just last year. At that time, I weighed 240 lbs. A year later, 165 lbs. I'm lousy with diets, but I'm great with budgets. This program allowed me to look at my weight loss plan in such a way that it played to my strengths. Good luck on your journey!
  • Try not to get discouraged. I work in an environment that predominantly male and what one of them told me was he didn't know how to compliment me on my weight loss without it sounding like he was hitting on me (and I'm VERY married). First and foremost, YOU know you've lost the weight, and NO ONE can take that away from…
  • I don't use photos per se...but when I need inspiration, I watch Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team on The dedication and effort that every single young lady puts into making and being on that squad is inspirational to me. They have the look I would want. Don't know if I'll ever get there, but they…
  • I completely understand. I once had a doctor tell me that I should weigh 150lbs. This was when I was over 240 lbs. I thought, NOT POSSIBLE. I did a little research and it turns out the upper limit of where I should be is 175 lbs. Again I thought, NOT POSSIBLE. I've been overweight my entire life. I'm at 178 lbs. Almost…
  • Check out and of good ideas for main courses and sides.
  • 2 cups of coffee with 1% milk..instant oatmeal (so I don't have to think) with 1/4 cup of either raisins or dried blueberries...fills me up
  • Cheapest and best one I know...a pedometer. It's a free app for most cell phones.
  • Here's a thought that I don't think has been suggested by others (which I agree with for the most part). Take your Mom out clothes shopping. Parents want to see their children happy. Show her in a tangible sense how happy you are that you can now fit into smaller clothes. Even if you don't buy anything (a good afternoon of…
  • They can be pricey, but quality is worth it. Check out Soma Intimates... they have sizes all the way up to "G" and better yet, they're beautiful too!!
  • One of the best and easiest is Roasted Vegetables over Rice. Just oven roast your favorite vegetables in the oven and serve over rice. With the leftover veggies you can make Roasted Vegetable Soup.
  • Maybe this will help. The exercise that you get at the gym is not the only source of calories that you burn during a day. Your body has to have a certain amount of calories to simply exist - breathing, moving, breaking down food - all of the body's internal processess take energy. If you consume fewer calories that what…
  • Eating healthy on a daily basis takes a little work, but not that much. No lifestyle change will work if you can't live in it, so be fair to yourself. 1st - Next time you're in a grocery store, stop in the produce department and really look around. You might not know the difference between a poblano or jalapeno...or maybe…
  • Welcome. This site has quite literally changed the lives of so many. I wish you well. I saw in one of your posts that you were thinking about getting a tread mill. Not a bad idea, but before you invest the money, start walking. What you don't want to have happen is spending money on something you can't incorporate into…
  • I find a really good recipe like a chinese chicken salad or quinoa salad....make it once, portion it out and eat it all week. If you want something hot, try veggie or maybe chicken and veggie quesadillas...easy and great tasting.
  • Definitely check into the plantar fascitis. Get with an orthopedist. You may need to have special inserts in your shoes.
  • Stairs...everywhere you go. Take the stairs.. Don't step on an elevator. Believe me, it will tone you up
  • I don't know if it's a mini didn't feel like it to me; but being the lowest weight I have ever been in my entire adult life was a day of celebration for me. Not done yet.....but every time I get down I remember that
  • You didn't mention oils...but if you're allowed, you've got the makings for some really great stir-frys....and don't forget currys either
  • I completely understand your position, having been overweight most of my life. But something I am coming to learn in my later years :-) PROUD OF YOURSELF. You've survived cancer and you're still here. There are a lot of people who can't say that. Do you want to be a better person? YES! That's why you're doing what…
  • I haven't been using MFP very long, only since May; but I whole heartedly agree with its usefulness. I don't think I've ever been as conscious of what I eat and drink as I am now. Somehow knowing that I have to write it down really works. Knowing that my friends, and my husband, will see it!!! even more incentive. The…
  • Pre: light snack in order to boost energy levels Post: Lots of water to prevent dehydration
  • For vegetarian meat substitute, I find one of the best is portobello mushrooms. I use them in a bolognese sauce with creminis, white button, and even a few other wild mushrooms. The original recipe called to add pork, but quite frankly the mushrooms are sooooo good on their own, I've taken it out. Portobellos can also be…