What do you do when you feel like eating?

Hi all!
What is your secret to stopping yourself from eating when you are eating purely for emotional reasons?
I do so well for a couple of weeks and then I feel either sad, bored or anxious and then I EAT!!
What stops you from giving in?


  • LongIsland27itl
    LongIsland27itl Posts: 365 Member
    Here on the night shift, when its slow, I just eat because stuff tastes good, not because I'm hungry. That's why I save most of my cals for night time. I try to eat lower calorie higher volume foods. Sometimes it's tricky to not go over cals. Worst case scenario, I may have to eat into tomorrow's diary for a snack. No big deal because the weekly average is what's important.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    I eat.
  • Chelle175
    Chelle175 Posts: 31 Member
    First, I try to build in enough snacks so that I don't count down the minutes to my next meal. Then, if I think I'm going to snack for purely emotional reasons, I try to get up and do something else....mostly small cleaning projects - loading the dishwasher, wiping down counters, straightening up pillows on the couch. Something that gets my mind off food and on something else.
  • tiniboppa
    tiniboppa Posts: 14 Member
    But that stops my weight loss - do you eat even if you feel like overeating a lot?
  • nicolaturner1986
    nicolaturner1986 Posts: 45 Member
    I try to find something else to do like take a long bath or paint my nails which makes eating tricky lol and when I have indulged in a little self pampering and preening it kind of spurs me on to keep going because I want to feel even better about myself in the future, when you look good, you feel good :-)

    I'd like to say I exercise too, but that would be a lie, exercise is my next demon to conquer, i've already tackled the 'hunger' from starting my low cal diet, i've started drinking more fluids including water (a big deal for me) so exercise is next on the list :-).
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    If I absolutely have to eat for emotional reasons I eat. I have had once a bag of baby carrots, didn't even dip them in salad dressing. I have made myself a large spinach salad with tomato and a bit of dressing. I have made a small bag of air popped popcorn (about 100 cal). Once I had celery with ranch dressing. That is all the emotional eating I can remember in the last couple of months. The point is emotional eating doesn't have to equal a lot of calories or unhealthy food. And if you go over a couple hundred calories you can work it off. Or reduce the next day plus a bit more exercise. It's pretty flexible as long as you don't dip into tomorrows calories seven days a week you are good.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    On the good days, I eat. And then I workout. On the bad days? Well, I just eat. And start over the next day with a clean slate.

    Things to try: Drink water, drink something sweet but calorie free, chew gum, brush your teeth
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    first...have a glass of water. wait a little. if I really do want something...a small bite of something outrageous....some dark chocolate or a Skinny Cow icecream sandwich. Or a few crackers. and more water.
  • tiniboppa
    tiniboppa Posts: 14 Member
    First, I try to build in enough snacks so that I don't count down the minutes to my next meal. Then, if I think I'm going to snack for purely emotional reasons, I try to get up and do something else....mostly small cleaning projects - loading the dishwasher, wiping down counters, straightening up pillows on the couch. Something that gets my mind off food and on something else.

    Thanks for the help. I will win this battle!! :smile:
  • jlau13
    jlau13 Posts: 27 Member
    I usually go make tea!!! I love the taste and it definitely fills me up!
  • tiniboppa
    tiniboppa Posts: 14 Member
    If I absolutely have to eat for emotional reasons I eat. I have had once a bag of baby carrots, didn't even dip them in salad dressing. I have made myself a large spinach salad with tomato and a bit of dressing. I have made a small bag of air popped popcorn (about 100 cal). Once I had celery with ranch dressing. That is all the emotional eating I can remember in the last couple of months. The point is emotional eating doesn't have to equal a lot of calories or unhealthy food. And if you go over a couple hundred calories you can work it off. Or reduce the next day plus a bit more exercise. It's pretty flexible as long as you don't dip into tomorrows calories seven days a week you are good.
    Carrots is a great idea! I will make sure that I have carrots always in my fridge as they last a long time!
  • nicolaturner1986
    nicolaturner1986 Posts: 45 Member
    Here on the night shift, when its slow, I just eat because stuff tastes good, not because I'm hungry. That's why I save most of my cals for night time. I try to eat lower calorie higher volume foods. Sometimes it's tricky to not go over cals. Worst case scenario, I may have to eat into tomorrow's diary for a snack. No big deal because the weekly average is what's important.

    I know the feeling! I'm half way through a night shift now and I find I eat the majority of my cals whilst on shift, i'm lucky enough (or unlucky depending how you look at it) to be in a position where I can't leave the building and there is no vending machine so what you bring is all you get so I bring 2 small low cal meals (one for 11pm and one for around 2/3am) and a couple of low cal snacks and when they're gone they're gone :-)
  • ChynaMartin
    ChynaMartin Posts: 18 Member
    I eat, but I need some help with that. Or I chew gum!!! the dessert flavored ones are amazing.
  • tiniboppa
    tiniboppa Posts: 14 Member
    I try to find something else to do like take a long bath or paint my nails which makes eating tricky lol and when I have indulged in a little self pampering and preening it kind of spurs me on to keep going because I want to feel even better about myself in the future, when you look good, you feel good :-)

    I'd like to say I exercise too, but that would be a lie, exercise is my next demon to conquer, i've already tackled the 'hunger' from starting my low cal diet, i've started drinking more fluids including water (a big deal for me) so exercise is next on the list :-).
    That is so true. I think it does come down to feeling good about yourself!
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    I'm telling myself that there is something so much better waiting for me down the road when I've reached my goal ... a slimmer, healthier body. Eating more food than I need won't get me to that goal.
    I'm also visualizing myself at my goal daily. That's kind of keeping me on track.
    Sometimes I'll grab a diet pop or make myself a tea to fill my tummy and usually that works.

    Try to distract yourself with a favourite activity.

    You'll find what works. Good Luck!
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    I stop procrastinating and get busy doing something. The cure for eating when you are bored, is to stop the boredom. This isn't easy, but whatever it is you've been putting off, cleaning your desk, cleaning out your closet, cleaning the garage, do it.

    Also, start a blog, or start writing. You can't eat when your hands are busy. Or perhaps read a book. Again, you have to hold it and your hands aren't free.

    And then there's water. 60 to 80 ounces a day. That will fill you up! I have a 20 oz Starbucks Venti cup, which I can't use anymore for coffee. I drink 4 of those a day. One with my meds in the morning, and one at every meal, and don't sip, gulp!

    Those are some of my tips.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,651 Member
    I find it sometime helps to go to mfp and try to figure out what I can eat that will fit into my macros for the day. I love fat free 100 calorie greek yogurt with a little squirt of chocolate syrup and it usually fits. It also helps to check out the success stories and see the before/after pics and stories. They are SO inspirational to me and I always hope that I will add mine someday. If they can do it, why not me, too?! And you, too!!!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,030 Member
    If I'm actually hungry, I eat. If it is boredom, or anxiety, I try to do something, go for a walk, find a book I can get absorbed in, call a friend, have a shower, have a cup of tea, pick a task I've been putting off and tell myself if I still feel like a snack after I've done it, I can have one.
  • tiniboppa
    tiniboppa Posts: 14 Member
    I stop procrastinating and get busy doing something. The cure for eating when you are bored, is to stop the boredom. This isn't easy, but whatever it is you've been putting off, cleaning your desk, cleaning out your closet, cleaning the garage, do it.

    Also, start a blog, or start writing. You can't eat when your hands are busy. Or perhaps read a book. Again, you have to hold it and your hands aren't free.

    And then there's water. 60 to 80 ounces a day. That will fill you up! I have a 20 oz Starbucks Venti cup, which I can't use anymore for coffee. I drink 4 of those a day. One with my meds in the morning, and one at every meal, and don't sip, gulp!

    Those are some of my tips.

    I have never considered starting a blog! A diary is good - find it hard to get back into writing one but I agree that it does work. I love how helpful eeveryone is - THANK YOU!!
  • burbunya
    burbunya Posts: 23 Member
    I tend to exercise .... or better still go out the back and split some wood for the fire ;) Works wonders for anger management ;)