Discouraged - 65lbs and no one has noticed...

Title says it all. I dont know if people are just being polite and not saying anything about my weight, or if its because I started so heavy...it discourages me though. My other half is coming home shortly from deployment, I've lost 50 while he's been gone, and I so desperately want him to notice.


  • mkkcp
    mkkcp Posts: 9 Member
    I am sure he will notice. Sometimes when you see someone everyday the gradual changes aren't as striking as when you see it all at once. Be sure to to cherish the moment! As someone who has redeployed before, I would say that it might take 15 minutes or so for him to really notice your weight. He may be overwhelmed with the emotions of just seeing you again, plus all the hubub at the ceremony and stuff. Don't be too disappointed if he doesn't mention it in the first thirty seconds! Take advantage of the occasion to get a new outfit, haircut, nails, etc. You will feel beautiful and GLOW. That's sexy!
  • Trace66xx
    Trace66xx Posts: 15 Member
    Wow well done!!! What an acheivement! Hey your other half will definitely notice! Are you wearing baggy clothes or are you quite a private person around others? Maybe they haven't said anything as they are not sure if you are trying to lose weight or losing it out of worry of your other half being away? I don't know what the reasons are but you have done great Lady! don't ever be discouraged by other people, its inside us that counts and you have done brilliantly and your health will really repay you, you must have found things easier to do with that great loss? Keep going and wear a big smile too :-)
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    Often people who spend a great deal of time around us don't notice it as much, simply because the change is gradual for them, and they become accustomed to it.

    But people who haven't seen you in a while, who have an "old picture" in their heads ... will definitely notice.

    That's what I found with my weight loss.

    And if you've lost 50 pounds while your other half was deployed - dang right he'll notice!

    ... and a big congratulations! on your achievement ... be proud regardless of whether you think people notice or not. =)
  • Emilie04444
    Emilie04444 Posts: 151 Member
    He will notice! Congrats on your weight loss. I find that people don't tell you if they don't see you actively doing something or talking about it a lot. If you talk about how you are leaving work to go to the gym, people will feel comfortable with saying it. , oh wow I notice a difference. At my last job, I talked about it constantly and ppl would compliment me, etc. At my new job, I don't talk about my weight at all, so people don't tell me, but I see them glance at my baggier clothes. But I have stopped looking outside, bc sometimes ppl compliment when you have gained. Which is why I only go based on the scale or how my clothes fit. Just keep your eyes on the prize and don't be discouraged
  • DeeC01
    DeeC01 Posts: 70 Member
    Well done on your amazing loss. It is a great achievment and you should be so proud.

    Your other half will notice (after the initial shock of seeing you!). keep up the brilliant work.
  • WanderingMe
    WanderingMe Posts: 216 Member
    Thank you all so much for the encouraging words :)
  • JacquiMayCrook
    JacquiMayCrook Posts: 308 Member
    He will notice! That is an amazing achievement
  • mforsis
    mforsis Posts: 41
    He loves you not your shape. (It's us who don't love ourselves that creates the problem)
  • seanezekiel
    seanezekiel Posts: 228 Member
    Oh he will notice! though i found a similar thing. I lost 50 and no one said much then lost another 30 and tons of people said something.
  • cstod74
    cstod74 Posts: 28 Member
    65 pounds lost is great! He sure will notice. The main thing is that you know you did it!!!!!! That is the main prize right there... keep it up and keep living healthy!
  • Chelle175
    Chelle175 Posts: 31 Member
    Try not to get discouraged. I work in an environment that predominantly male and what one of them told me was he didn't know how to compliment me on my weight loss without it sounding like he was hitting on me (and I'm VERY married).

    First and foremost, YOU know you've lost the weight, and NO ONE can take that away from you. More people started noticing my weight loss when I made a spur of the moment trip to a local resale shop and started getting clothing that actually fit me. That's when people really started noticing what I had lost.

    Have a great reunion with your husband.
  • brerran
    brerran Posts: 1
    I've noticed people loose weight before and I am ALWAYS scared to say anything about it. If I say you look good now, I am inferring that you didn't look good previously. You can bet people notice.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Sometimes people feel funny about commenting on someone's weight loss. They don't want to mention it in case it is because of illness, or in case they get a reaction like "So you thought I was fat before?".

    Don't be discouraged. Remember that you are getting healthier and be proud of yourself for sticking with it. I'm proud of you, and I don't even know you!
  • dough21
    dough21 Posts: 216 Member
    One thing I noted is people wouldn't say anything until I went out and bought new clothes. When I went to 3x from 4x people would make comments then 2x then xl then finally large.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    Girl, he is GOING to notice.

    Dress up, flaunt it, show him how amazing you've been doing both physically and mentally while he's been gone. =)
  • MarshaMole
    MarshaMole Posts: 142 Member
    that is an awesome job! I am sure he will notice.. It is coming to warmer weather and if you buy I pair of pants and shirt that fit it will be alot more noticeable. I found when I shed layers people noticed more.

    I am a bit afraid to shed my layers lol because I tend to hide behind them so I dont get attention. Keep up your hard work!
  • ashlbubba
    ashlbubba Posts: 224 Member
    I'm down 35 lbs and my Mom can't figure out what's going on... she told me that I look shorter... My husband notices a huge difference... I think you should be ok but try not to be too demanding of him to notice right away.. I'm sure he's going to be SO excited and his mind will be going in 100 different directions... but once things calm down I think he'll notice.

    ETA: People tend to notice more when I get smaller clothes.
  • Linkdapink
    Linkdapink Posts: 128 Member
    I'm sure people have noticed, but I find that people generally won't notice unless you get new clothes. Or they could be worried that you're not eating because you're worried about your husband, and dont' want to mention anything incase you get upset?
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    I am sure he will notice. Sometimes when you see someone everyday the gradual changes aren't as striking as when you see it all at once. Be sure to to cherish the moment! As someone who has redeployed before, I would say that it might take 15 minutes or so for him to really notice your weight. He may be overwhelmed with the emotions of just seeing you again, plus all the hubub at the ceremony and stuff. Don't be too disappointed if he doesn't mention it in the first thirty seconds! Take advantage of the occasion to get a new outfit, haircut, nails, etc. You will feel beautiful and GLOW. That's sexy!

    Love everything about this! And I agree put some effort into it for yourself and for him! Flaunt that weight loss and your beauty!
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    He may be leary of saying anything. I know my hubby never says anything in regards to my weight. Bad, good, or indifferent. He just will not touch on an area that can be touchy. But I bet he has noticed.