dieselbyte Member


  • ^ This is incorrect. Muscle size due to hypertrophy training vs true strength training will not differ much, if any. Strength training isn't just 1RM for 1 or 2 sets. Strength doesn't solely depend on muscle size (however, larger muscles will have the potential to move more weight). CNS adaptation, efficiency in movement…
  • Agree with not feeling obligated to a set time frame, but OP should track and have a reasonable expectation of increased lifts on a progressive overload program. If missing lifts consistently or not progressing, OP needs to adjust. Also, when bulking (depending on the amount of calories/calorie surplus), eating only…
  • Yes, CICO results are the same, but that wasn't my point. The point I was making wasn't solely about order of calories metabolized. OP stated he drank a lot, then made poor food decisions on top of that. My first point was about excess calories from alcohol coupled with excess calories from food. Order does not matter, I…
  • Calories are everthing...
  • Um, no... newbies will experience strength gains even in a deficit. As other posters have stated, CNS adaptation and muscles learning new movements and becoming more efficient at those movements are the real reasons newbies progress rather quickly. While OP may not experience muscle "growth" in a deficit, lifting heavy and…
  • ^This. OP is taking in more protein than necessary. No one is saying it's "too much", but 200g is overkill for her goals. Basing her intake off of calories and not lbs is flawed and incorrect. Carbs are king in a bulk.
  • I think OP is referring to set macros per meal i.e. Meal 1 - 20g P/40g C/10G F, and must adhere to this format.
  • Do you mean that every meal has a set ratio of P/F/C? That's overkill and totally unnecessary.
  • If you even think about training on an empty stomach your body will go catabolic and eat ALL of your muscle. Happened to me once and spent the better half of a decade trying to get my gains back. True story...
  • Unless OP is an elite athlete and has multiple high intensity training session throughout the day, less than 6-8 hours apart, muscle glycogen will replenish over the course of the day with normal meals. No need to focus on the "post workout" meal for glycogen replenishment.
  • The issue with your original post was stating a good pre-workout meal is needed "to give the body the fuel it needs for a successful workout". Meals earlier in the day or the day before (depending on training time) is what the body uses for fuel. While a high carb meal 1-2 hours before training might make YOU feel…
  • ^This. So much misinformation. And oblique training???
  • ^This. Also, what is your target weight loss per week? How many weeks to cut?
  • Definitely more than necessary. Increasing protein intake won't magically make you gain more weight. Weight gain/loss is CICO.
  • Waste of money. Without seeing your diary or you stating your macro/caloric intake, can't really be much help. Congrats on the weight loss, but seems you've been in a caloric deficit for a prolonged period. Make sure you are getting enough fat in your diet, and see a doctor for blood work.
  • Agree to work it into your day, but doing extra cardio to balance out can be unhealthy mentally - no need to punish yourself for making a choice. All foods, and drinks, can be enjoyed in moderation, without feeling guilty. The issue with alcohol is two-fold. While technically its 7kcals/gram, our bodies view it as a toxin,…
    in Alcohol Comment by dieselbyte July 2017
  • So I can eat anything and everything I want, no matter the caloric intake, and as long as I fast for 14 hours I'll burn fat?? Guess I've been doing it wrong all this time...
  • ^This. Soreness doesn't equate to muscle/strength growth. I have continued to gain strength/muscle over the years, and rarely feel sore from a workout. Lifting/cardio 7 days a week without rest is overkill and not balanced. OP isn't giving her body time to recover. Strenuous workouts or over-training can also lead to…
  • I don't say this to be rude, but I don't personally believe your physique is something to aspire to. Studies prove muscle protein synthesis in a muscle returns to normal at a max of 48 hours, therefore muscle growth does not occur after that time. If you work a muscle group too hard, most of the time will be spent on…
  • @ninerbuff is 100% correct. All the ab work in the world will NOT make your abs visible unless your body fat % is low enough. Honestly I haven't done a sit up or crunch in years, but by BF%, combined with a focus on compound movements in the gym, has not only made my core stronger, but has given me much better aesthetics…
  • ^This. Fat is an essential macro-nutrient. Eating dietary fat doesn't make you fat. If you are in a caloric deficit for a considerable time, it's important that your fat intake is at a healthy minimum, otherwise there could be adverse health consequences. Also, if you are weightlifting and looking to maintain as much…
  • Your workout is fueled by food that you have eaten the previous day/many hours before your workout. Adequate nutrition throughout the day will repair and rebuild. There is no "need" for a pre-workout meal. However, any meal you consume shouldn't hinder your workout i.e. - make you feel lethargic, cramping etc.
  • Unless you are new to weight lifting, building muscle while losing fat isn't a real possibility (save recomps, but that will be a much slower process). Advice is to pick one goal. If you are more concerned with losing weight, aim for caloric intake that will achieve that goal (.5lbs - 1lbs/week). Lift heavy as safely as…
  • Depending on your starting weight, your weight loss of 1-2lbs a week is healthy and spot on, but if you are training you should increase from 1200 - a net below 1200 could be the reason you are feeling lethargic. Also, your protein intake doesn't need to be that high, so increasing your carbs and fat and lowering your…
  • What is your current caloric intake? Macros? Do you train, and if so, how often, and have you been noticing training performance also lagging? Since you've started in December, how much weight have you lost? Or... it could just be lack of sleep. That or you just might be getting a cold...
  • best.reply.ever
  • @ndj1979 is crazy rich though. I've been to his mansion... his servants have servants!
  • Ain't nobody got time for that... lolz
  • Glycogen stores will be replenished over the course of feeding, not immediately after a workout. Spiking insulin and nutrient timing has been debunked. Just another broscience myth...