irunsf85 Member


  • So, when you're trying to figure out your caloric intake for the day, should you be using your RMR or your BMR? For example, online calculators list my BMR anywhere from 1248-1348 calories. If I use the Cunningham equation and enter in my BM%, it comes out to be 1453, which is very close to my RMR of 1470.
  • From what I read and what my nutritionist told me, RMR and BMR differences are negligible so they can pretty much be assumed the same.
  • I've had my RMR tested twice within the last year and a half. The first time I had it tested was when I was fairly seddentary and it was 1460. This last time I had it tested was in late May or June, when I started running a lot. RMR increased to 1470. These numbers are actually 100-200 higher than most online calculators,…
  • I'm slightly under 5'2". I weigh 124 lbs right now and would like to drop another 10-15 pounds. Feel free to add me.
  • I met with a dietician who also specializes in sports nutrition. She put me on a 45% carb, 30% protein, and 25% fat diet.
  • emgel, would you mind me asking how many calories you eat per day and your height/weight? Would be interesting to know what other runners are eating.
  • I feel fat, heavy, and bloated however my runs have been getting stronger and faster. I am training for a Hal marathon and marathon so the increase in speed is good but the weight is not for a endurance runner. My typical diet is around 1900-2000 calories. I would go back down to 1700 as the nutritionist prescribed but…
  • Diary is open! Feel free to add.
  • LOL!!! This!!!!!
  • Totally with you.. I'm very much in the same position and have been struggling with the last 10-15 pounds for the last few years now. I'm not sure what your stats are but I'm 5'2" and 120 +/-5 lbs.. I run 30+ mpw. I've been aiming for 45-30-25, which is what was set by my nutritionist.. I've been struggling a lot because…
  • Thanks. Yeah, I definitely am lacking energy. I was supposed to get up at 4am this morning for a run like I usually do but didn't actually get out of bed till 6:30. I'm hoping I'll find the energy and run during lunch.
  • I'm loving the Trekkie geekyness! Rock on! No worries on the hijack. Everything is all for informational purposes and am learning from what you guys are posting. I appreciate all the feedback. I don't have any plans to overhaul anything that the moment.. If anything, I may bump up calories some more but I definitely will…
  • Looking at my calories burned/minute while I sleep, I burn anywhere from 0.8-1.0 cal/minute. If I go by the 1.0 cal number and multiply that by the number of minutes during a 24 hour period, I get 1440, which is not too far off from what my true RMR is. I had it measured and it was 1470. It really would be a bummer if the…
  • lol. After that last post, I've been stuffing myself silly! 2000 cals is a lot and I'm totally loving it! But.. my anxiety prone mind is still eating away at me and making me question and feel guilty! Agggghhh! I'm trying to push it aside as much as possible though.
  • I do track my burns with my HRM but I'm not too sure how accurate it is either. Sometimes it acts a little wonky.. I can average a HR of 145 one mile and it will tell me I'm burning 88 cals/mile and then the next mile I run with the same HR, it'll tell me I burned 77.
  • Well, I tried to eat 2000 cals today and I'm not quite there yet but I'm stuffed!!! Still have about 50 more cals to go but maybe I will leave some room for calories from food that may be a little over.
  • I think I will up my calories to 2000? Does this sound okay?
  • I'm still debating what level of activity I really am supposed to be at.. 5-6 hours of strenuous activity or 7+ hours of strenuous. The average week if all goes as planned looks like this: Sunday: Rest Monday: Run 5 miles Tuesday: Run 5 miles, strength train with personal trainer for 30 mins Wednesday: Run 8 miles…
  • Thanks for all your responses guys. I appreciate all the feedback. I am not focused too much on scale weight anymore but would like to cut down on measurements. Even though I am 120 pounds I still wear a size 6-8 because of my belly fat. But, it would also be nice to be lighter because of my endurance running. I strength…
  • Stats: 26 year old female. 5'2" (rounded up) 120 lbs BF: 22.5% RMR: 1470 (measured using oxygen test) I lift weights (light weights/high rep) and do exercises using my own body weight, like using the TRX about 3 times a week for 30-45 mins. I also run 3 miles 1 time a week, 5 miles 3 times a week, 8 miles once, and 12+…
  • Okay.. That's a bit concerning to me because at what point can you trust the BMF then? Also, does 1200 calories for 16 miles sound a bit low to you?
  • I'm definitely a runner who lifts. Hoping to increase strength, maintain muscle, and burn some fat. How many reps do you endurance lifters do? 10?
  • Thanks everyone! Now I don't feel so stressed about eating such large meals at night and worried about it going all to my waist!
  • Is your sodium intake increasing along with the calories? Excess sodium will cause thirst
  • Did you try inputting your numbers in scoobys workshop? Pick your activity level, which seems to be 5-6 hours exercise a week and choose a cut of 15%. Te numbers will tell you how much you should put in your moth a day with or without exercise.
  • Add me! I'm one month in to EM2WL. Loving this family!!
  • Well... I did the unthinkable and weighed myself this morning. I'm now 10 pounds heavier than I was on Friday. I'm terrified. I know most (hopefully) is water weight and that most of it will drop off in a few days. I'm trying to drink a lot of water. Any tips on how to get rid of additional bloat/water retention? I tried…
  • Thanks for the support guys! I slept it off and am feeling better. I was actually afraid I was going to wake up during the night and choke on food that came back up! Lol. Now I'm just feeling hungry again. Not sure how it's possible after eating so much!