

  • Plan all my daily meals, eat more protein for leaner muscle, also tone all my body to a goddess lol!!!! :happy:
  • Polar there the best i think, you just want a simple one that tells you calories burnt and heart rate, you can get them for 30-60 pounds, with a chest strap as well so its accurate. I have the Polar FT4 and its great it costs 55 pounds.
  • Feel free to add
  • Polar are the best i think, you can get a good one for 40, mine was 60 and i would never get anything else, but thats just personal choice.
  • Ok thanks i think i have made it public now,
  • Ok how do i open my diary so you can see?
  • i was very active when i had my first child, i put on 2 stone, but lost it after, it takes 9 months to go up and 9 months down, i would not be concerned about gaining weight whilst your pregnant, plus you only need an extra 200 calories when pregnant, as long as you watch what you eat and eat the right foods you will be…
  • Hi sorry but im not sure how i post my question out on here, so im doing it this way, but can some one tell if they feel hungry all the time, as i am, i snack on good things and not sugar or rubbish food, but finding it hard not to, is anyone else like this or am i doing something wrong, please help!!
  • feel free to add me
  • I would say it was moderate, it also depends on if your out of breath when you do a certain job, if yes then i would say moderate to very moderate, also i would test to see from when you start a job till you finish of wether you have slogged your gutts out to do the job. Hope this makes sense ha.
  • Yes fruit is good for you, also its refined sugar which your body can use, i would have your fruit in the am so that your body can burn it throughout the day, also mix with veg, i always have bannana in morning as its high in calories.
  • Hi im new to feel free to add me,
  • Hi i am new as well, so if any one wants to add me that would be great, as i may need motivation i cant do it alone i dont think, also wondering if anyone has any healthy snack meals, as im a bit stuck.
  • Thanks i have two children as well under the age of 2 so i suppose they keep me very active, so im just stopping myself from eating my childrens easter eggs, up to now i have been successful, so i will be proud if i dont touch any before bed tonight lol.
  • Hi im new to this as well, seem to be eating every 2-3 hrs but seem to be more hungry lol, im well within my calorie intake so hopefully im doing right. :smile