5 a day makes me gain!



  • reach53
    reach53 Posts: 46 Member
    I would not count juice (unless you juiced it yourself) toward your fruit intake and I would be careful with dried fruit. Also the banana is very high in sugar. I avoid all 3 of those. Try being careful with overly processed foods. Some dried fruits are soaked in fructose prior to drying and I think it does not even have to be declared on the nutrition label. Not 100% sure though about that.

    Better choices might be some berries to start off with. I go well with apples and oranges and pears. But everybody is different. Staying away from any processed foods is for me the fastest way to weight loss.

    I would not worry so much about 1.5lbs it might just be the moon or TOM or a little too much salt. Weight naturally fluctuates...
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    I'm betting it's underestimating your calories consumed and/or overestimating your calories burnt that is making you gain. I've been on diets where I could eat as much fruit as I wanted and have lost weight.

    Nah calories consumed im obsessive about- i make sure i check labels when logging them an stuff- the exercise i do is usually a 20 min selection of using my own body weight, cardio and resistance.

    I measure everything too :)
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    This is all great advice!! I ill cut the dry fruit and the juice then, but will need to replace the calories somehow?
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    ok, I try to eat daily for veg: spinach, lettuce, cucumber, large mushrooms
    and fruit: banana, plum, and raisins---- these are essential as the potassium is balancing out the salt from my diet

    I have never heard potassium balances out sodium. for all I know it may be true but I have never heard that. the banana is one of the most over rated foods out there next to oatmeal. bananas have alot of sugar calories and I limit bananas to pretty much never. I dont know how the banana became so popular....fruit is a dessert item for me. I limit it and have had better success with limiting sugar items than not. I do eat blueberries quite often with my protein powder though.
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    ooooh- Quick question- is my diary public? I made it public
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    Yeah- my family made the mistake of adding fruit to their diet rather than replacing foods like dessert with it. They gained loads the week they tried it out!

    Ill keep updated and swap for more veg- i off to the shop today anyhow :)
  • reach53
    reach53 Posts: 46 Member
    Some fresh fruit: they are so good!
  • reach53
    reach53 Posts: 46 Member
    Yes it is public. Good luck!!
  • flabisntfab
    You should only have 2 servings a day.(: And none after 2 p.m. Studies show your body doesn't work as hard in the evening so eating any fruit after 2 p.m. could make you gain. Hope this was helpful!
  • claresusan
    claresusan Posts: 121 Member
    Had a look at your diary and although you are eating healthy and nutrient filled meals, have you thought about tracking your sugar as one of the options? Anyway, just my thought :)
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    You should only have 2 servings a day.(: And none after 2 p.m. Studies show your body doesn't work as hard in the evening so eating any fruit after 2 p.m. could make you gain. Hope this was helpful!

    timing doesnt matter really. just sayin. this myth only causes more stress.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Fruit is not making you gain weight. Unless you aren't tracking the calories for it.
  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    Isn't it supposed to be Two fruit and 5 Veg? ... Thrs what I was bought up on anyway...

    My understanding is that fruit is not a 'free' food like vege's tend to be. The sugars in fruit are natural but still very accountable! I've also heard that too much fruit does cause bloating. Only hearsay for me as I've never ben much of a fruit person! Sounds like you should definitely cut back though... :)
  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    It's pretty unlikely that fruit and veg at making you gain - unless you aren't logging them and are going over your calories?
    Australian guidelines suggest 5 veg and 2 fruit every day which seems like a good balance to me.

    Edited to add: personally I wouldn't count juice or raisins as "fruit and veg" - they are both pretty concentrated forms of sugar, you need to be careful with portion sizes. How about dropping theses and replacing with with fresh fruit or veg.

    Ah-ha... I didn't see this before but I agree entirely!
  • delikium
    delikium Posts: 196 Member
    grapes a better then raisins.... too much sugar - no water
    u may be gaining water weight...which will go dont cut back on your veggies!
  • CarrieAnnN
    CarrieAnnN Posts: 2 Member
    Fruit is good for you and I think 5 a day is fine but the juice and the raisins I don't think are helping you. Raisins have a lot of sugar and juice is empty calories. Maybe try a green smoothie so you are getting fruit and veggies.
  • CrazyMidget611
    CrazyMidget611 Posts: 102 Member
    What I've been told is: Sugar is sugar, regardless of where it comes from, and sugar turns to fat quickly. I have no idea how true it is, but like one PP stated I limit fruit to once per day, and then eat lots of veggies.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Fruit is good for you and I think 5 a day is fine but the juice and the raisins I don't think are helping you. Raisins have a lot of sugar and juice is empty calories. Maybe try a green smoothie so you are getting fruit and veggies.

    the Poor OP...sorry for all this conflicting advice....but this idea of 5 fruit servings a day is not good.
  • cazriley41
    cazriley41 Posts: 16
    Yes fruit is good for you, also its refined sugar which your body can use, i would have your fruit in the am so that your body can burn it throughout the day, also mix with veg, i always have bannana in morning as its high in calories.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I have never heard potassium balances out sodium

    The body regulates the sodium / potassium balance but can be thrown off if you consume a lot of one and none of the other.
