Back2Basic Member


  • That's a great idea! You look amazing. I'll have to try this the next time I go clothes shopping.
  • I'm only doing it for breakfast, and planning on drinking one 8oz cup a day. I have tried blending, and I didn't really like it. I'm using it as a way to get more variety than I normally would eat. I also plan on using the pulp, so I will get more servings from the pulp fiber too. I've read a lot of the pros/cons, and…
  • We do eat a lot of fruits and veggies, but I think this will be a way to get all the nutrients more easily. Eating raw produce can get a little monotonous, there's not a whole lot of ways I know to prepare it. Plus, I'm not really the type to just eat cabbage by itself, or ginger, or beets, or lemons.
  • Do you think you're feeling sick? Sometimes I can't make my calories just because I'm not feeling well. But in a day or two, I'll have a high day. If it's not a common thing, I wouldn't worry too much. If it is, maybe try making some smoothies? or slimfast? It's a lot easier to drink calories than to eat them, especially…
  • The doggie house is about halfway done, in storage. We are in the middle of relocating to a new state. I haven't found any Who themed collars, but his is blue. He's a rescue lab mixed with some kind of shepherd. Does anyone know how to add pics to the forum? I can add one of him watching his fave show!
  • I gained my weight from boredom and depression after a bad knee injury. Just learn to modify your workouts for now. Definitely ask your doctor next time you go in, but for now, all I can think of is prop it up on the couch, and do crunches/situps, arm curls with weights, or whatever you have at home. You could work out…
  • No, I don't think I'd ever get off the couch if I had any kind of cable. Just have netflix, but am looking for dvds I can buy.
  • Thank you!! I've been wanting Alfredo for a while now, but dreading all the calories. Can't wait to make this.
  • Add me!
    in HELP ME! Comment by Back2Basic June 2012
  • I look at it this way. Will I be able to maintain my new lifestyle for the rest of my life? Because I know that it's not just an isolated event that caused me to put on weight. If I just diet, then go back to eating "normally" I'll put it right back on. This time, I've been successful at losing the weight. Why? Because I'm…
  • Everybody has a different metabolism (if thyroid issues run in your family, I would suggest going to your doctor) You should not HAVE to eat junk food to make your calories for the day. I would suggest putting it back down to sedimentary life style. That's what mine is set at. I find that 1200 is a pretty fair amount. Some…
  • Someone asked this awhile back (it baffles all of us) Here's the reply I wrote that seemed to make sense to them. Nope! Think of it like money. Say you want to save $3,000 this month. You get $1,300 a day, but for some crazy reason you HAVE to spend $1,200 each day (Say for rent and bills) Now, if you only spend that 1200…
  • Oh i didn't realize tops was a group. That drfenitely makes sense to eat. It's always better to be healthy than get a smaller number on the scale. When I was in the army some people would be so concerned with the weigh ins that they wouldn't eat the night before even. Some of them had to go to the ER from running out of…
  • Welcome to all of you, feel free to add me!
  • Personally, I wake up and do my morning routine then weigh in. I think if you eat a different amount of breakfast in the AM, that would affect your weights. I don't think your body can just let go of calories and change your weight that quickly. 3500 calories makes about a pound and I don't see how your body can use them…
  • I wrote a blog on this last week, but I have goals other than just weight loss ( I get bored easily, so I like to change up my goals every couple of weeks) for example, my goal right now is to do the "intense workout" every day for 2 weeks on Just Dance for the wii. If I do, then I will buy the newest version of the game…
  • If we add more content and comments, then we will get shown higher on the "most active" list. Everyone feel free to add me.
  • Yep. Already have the paint and prelim sketches. When we get him a collar that fits, I will post pics of his tag. It say "Allons-y" on the back. I live in NC, so the proposal wouldn't work out here. (You're a chick right? That looks like a girl fox :) )
  • OMG! I will contribute to this post later...about to head out the door, but this is awesome. I was just looking at my puppy and I was like...I wonder if there are any Doctor fans on mfp. PS My puppy's name is "Doctor Who" and he responds to "Doctor". We're building his tardis next week.
  • Here's the thing for me. If I "diet" by depriving myself, I lose very little, or gain it back quickly. I want to be thinner, but I don't want to spend the rest of my life craving pizza while eating celery sticks. Eating a snack every once in awhile is what keeps me from binge eating. Hey, remember Jared the subway guy?…
  • This sounds amazing. I found dinner for tomorrow! Thanks for sharing!
  • I've been sticking pretty much to mfp. I lost 3 lbs the first week and a half ( I have it set to 2 lbs a week). I stepped up my exercising after the first week and lost an extra one. It seems pretty realistic and spot on to me
  • I count it as water. We make pitchers of crystal light for dinners, and use singles for on the goes (especially the caffeinated ones!!!!!!!!!) ^^I love them (trying to quit soda)
  • Feel free to add me! From St Louis, but husband is stationed at Fort Bragg!
    in NC people Comment by Back2Basic May 2012
  • Sarah here. I'm a 36/38D and have about another 70lbs to lose. I was wondering if any of you have experienced decreasing cup sizes from dieting? I lost a lot of weight very quickly (Army basic training) and I went down to barely a C. Since then, I gained the weight back in that area, and have been careful to do altered arm…
    in Intros! Comment by Back2Basic May 2012
  • I wish! I actually switched my ticker to show how many I have left to go. ( I lost 4 lbs since joining 12 days ago) My photo is me at my heaviest, and the ticker is me at my goal(I'm going to get back there) I think I will go roller blading or something after 10 lbs. 15% is awesome! I liked this idea of making non-food…
  • Here's a weight watchers article. I skimmed it, and it sounds pretty online with what my old nutritionist told me. "starvation mode" is real, it's just not the right wording for it. Your body will burn fat for energy if you eat fewer calories than your body naturally burns. But if you start bringing in WAY to few calories…
  • Finally! Someone else who use wii dancing games! You look great! Good job!
  • I hope that your mother isn't intentionally sabatoging you, but even if it's unconcsious, it's making it hard on you. You're old enough to make your own meals. Even if you can't move out. Try 1. Offering to help your mum out by cooking dinner a couple times a week. 2 If that doesn't work, just tell your family that you…