I really need some motivational help and supporters!



  • abigailmariecs
    abigailmariecs Posts: 192 Member
    Request sent. I am a mother to two young children ages 21 months and 9 months. While I my partner and I are still together I feel like most days I am a single mother. Jason (partner) and my father (who is also living with us at this time) have started a business and most days they are up at 5am and gone till 9 or even 11pm. When they are home for dinner it is a high carb/massive food spread that they are looking for. I joke that they eat more then six people combined. While Jason could use to lose 5-10 lbs both of them really do not have any significant weight problems. Due to their active work environment (cabinet installation/home renovation) they can eat whatever, whenever and gain little to nothing. My daughter who is 21 months is rarly picky though she does have favorite foods that she would only eat if given a choice. We have a rule in the house, nothing I make is inedible, if you refuse to eat the food on your plate (please note I do not require her to clean her plate just eat/try everything) the plate wrapped in plastic and is served as your next meal (over and over) until you will try everything.
  • kimmers1027
    kimmers1027 Posts: 122
    Welcome and anyone can add me. I am on everyday and try to be supportive. This site is awesome. Good luck !!
  • Back2Basic
    Back2Basic Posts: 69 Member
    Welcome to all of you, feel free to add me!
  • sparkles64
    sparkles64 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm in the same boat, also just recently divorced. Need support with weight loss goals as well. Add me if you like . . . :smile:
  • fenwaysgirl
    fenwaysgirl Posts: 22
    oh my goodness..you have motivational support here with us!..you have to retrain your mind...forget about what everyone else is eating although its VERY hard....its ok to cheat a little as a reward, when i cheat what i do is instead of eating all of it, i will eat half....ive also found that the key to not always feeling like im starving myself is you need to get out and do some kind of exercise everyday so you can burn calories and earn more calories so you can eat more... i find sometimes that i have so many calories banked up to use that there is not enough hours in my day to keep eating to use em...so i usually finish under my calorie goal for the day...

    I KNOW what your saying about finding time to exercise..you NEED to schedule yourself time, like you would an appointment...you have to have SOME time for you alone..or even take your child out with you...not only are you spending time with him but you are also setting a good example and teaching him good habits too.. you are right, you need to make sure you are around for him in the future...

    When i get a craving or get hungry, alot of the time I can just drink some ICE cold water and see if that helps, it will usually get me til my next meal, snack etc...make sure ice cold because your body has to work harder to warm up your core..i read this in an article once and so far, has worked for me...and i just keep telling myself that "excuses do NOT get results"

    I also try to look at something that i want to eat like :"IF i eat that, its gonna take me X amount of exercise to work it off"...and most of the time i will say, screw that, im tired...lol

    add me if you like..and i will try to help in any way I can...good luck
  • lmataloni
    lmataloni Posts: 33 Member
    We're here for you! I have what I would describe as a "negative" support system, but am just focusing on being my own support, not expecting anything from my family...I have allowed myself to let my circumstances sabotage me for too long. One day at a time, eh?! It's all on my shoulders and my responsibility. I have two kids and started seeing my bad habits and weight gain in my 11 eleven year old and I just have to set the right example for his sake...and for me! I'll friend ya!
  • MrsFierce
    MrsFierce Posts: 17 Member
    I have a new found mindset and I really want to reach my goals too! Like you I don't have much support so I would love to make friends on here...hint hint. I will send you a friend request. In fact I welcome all friend requests!!! Lets do this!!!
  • shimewazaMan
    shimewazaMan Posts: 413
    Feel free to add me! I'm always more than happy to lend any support I can.
  • abitzan
    abitzan Posts: 85 Member
    I added you. I would love to be your friend on here.
  • Cyngen
    Cyngen Posts: 557 Member
    Good luck, Feel free to add me to your list. I'm working to lose as well, it's a long journey for the rest of my life.
  • cwatson1214
    cwatson1214 Posts: 88 Member
    just a quick note about spaghetti, cause I am there with you and the picky eaters. We have it once a week. I but the dreamfields pasta. it is low card pasta. it is awesome, worth the extra money (but not too much). you can get it in any supermarket
  • allmekeri
    allmekeri Posts: 1
    Hi, I've been using MFP for about two months (not as consistent as I should but I'm getting there). Feel free to add me as a friend, we could all use the support. I just had my first visit with a dietitian yesterday and I gave her my log-in information so that she can check in on me from time to time as well.
  • justinejellybean
    justinejellybean Posts: 1 Member
    You mentioned your child is a particular eater, why not make your own "healthy" inspired fast food ex: pizza, tacos, fish and chips, burgers&sodas.. etc. I especially like making my own "soda", carbonating any sort of drink whether it be water, juiced fruits/veggies. These things can be healthy, they just need to be made from scratch! Getting your child involved and asking them to find recipes or choose ingredients. Don't feel discouraged if they won't eat an entire healthy meal, just work your way up by telling them for this week we choose one healthy ingredients, the next week two and so on.. that way they don't feel like they were hit by a freight train.. and in a month+ time you have phased out unhealthy foods!
  • darrenburke63
    darrenburke63 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello from Australia. Happy to be a friend. I no longer think of it as a diet but as a change of eating habits. Have been on MFP for 26 weeks and have lost 23kg(50pounds). Started at 123kg(270pounds). Trying to stick close to my 1600 calories per day and still eat(I love my food) has been a real education. I kept looking for healthier alternatives with fewer calories and they are out there! Good luck to you and I can guarantee that if you stick to your calorie target you will continue to lose weight week after week after week! Regards Darren.
  • AprilP24
    AprilP24 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm here for ya! :) I am looking to "UP" my support system too! I have been using this site for a little over 2 weeks now and it has helped me tremendously in monitoring what I eat and what it all means when I eat it! I am very motivated because I am getting married in October and want to try and slim down as much as possible!
    I'll send you a "friend" request. :)
  • jmelton9
    jmelton9 Posts: 19 Member
    I too am feeling the struggles that you are feeling. I am the mother of a 2 year old, work full time, and part of families that revolve around food. I have tried so many times to get myself in gear and never seem to make it to my goal. I am trying MFP again (first failure was not its fault) and I am more motivated now that I ever have been. I am always looking for support and would love to offer it to someone else. Please feel free to add me!
  • BethQ1983
    BethQ1983 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello and Welcome

    Ive been using MFP since Jan 2012 and I absolutley luv the site....I also need extra motivation and would luv to become weightloss friends...
  • texasmom39
    texasmom39 Posts: 2
    Hi from Texas. I'm new to this and loving it so far. This site is much easier to navigate than Weight Watchers. I've lost 20 pounds on my own but I'm stuck and I need to lose about 60 more. I find it hard to stick to diets and I also need motivation. My college age son is home for the summer and he has started me on an exercise routine. It's pretty ridiculous to see me out in the backyard doing windsprints since I haven't run around the yard since 1997 when the kids were little. lol. I'm excited to get this journey going and get healthier. I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes so it's especially important for me to manage my weight and eating. I could use the encouragement and I'll be an encourager.
  • AprilP24
    AprilP24 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi! I am looking to "UP" my support system and what better way to do it than to have some friends that are using the same website I am?! I have been using this site for a little over 2 weeks now and it has helped me tremendously in monitoring what I eat and what it all means when I eat it! I am very motivated because I am getting married in October and want to try and slim down as much as possible! I am a mommy of a 2 year old baby girl and still need to loose my baby weight and then some... ok, a lot of some! I would like positive support in my journey so please feel free to add me! Best of luck with reaching your goals!
    Gettin Healthy,
  • Meganosborn1988
    Meganosborn1988 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi there! I am a mom of a 3 year old... and i recently lost 30 lbs. with diet and exercise. At first i could only lose 20.. and then for some reason couldn't lose anymore (plateau i think) .. I started MFP and it help me keep going and it has helped me lose 10 more lbs! so now im at a total of 30 lbs gone.. I only need to lose about 10 more to be right under my goal... It has taken me 5 1/2 (almost 6) months to get to where i am.. so please dont get discouraged! Just keep going.. take it one day at a time.. 1 week at a time. the best thing i did was have an ultimate goal .. but even more importantly i made little mini goals! each week i would have a goal to loose 2 lbs. sometimes i would be a little under but sometimes i would lose more than 2. Either way it kept me at a steady pace and keeps me on track (and its so motivating)! Also I would have 1 cheat day for the first 30 lbs. (now i let my self have 1 or 2). But Even on my "cheat day" i would only give myself 200-300 more calories for that day.. so u dont go overboard! Hope this was helpful!
    KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! dont forget it takes tiny steps to get to your finally destination! :)