Zoe85 Member


  • Im going to start this today too :)
  • Hi, I always post my food for the day every morning Mondays - Fridays but not weekends :) thats only because all my meals in the week are pretty much planned out and i find it easy to follow and keeps me on track knowing what calories i have left after ive had all my meals :)
  • I must try this tonight :) thanks for the recipe, sounds yummy
  • Hi, I also work in an office of seriously overweight people and most of them always say 'you don't need to lose anymore weight' bla bla bla. I also get slimmer people saying the same thing! You've worked hard and be proud of yourself and ignore the jealous ones! :)
  • add me if you like :) Zoe
  • Im not really sure myself what it could be but all i know is i warm up for 5 minutes before going into a vigourous workout to increase my heart rate gradually and then from warmed up to vigrous mine increases within minutes of starting and usually end up around 180bpm :)
  • Give yourself 1 cheat meal per week :) that way it gives you something to look forward to and be extra good for.
  • Thanks for the friend requests :)
  • Hi, my name's Zoe, I'm 27 and kinda new around here, joined in 2010 but only recently been back but would love new friends for support and encouragement, can all help eachother :) Add me if you like and anyone else is welcome to add me too :) xx
  • Hi, The one is use which is free (an on android) is called endometer and i use it only when out for walks as it uses GPS signal and calculates distance and calorie burn but not steps.
  • Hi, MFP tells me the same and set my daily goal at 1250 calories yet my BMR is around 1537 calories :/ so i am now confused on what i am supposed to have. Yeah if anyone has any suggestions on what we are supposed to do we'd greatly appreciate the advice :) I have tried in the past sticking to a 1200 calorie diet and then…
  • Well done! Its great to see just what hard work can achieve and even more amazing that you've achieved in under 2 months! Its good to know you used the 30day shred too as thats what i am using at the moment as well as going to the gym. keep it up :)
  • I have to say even though i can hardly walk today i do love the feeling of the soreness because it is a reminder that we worked out of our comfort zones :)
  • For those who have or are working through 30 day shred, have you tried Jillian Micheals Ripped in 30? I think its slightly more advanced than 30 day shred and perfect to do after you've completed 30day shred :)
  • Thanks for the info :) I worked out with her DVD last night for the first time in ages for just 15 minutes because its all i could manage due to how unfit i have gotten and i am extremely sore today! I am determined to beat the soreness and push through it this time. Im just going to go for it :) as they say, no pain no…
  • Hi, To all that do the 30day shred, Do you all do this workout daily alone or as well as another workout? e.g. Cardio. I own 3 different workout DVD's of Jillian Micheals including 30day shred but because of the soreness the next day i usually struggle to maintain the workout on a daily basis. I want to complete the 30day…
  • Hi, Im new to Myfitnesspal and stumbled across your challange. I think i will have a go at this :)