11/16 I did 2 miles. (total of 6 miles so far)
I did 2 miles yesterday 11/15.
One rest day! Some days I would like two.. but it isn't worth it to me!
I am a 24 pants and 3x top now. I would like to be a 12.. but would settle for a 14.
I did 2 miles today.
All of these sounds wonderful! Thank you. Protien powder scares me. It is huge commitment. 40 bucks for a jug of it. What if I don't like it...
I am in!! Just getting back in to my DVD over the last week or so.
Those are all good ideas. Thank you! Feel free to keep it comming. :)
Taco Bell Bean Burrito. 350 calories. Tons of protien and fiber.
Well my weigh in yesterday was accurate. Still the same today. Bummer! I am up 4 lbs. So my starting weight is 268.4
This challenge is just what I need. I have been so far off track! I was up this morning for my wiegh in. EEEEEKKKK I refuse to belive the number I saw this am. So I will weigh again tomorrow an go with that number no matter what the out come. So I take the weight loss Challenge and the exercise challenge. GO ME!
How long do you steam your fish for??
I wonder the same thing. Last year I lost 75 lbs. Then fell of wagon and entered fat land again. Ate just like I had before. Now I have nearly all of it to lose again.... I hope that this is the time I quit thinking like a fat person.
were just haivng a reg meal. French's Onion Chicken Mashers Aspargus
Cheer! To the women beating the men! :)
I would say that they are your loved ones. Seems to me that they would be more than happy to help you out. After all your health dosn't only affect you, but them too. Plus I bet they are proud of you for embarking on this journey. So in my oppion.. ask away. Or maybe if that still dosn't work for you... talk to them about…
Me too.... what is this??
1-24- I did a 2 mile dvd :) Good Job JordanGirl5. 4miles is great! We can do anything we put our minds too!
Bummer. I hope you find. On the upside... you are getting smaller! :)
I love WATP. I love Lesile! ;) I have a TON of her DVD's. I have a 1,2,3,4, and 5 mile dvds I use the 1, 2, 3 the most now. I need to work back up to the 4 and 5 mile again. I work out in the afternoon/eveings now. I am just not a morning person. Although once school starts in the last of March I may switch... I too am…
I am a student. A cometology student. My classes don't start till Mach 29th. So it will be nice to have all this great advice under my belt before I start.
Plus I will be busy all day. I am going to Cosmetology school. There will be some sitting and studing. But mostly standing up, working on maniquines or people. After I get a month or so under my belt with my schedule... I might be able to get more exercise time in.... will just see. so if I get in 30 min cooking I will…
This is roughly what my schedule is goign to look like. 530-630 cook and eat dinner 630 15 min of cleaning (vaccum, mop, clean up kitchen, etc..) 645 15 min of exercise 700 Laundry dry wash and fold 715-800 home work 800 lay out dinner for next night 815 Make sure everything for tomorrow is at the door 820 check calendar…
I think if you give it a try and listen to your body, it should be fine.
I have seen the blue cheese. I havn't tried it yet.. but I bet it is to die for!
Okay can I join in this late? Now the next question. I wear a pedometer, and I track what I walk the WHOLE day. Does that count here too. Or just my formal exercise, counts??
Here is what I came up with. Lose my five again and get $5 or less gift. Maintain for a week get another $5 or less gift. If I instead lose 5lbs (10bls) I get a med. gift. 10$ or less. Maintain or lose another 5 (15 lbs) get a $5 gift. Maintain the 15lb loss get a $5 gift. Lose 20 get a $10 gift. and so on.... when I hit…
I am thinking I am going to start rewarding myself some how for losing and maintaining! It has to be cheap and it has to NOT be food. I am going to think on it for a while and see what I come up with...
Light Laughing Cow cheese wedges! Fruit Veggies Tuna