somervilleshar Member


  • Hi according to my doctor I would be perimenopausal because I still have periods on and off. However I do notice I get night sweats and my weight appears to be glued to my middle. So frustrating and no matter what I do I can not seem to get rid of 30 pounds that I need to improve my health. I wanted to share a site that I…
  • Yes, I would love to have a check-in buddy.
  • Well I have about 30 pounds to loose and would love to join the group. I don't really like to share my age, feel free to guess from my picture.
  • Hi, I and 5'3 and 55 years old. I have not actually experienced any symptoms yet, except for weight gain that I can't seem to get rid of. I know of a family member who had a gastic sleeve done and I would say don't do it. I can have very bad side affects. I would be happy to give you as much support as I can, and share…
  • I have hired a trainer that I see twice a week and I actually increased my calories because you need more protien when you work out. It is different for guys you will see the weight come off quicker than women. What is your goal to loose weight or be healthy? 80% of weight loss is diet and 20% is exercise, but you will…
  • Well I keep getting rid of clothes that are too big as I go. It's easy to be tempted to put weight on if you have big clothes. I think it's a mindset!
  • Hi I do 30 minutes, and yes I suggest you build up to it. The elliptical is much easier on your knees compaired to a treadmill.
  • Hi Patty, I would be happy if you added me as a friend. I do eat when I am bored. Try to take food to work that you have planned out for the day. It's easy to look in a drawer and grab a snack. Read labels, not the % of saturated fats etc. but what is actually in the food you eat. Lots of food has sugar added to it. Sugar…
  • Hi Nancy, Please add me as a friend. I also need to lower my cholesterol and loose some weight that I also think is glued to my middle. I would love to offer any support I can in your journey. Best advise that I can give it don't give up you can do anything that you want, just believe you can do it. Cheers…
  • Hi Kathy, Not sure how much a stone is in weight since I am from canada. I find the calculator to be very low when it comes to the amount of protien you need to eat. I also need to be at 1200 calories. If you are working out, running, lifting weights etc. you will need to eat more protien so your body can work properly.…
  • Great job. You do become more focused when you start to see results. It seems to make you want to work even harder. I also found that when you make that committment to work out daily you feel great as well. I am 5'3" and also have a goal around the 120 mark. You are a great inspiration! Keep up the good work!
  • No problem! Online groups can be helpful as well as in person. My daughter is planning to do a 5 k walk this fall for Cancer and we have been talking about to the couch to 5 k training are you interested? If so I can send you any information I put together so you can participate on your own but also with us. Sharon
  • Yeah I have always have that same problem. But I find since I cut out most of sugar out my diet the craving for sugar is less. I can eat a small portion, log it and I'm good. Certain foods help with the cravings like pineapple, full of fiber and it's sweet. I found a dehydrated dark chocolate dipped pineapple and it was to…
  • Great Job! You look fantastic. What is the best advise that you could give anyone else trying to reach their goal?:flowerforyou:
  • Belly fat is very hard to loose! Sugar is not your friend so stay away from alcohol, anything with a starch added to it. Carbs make sugar in your body and go right to the belly fat. However you do need carbs especially if your are doing alot of exercise. When you eat carbs they should all be complex carbs no white rice no…
  • Hey! redsonya71 I am in Oak Bluff not too far away from you! How have you been doing since March? This is the end of my first week.
  • Welcome! I am also just completing my first week. I have added the app to my phone. I find this my easier than trying to write down my activity and food. Good luck!
  • How is the amount of protien you are to be eating in a day calculated. My daily amount seems to be low. I have been trying to do 30 minutes of cardio and weights 5 times a day. My understanding is that I should be making sure I eat 4 oz. of protein with each meal when you are active. Does anyone know how to adjust the food…
  • Have you been surprized by keeping track of what you are eating so far? Still in my first week but I have noticed that I seem to be eating more carbs than I thought I was eating. I have found it hard to find certain items to track. I was at an all day meeting and the food was supplied so I had to guess what to track for…
  • Have you ever read Oxygen it has lots of helpful hints for working on sculpting your body. You can also go online to oxygen. The person Tosca Reno is an author that has written several books which all centre around eating clean. I am not an expert but from what I have read the six pack can be partly genetic, what you are…
  • Does anyone know of a gluten free whey powder that does not have sugar or any other additives to make it sweet. No Stevia, no xylitol etc.?
  • Down loaded the app really good for keeping track when your on the go. I had tried writing everything in a book and keeping track but with the app and being able to see how many calories I am actually eating. It's a real wake up. Great to see so many posts online, it's nice to know that I am not the only one!
  • First day here! Love the site so far. I been trying for years to loose 30 lbs around my middle. Just seem to go up and down 10 to 15 pounds.