1200 calories

Ok, so I see a few posts from people knocking eating 1200 - So....... That is what this sytem stated my calories should be - Ill be honest though, Im lost.

I dont understand BMI Calories etc etc

People are very clued up on all of this but I am not.

Im 5 foot 6,
160 pounds
and would like to lose a stone!

What calories should I be eating?

Or can some advise on what Im missing.

Im totally ignorant and when I see posts saying sticking to 1200 isnt the correct thing to do (and i understand their reasons) I get worried... I want this to be a change in lifestyle.

My diary is open for people to comment.

Much love and thanks for any input!

Kath xxxxxxxxxxxx


  • somervilleshar
    somervilleshar Posts: 30 Member
    Hi Kathy,
    Not sure how much a stone is in weight since I am from canada. I find the calculator to be very low when it comes to the amount of protien you need to eat. I also need to be at 1200 calories. If you are working out, running, lifting weights etc. you will need to eat more protien so your body can work properly. BMI well the current thought seems to be that we need to get rid of the fat around our middle. For women that is more difficult because of our hormones. It is nature as we age to have a little more around the middle(I still find this fat hard to accept).

    If you are interested in chatting more you can accept my request I will send you to be a friend.

  • Blmarlborough
    Hello, I have nothing against 1200 calorie diets, but only when they are necessary. The main problem is the closer you get to a goal weight your body will begin to hold onto that last bit of stubborn fat, but if you are not worried about this then go ahead. Also, make sure your protein intake is sufficient, my rule of thumb is 75-100g a day but this is just me. Also, a very good tool is this bad boy- http://www.bmrcalculator.org/ I would suggest 500-1000 MAXIMUM deficit. Create this deficit with 50% coming from diet and 50% coming from exercise. Just go for a run daily or maybe some HIIT a couple times a week with a bit of weight training and you should be golden.
  • KathyMcAdam
    A stone is 14 pounds chick! Thanks very much peeps - I Find it very confusing!

  • McLifterPants
    McLifterPants Posts: 457 Member
    If you only want to lose 14 lbs, try setting your weight loss goal to 1/2 lb a week (instead of the 2 lb max MFP allows) and see what it gives you for calorie goals then. When you have so little to lose, doing it slowly is far more sustainable!
  • KathyMcAdam
    i would but i wanted to lose it in 8 weeks!
  • petechiae
    petechiae Posts: 147 Member
    Hey Kathy. I agree, all this is confusing.
    I suggest reading Helloitsdan's tips on finding out how many calories you should consume every day. It really helped me. MFP is an automated system so its suggestions might not be suitable for you. It wasn't for me.
    Here is the link to the thread : http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12

    Hope that's going to help you figure it out. Take care! xx