Any suggestions on what to do around that time of the month?



  • kimanne4
    kimanne4 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm going through that right now and I went nuts yesterday and ate everything I could get my hands on. It was BAD! lol It's just an oh well and back to it today though. I watch my calories the next day and move on.
    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member
    I just eat what I want and don't worry about it
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Honestly, just eat a portion, log it and move on.

    No sense in depriving yourself of something.. and as long as it fits in your calorie goal, then you will be fine.

    This is what I used to do. (I've been breastfeeding for 5 months and was (obviously) pregnant before that, so I haven't had a period in roughly 14 months.) I'd indulge for a couple of days and then I'd be fine. But, I'd go crazy if I didn't.
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    I just go find some dark chocolate, eat some and keep going. Sweets sometimes are fine, just in moderation. Plus dark is supposed to be better than milk. I found fighting too hard against it makes me wants it more and in larger volume than I ever need.
  • korinastern
    I try not to go near the scale because I gain five pounds every time it comes off three days after its done. Avoid salt at all costs and drink water with cucumber slices and lemon in it. Walk alot too.
  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    Honestly, just eat a portion, log it and move on.

    No sense in depriving yourself of something.. and as long as it fits in your calorie goal, then you will be fine.

    This is exactly what I do...I deprive myself of nothing but I pay attention to portion sizes.
  • SweetSammie
    SweetSammie Posts: 391 Member
    Plan for those things you will really want, have a controlled portion and move on. I will want french fries, so normally I make baked fries. I eat ice cream regularly, normally small portions of real icecream. Sometimes I will buy frozen yogurt, so I can eat a bigger portion at that time of the month. I try to be realistic about what I am going to want, and by planning for it, I have avoided any huge mishaps.
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    I get that too! My BIGGEST thing is usually the week before, I feel like no matter how much I eat, I still feel hungry, 24/7. IT SUCKS!! but, the sweet cravings I can usually curb with Flavored Gum. EXTRA has some AMAZING dessert flavors that REALLY help!

    Just keep things in moderation and try to fit in with your daily numbers. Sometimes I find there is one day I cant do as much workout, which sometimes throws me off, but, get some extra walking in and sometimes that helps too. GOOD LUCK!!! It is a battle we ALL fight!! :)
  • Briszler75
    Briszler75 Posts: 88 Member
    Dark chocolate has anti-oxidants.

    :D That's why I eat dark chocolate!
  • somervilleshar
    somervilleshar Posts: 30 Member
    Yeah I have always have that same problem. But I find since I cut out most of sugar out my diet the craving for sugar is less. I can eat a small portion, log it and I'm good. Certain foods help with the cravings like pineapple, full of fiber and it's sweet. I found a dehydrated dark chocolate dipped pineapple and it was to die for. But I have not been able to find it again. If you need that chocolate fix, try dipping fresh strawberries in dark chocolate that helps too!
  • MENichols5
    MENichols5 Posts: 176 Member
    I am a bloated mess the week before and the week of my period :( I look 6 months pregnant! I don't weigh myself the week of my period and usually wait about 2 days after to weigh again because I know it will only discourage me if I see an extra 5 lbs that are just water weight from my period.

    Just take a break from the scale that week if it will discourage you like it does me! Try to avoid really salty foods and eat lots of fresh fruits and water with lemon :) Cardio also helps...jogging and even just a light walk around the neighborhood for awhile.
  • shel1103
    shel1103 Posts: 189 Member
    Those Special K pretzel bars are AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sweet and salty in one!!!!:wink:

    Yes, this!! And they are pretty low in calories, so you sort of feel like you're cheating, but you're not.

    Also - Fiber Plus Caramel Chocolate Coconut bars taste like a Caramel Delight Girl Scout Cookie. : ) 130 cals and it keeps you regular. lol
  • cornfritter22
    cornfritter22 Posts: 230 Member
    I can handle the craving, what I can not handle is the weight gain during this time. How long before your period do you ladies can some pounds? I am about a week away and gained a few and don't know if it is bc my period is coming or I am just gaining. HELP!

    I start to see my weight increase a whole week before and it usually starts dropping about day 2 or sometimes 3. I've seen the scale go up as much as 5 pounds for that lovely time. So discouraging!
  • Dethea
    Dethea Posts: 247 Member
    I have a chocolate mint protein mix that I love. It tastes like Thin Mints! I will drink those, or make smoothies. Luckily for me, I don't like milk chocolate, so I keep dark chocolate around. I get the Ghiradhelli (sp?) packs, with the chocolates single wrapped. I eat one, put the rest away, and try to eat my one piece as slowly as possible.
    I make chocolate popsicles out of sugar free pudding.

    Just a few ideas, it's okay to eat sweets sometimes, as long as you aren't overindulging regularly. :smile:
  • Dipmom
    Dipmom Posts: 228 Member
    I just mostly feel sorry for myself.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I just eat what I want and don't worry about it

    This! It's ok to give in to cravings, just don't let yourself go overboard! If you want ice cream, go to the McD's drive through - their cone is only 150 calories. Or even better, get some sugar free fudgecicles. If you want chocolate, treat yourself with a bar of the best chocolate you can find (I love the Lindt dark chocolate) and just have 2-4 squares a day (whatever your calories allotment allows). If you want salty, buy a bag of pretzels or chips and portion them out into those cute little snack bags so you're not mindlessly eating the whole bag.
  • greeksenorita
    This might sound crazy, but Prozaac just during PMS (usually take for 2 weeks) has helped my mood swings and my cravings for these bad foods! I had talked to my Obgyn about it and this is what she recommended, and it reallly works for me anyway :)
  • Piskie26
    Piskie26 Posts: 5 Member
    I was told the best thing to satisfy sweet cravings around that time of the month is green grapes, it does work but sometimes I need to feel I've had something naughty so I have a chuppa chups lolly, they're low in calories but last for ages so should fix that craving
  • Kebby83
    Kebby83 Posts: 232 Member
    Oh my goodness. Once a month, a week before my period I would sell my leg to eat a huge bar of chocolate and those chips and that hamburger and COOKIES. Sometimes I do.

    I have started knowing that once a month I might have something very bad for me. It's once a month. And I've lost 58 pounds. So I'ma eat that chocolate bar once a friggin' month and love it.

    Don't stand on the scale. OR DO - because last week I lost 1.2lbs on my period and this week, period finished, I lost 3lbs! So if you stand on during your monthly just know you will have a good week afterwards! lol.
  • littlemiss5foot1
    littlemiss5foot1 Posts: 75 Member
    No scales,
    You can get these supps from heath food shops that stop sugar cravings,unsure what they are calledm
    you can always try eating things like low fat yohgut with watermelon? i know i feel bloated and horrible, i also have the implanon which hasnt helped as i get it more frequent than not.. so ive learnt a few tricks.. sometimes i brush my teeth when im craving sugar bad, drink lots of water, i drink coke zero instead of other fizzy drinks, u still get the bubbles on ur tounge which trick u! u could also try chewing gum, but make sure u are eating coz chewing gum makes ur body think u r eating and ur stomache acids strt ding its think which can cause stomache ulcerations in later years...

    I am the biggest junk food feen out.. my biggest fall through is sugar... so when the painters r in town im like a female willy wonka..

    Found this Article so hopefully it helps - Michelle :)

    carb cravings before your period - that also is totally normal. When you are about to have your period your estrogen levels drop and with that your serotonin (a neurotransmitter in your brain that regulates your mood and keeps you happy). Serotonin is made in the gut and the more carbs you eat, the more readily it is made. Basically, when your estrogen drops, your serotonin levels also drop and with that you start craving carbs because eating them will rebalance your serotonin levels. So, you're completely normal. You may want to have some things handy that take the edge off, such as dark chocolate (85% plus), hot chocolate made with water, or anything else that is low in sugar but gives you a little sense of pleasure. There are plenty of brands that produce a small dark chocolate bar, so you don't cave in entirely. A little bit is all you need.

    There's also a great supplement called Oona, made from black cohosh and chasteberry tree. it helps balance your hormones if you feel PMS is taken overhand. There are two types of products - pms 1 and pms 2. The green tin is taken daily for hormone balancing and the orange tin is taken as needed for cramps, menstrual backaches, etc.

    As a first step I suggest you focus on getting through the PMS by keeping a clean diet. I have seen plenty of clients who cleaned up their diets and their PMS symptoms almost disappeared. Your diet has a huge effect on how you feel before and during your period.