watto1980 Member


  • That video looks like a RDL (romanian) rather than a SLDL. RDL has a partial range of motion compared to the SLDL as the SLDL should be lifted from the ground, plus further out from the body than the RDL. There is nothing wrong with doing RDL instead of SLDL especially if flexibility is a problem. It will allow you to keep…
  • Yeah that's exactly what I was thinking! Just go for it dude, eat enough to gain weight and push yourself to get stronger and you will get results! Just give the process some time, you might end up bulking / cutting a couple of times over 1-2 years before you reach your goals.
  • lol nice work Rambo, I liked the ending.
  • You could do some face exercises / stretches to tighten those facial muscles. I doubt it would make much difference though.
  • It's all good, after all 'rest' is part of a balanced lifestyle. You might get better performance results with more rest. I just had a week off and feel awesome, no loss in performance. The only negative was the intense hamstring / glute DOMS I experienced the day after my first weight training session.
  • Another way to help identify how clean the bread is to investigate the hygiene policies and practices used by the bakery / supermarket where it came from.
  • Just eat whatever you want in moderation. Or eat only food that is grown in the ground or runs around on four legs. Either way you will get results if you do it right. I try to eat pretty well, that's why for breakfast I had choc rush cereal, hand picked from the very rare rush tree of south-east Asia.
  • I only have one a day (if that) with a bit of skim milk and have never bothered to log the milk. If I was a big coffee drinker I would probably log it as it would add up over time.
  • Interesting results. It must be nice to find something that works so well for you. I don't have depression or anxiety but when I tried going low carb, some time ago now, it actually gave me anxiety for some reason. I felt terrible and couldn't stay on the diet for very long.
  • I go for fasted walks, they are pretty good for me. I have also done fasted weight lifting with no noticeable reduction in performance. I think it is something you need to try for yourself and see how your body responds. I would suggest having a few glasses of water beforehand.
  • I don't think it makes much difference for fat loss. I like going for morning walks fasted though, it always feels good for me. I always make sure I drink two glasses of water before I start.
  • Hey cheers for the response man. I will post another video in the future when I am lifting more weight so we can see what's going on. I haven't done much DL, the routine I ran for a fair while had RDL but no conventional DL, so I've just been taking it slow trying to learn the movement.
  • Deadlift 105kg (230lb). It feels pretty good. Thought I would get a form check to make sure I won't snap **** up as I keep adding weight. Thanks! http://youtu.be/WUxAtXP4srE
  • Full body is the way to go for a beginner. The routines stated above are good ones but I would suggest checking out All Pro's A Simple Beginner Routine. It is designed so that you progress weekly by adding reps to all lifts rather than adding weight. For someone just starting out this is probably a better option because it…
  • ICF 5x5 might be worth checking out too. It is basically stronglifts 5x5 with accessory lifts. It's a pretty good routine for bulking.
  • I don't know about dangerous, but it probably puts your body's hormones out of whack. I was in a calorie deficit for a little over 6 months and I took 4 weeks off towards the end of that time to eat at maintenance. I then resumed the diet until I reached my goal weight. It made me feel heaps better. That was my experience,…
  • I have done some beginner Pilate exercises and I thought they were pretty good, especially for the core. I think you would achieve better results by continuing what you call; traditional strength training. Weight training isn't easy for anyone, it's tough work but the results are worth it. If you want to hit those glutes…
  • If you are eating in calorie surplus and getting stronger you are probably building some muscle. Building muscle is a slow process. If you want the best results I wouldn't train to failure and I would also train with some structure by following a proven beginner fully body routine such as: -All Pro's a simple beginner…
  • Try eating more, see if that helps. Peanut butter and whole milk are great options. Or Try not to take things written on the forum personally. There are lots of different types of ppl on here with varying degrees of knowledge in respect to diet and exercise. Most ppl say what they think will help based on what they think…
  • Ice cream fitness 5x5 might be worth checking out, it's a good good strength / bulking routine.
  • That's good, maybe try posting in the maintaining or gaining weight sections instead of the weight loss to avoid any confusion. I just finished a bulk not long ago, it was really good. You should try eating more carbs for energy and enjoy the food and gains. I found ratios to be a bit useless myself, I instead aimed to eat…
  • Not sure about the science behind it, but my experience on a lower carb diet wasn't that good. For the short period of time I did it, I think less than a week, I felt anxious and hungry most of the time. I guess you could give it some more time and see if your body adjusts, or if you are losing weight too fast maybe…
  • I laughed at no.1 and no.4. My tip is, drink lots of water!
  • It shouldn't be that hard if you are trying to lose weight, after all you must have been eating a lot more calories to become fat in the first place? Just have some ice cream or something for the last few hundred calories.
  • Spend some cash and setup a home gym. It's the way to go for sure, especially if you are looking to do stronglifts 5x5. Buy a power cage, bench, barbell and some weights.
  • Lol funny stuff, I've blown my *kitten* out of a pair of tight sports shorts when squatting with nothing underneath. We had a good laugh, luckily I was at home so I just finished the workout anyway.
  • And make sure he is following a proven beginner strength program if he is not already, and don't miss any training sessions. If he's been in the gym a few years and no progress it sounds like he might not be training effectively.
  • Just keep bulking and eventually the other areas will bloat and catch up with your arms and face. But seriously bulking is hard, not just physically but mentally as well. My head seems to have ballooned while bulking and I often feel like a slob. I just focus on the strength gains and hold the knowledge that if it works…