

  • Thank you, thank you, thank you all soon to be skinny ones :-))! It feels good to be back and take control again. Don't really want the feeling 'going on a diet' but replacing bad for good food. Instead of the yummie peanut butter chocolate Haagen daz ice cream (never was an ice cream eater but hey dont put peanut butter…
  • For almost a week I can keep it around 1200, most a little under and sometimes a bit over. I thought, wow I should have lost at least 2 lbs when I weighed in this morning. Nope....just 1. Am not sure about starvation mode, but this seems really slow. The first few nights I felt hungry when I went to bed. I just signed up…
  • Not sure if it is kind of similar, but I just got an offer for Jilian Michaels Onine Diet, with customized weight-loss plan; fitness videos, recipes, menu guide etc. for $ 3.49 a week. Maybe I will try but I keep coming back here, because it all comes down to calories in/out. Every diet plan is about certain amount of…
  • Not if you want to lose weight, and certainly not when you are not hungry.
  • Its not so much that I can't handle it, more that it kind of puzzled me. I have lost weight quite consistent but the last few days this is what happened. It makes much more sense knowing about the salt intake, so I am going to change that right away.
  • Thanks!! You both are right. It makes sens, Amarillo, and I love your advice! Mizfit, I just checked my food and especially salt intake which was unusual high compared to what I normal eat. I love salty food but I think this week I really going to cut down and see what happens. Again, thanks for my much better start of the…
  • Thanks! I think I stick with the Kaizen Protein powders ((100% whey) and think I will get a big tub. I don't have any allergies or so. For me its also a recovery drink since I do (sometimes hours!) bike riding. I need something that gives me a good amount of protein, keep me full and is tasty. Noticed the Genisoy on the…
  • Anyone famliar with Genisoy protein powder?
  • Quite funny yeah. I know a Chinese couple who have the same problem after eating hamburger and fries. One hour later they are starving! Weird......
  • Just eat anything you like and don't make a big deal out of it. Isn't it all about portion control? We don't do a special diet here, like no restrictions of carbs, sugar, fat, or whatsoever. We all try to enjoy but LIMITED. If I like to eat chips, I have those mini bags of 100 cal. or if I go out for dinner like last…
  • Bought them yesterday, wow those are yummmmie! I also took a little container to work for a snack. Thanks for the tip!
  • I hear so many good things about Kashi Go Lean, but today in the store I noticed there are 230 calories per serving! This is the Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal. Also I looked for the Go Lean Crisp in Toasted Berry Crumble but I dont think we have that in Canada. I love my oatmeal in the morning but I am looking for cereal…
  • Where exactly do I find that? I don't see "recent foods" on my iPhone or on the
  • Sometimes I eat half of them. But most times it just allows me to eat something extra that day, like having a small treat; a bag of 100 cal. chips or toast with peanut butter. My cycling appr. burns 700 calories, and if I would eat all that I won't lose weight. It does not make sense to eat all the calories that I burn.…
  • I never had a protein shake, until two days ago. I was at Blenz and ordered a 100% fruit, 30%whey protein, yogurt shake. I chose the PB-Chocolate-Banana and it was super creamy, delicious, cold protein shake. Later I found out it has over 700 calories! BIG shock, almost felt guilty. But it kept me full till 7 pm when I ate…
  • Today I had my first 30% Whey protein shake, I ordered it at Blenz. Sooooo super delicious, smooth, creamy and cold. 100% fruit, yogurt, mine was a PB Banana Chocolate. Later I found out it had over 700 calories....WOWIE! Never eat a lunch that big! But I have to admit, because of the protein (they say) I did not feel…
  • HI Just joined today. Made a switch from Lose It so am familiar with the program. It looks there is so much more info and support here. YAY!! :smile:
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