wildwhisper96 Member


  • Thank you! Great way to look at it!
  • It's places like local BBQ places where the alternative salads I just flat out don't like (I'm relatively picky), typically where he wants to go, and in n out, and Red Robin, ect.
  • You have been amazing, thank you! But netting my BMR... I know I should. But it makes me very apprehensive. I'm dealing with getting over Weight cycling. So that much kinda worries me. I can net 1400 for now, and work my way up to my BMR.
  • It can't be that though, I fell off the wagon HARD for three weeks and was just getting back on track this week so it can't be that... Like I lost two pounds from the five I gained, but the last five days... Nothing.):
  • Water flushes toxins from the body and restores fluid to the muscles. It's amazingly important in getting out everyday toxins we ingest with the awful GM foods that give us now. You should drink an ounce for every two pounds of body weight you have (I think, I could be wrong haha) Plus peeing- good. It's a healthy thing.…
  • The hormones are going crazy. You're honestly just retaining fluids. It's the woe of being a girl, but it should go away within a few days. Plus it's IMPOSSIBLE to gain two pounds in 24 hours. Unless you eat like 10,000+ cals. haha
  • Yeah, I'm gonna work my way up. I was going to start the c25k but it doesn't track calories and that bugs me >.< I'm using Nike+ and it seems to be working great for me. But running after 50 mins of Pilates and squats wasn't the best of ideas. >.< haha
  • Haha like once I cool down I feel so pumped! So I'll keep it up for sure haha
  • OKAY. A calorie is a calories is a calorie. Whether it's 5 or 100. Yes, digesting takes calories but so does every other organ function. That's what your BMR is for. I'd still count them.
  • Hey there!(:
  • THIS! I want it so bad! It looks like so much fun but is it really worth the $8?
    in RUN! Comment by wildwhisper96 July 2012
  • SOOOOO I've done a studio class of zumba AND the game for xbox. Personally both give me a good 45-60 min work out BUT the studio is much more intense. There are others around you pushing you to do better, and keep pushing, but honestly Zumba is all about what YOU put into it(:
  • I'm just going to download a ton and go through trial error :3 I have been on a treadmill for awhile but only brisk walking, but i use to able to run. Keyword= used too. I was like 40 pounds lighter. Haha, but I am moving outside and live in AZ so it's like 90 at best outside. So I want to be safe about running too and not…
    in RUN! Comment by wildwhisper96 July 2012
  • I've heard of something like that? I thought it was a program?
    in RUN! Comment by wildwhisper96 July 2012
  • If I were you I would try to ATLEAST get a net over 1200, food is fuel you NEED it. I always keep mine 1400+ (not counting work outs) and it has worked great. (: And I am also overweight. When i was running on 1000-1200 I was okay... for a couple weeks. Then I would get drained easily, and just felt better over once i…
  • Oh my thank you! This reply gave me major hope :3 I'm roughly 22 pounds down from my heaviest and STILL amazingly awkward when it comes to working out, and I thought a gym could really help get that out of me. This reply is giving me hope I'll survive ;o haha
  • I think I will!! ^.^ Thank you! (:
  • YES! I love the DVD's and Zumba classes at a local studio, I just wanted to start strengthing too and I've only come across cardio videos D:
  • I'm actually still in high school, and we do have a weight room, BUT i think it's only for the football players-.- I plan to ask though. School hasn't started yet though.
  • Being a broke student, I think that sounds like the best option Haha (just looked up gym prices...)
  • Honestly? It'll be trial and error. Try tons of new things till you find that THING that all off us can find that you'll love and it'll keep you busy(:
  • I view it as calories are calories, whether they are from a cup of strawberries or a quick nature valley bar. I log EVERYTHING. If I were to cut off the veggies I include with my dinner my protein and carbs and even the calories would be off. But honestly: do what works best for you!(:
  • Thank you!!! (: the only thing the gym near me has had been marked for the jerk off's who work out there -.- ugh haha
  • The fitspo tag is my daily dose of motivation! Gingerspice96.tumblr.com ... I think :o
  • That's amazing!!!! You're an inspiration <3
  • Screw it, I'm just gonna eat right and work out. (I want to ultimately gain muscle too) Honestly, my fault in weight loss is always over thinking. MFP took out the over thinking 24/7 and it worked for me. So I won't allow myself to over think it, and just listen to what my body tells me(: Oh and I mentioned all this to a…
  • WHAT'S TDEE?! D: oh my. Now I feel my 20 pounds down was out of pure luck haha And as far as under eating, I went three weeks eating less then 1000, felt awful. I learned my Lesson and went back to eating 1300+ a day, and gained 5 pounds. Didn't let it discourage me, and started at 1300 as my goal, but I am more worried…
  • But I thought you eat under the BMR like of it was 1700 you eat 1200 and that 500 is being lost in weight? Haha I'm sorry for the awkward wording there >.< what's TDEE by the way?